Tuesday, November 25, 2008
This & that!
I am heavily stressed but I think I'll get over it, that the gods I am not suicidal freak coz by now I would hung myself already.
The past weekend was quite nice, had a braai and all..... got heavily mothered, you know in a relaxed type of way. The night before was crazy though.
And I have just realised that lately I only go home when he sun rises.... that is a clear sign that I have stayed out for too long.
There is a place called TJ10.... nice place to chill at - Problem: It is f*cken expensive, an amstel costs about R19 for a dumpie and since I like trying new things, I decided "Hey, lemme try some Grolsh", ya'll should've seen my face when the bar person asked for R32! Luckily there was some strange man who had been trying to talk to me whole night. Perfect time to start a conversation I though.
Oh, last Thursday.. off I went to Riverside Prestige Motor's official launch.... what a bore it was! In the papers this was the dealer that "has" Lambo's, Ferrari's, Rolls Royces, Bentley's u name it.... now guess how my face looked like when I realised that they only had 2 Porsche Carreiras and a Boxter 4s, a few beemers and 3 mercs. I mean really, what a waste of my event I said to one lady who looked way out of place. Ai, that was that.... I was there for an hour tops. (the food was disgusting so really).
Kwaki is coming to NST this week, how nice!
Ey, I am going back 2 school people.... that was a very tough decision that I'd had to make after deciding not to dump the BF.
Just a year full time, then part time! I don't know.... I hope I don't change my mind though! Education is good for one- (I've been trying to think positively about this).
Coming back with more updates!!!
Friday, November 7, 2008
Murder on a Friday Morning!
There is a cat next door, the cat's name is Hlanya (which means Mad), this cat is very mysterious like... with a bell thing hanging around its neck!
Ok so yesterday I saw it killing a bird, though I didn't take much note of it when it was happening. This morning I came across of what was left of the bird - pigeon to be exact... the insides was out, head almost detached from the body and feathers everywhere. I swept that away and threw the dead bird into the bushes.
Now just moments ago, I saw the same cat killing a lizard.... but here is the interesting part I actually stopped whatever I was doing at the time and looked closely as the cat tortured the sh*t out of this poor lizard.
iyooh! Like Hlanya kept chasing the lizard up and down, blocking it every time it tried to get away. Just went the lizard had found a place to hide - Hlanya went after it a bit the tail off. Then the chase started again with hlanya poking & biting the lizard every now and then.
It looked like hlanya was having fun while the lizard was probably screaming I don't wanna die like this.... so it was like a the lizard gave up on running and accepted that he was about to be eaten.
Ya'll should have seen the way that cat chowed down that lizard.......... now I am here staring (in a very weird manner) at this cat that has murdered something right in front of my eyes.
Well, Friday it is today, wonder what the weekend will bring with itself. The new joints that have opened up in Nelspruit are quite hot and happening so I might just get up to that!!!!
Have a fun one yall!!!!!!!
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Traffic Fine!!!
He asks 4 my license and tells me that he stopped me coz I "disregarded a stop sign".
Now I thought of telling him to go hang himself coz I felt that I was not too wrong, I kept quiet though. What I was thinking about at that time was that I had no shoes on, I always drive without shoes on - now if I remember clearly I think that also can get me a fine..... Hmmm
The dude gave me a R750 fine..... at this time of the month!!! I am so broke....
This officer was the same one that I thought was stalking me.... on Saturday, he was parked at a turn off to town and he stared at me, I didn't even have my seat-belt on, on Sunday I bumped into him at the west-end Spar and he said hi...... then later he was on duty again, I was driving 80 at a 60 zone and he didn't stop me but today, just coz I didn't come to a complete halt at a stop sign I get a ticket...... Me thinks that if I was alone in the car I would've gotten away with it.
He is mean.
Now I have been trying to make out what this guy wrote on this ticket and I cannot read it.... Can I argue that I do not even know why I am charged with this "offence"?
I guess I have to make way to the traffic dept to go negotiate to settle only half the amount.
Back to work!!!
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
I don't even know where to begin filling you in on what has been happening!
I almost got dumped the one time, but we are now cool and besides, if anyone should do the dumping it should be me I think.
I have chosen to lose touch with most "friends" coz I realised that they actually add no value whatsoever to my life, if anything they actually sponge off me. So I am done with that.
I already have 2 small dents on my automobile......
I am officially gatvol of living with the house mates I have..... they are messy, wasteful, stingy and messy, very messy... I cannot take it anymore. So me & man are on the look 4 a new place where we'll move in together, I don't know (am still thinking hard about that).
BF & I are almost a year old, seems like a very, very long time ago hey!!!! Maybe we'll do a lil something and invite all the haters that kept saying that we will never last more than 3weeks!!!!
I have to admit though, starting a relationship for scratch is not easy at all and I hope I do not have to do that again.
My momma & I are getting along very well, it is unbelievable..... and I actually miss my other brother, the one person I dislike the most in the family.... (see Kwaki, I do have a heart).
Bf has been gone for about a week and a half now, he is at his parent's house and all, I get so bored that I actually visit people who don't make sense all just to get away from these housemates of mine.
After accepting that the fuel price will never actually go down the way I'd like it to be, I have taken it upon myself to charge people money to take them to wherever they wanna go, eg: this past weekend I went to go see this chick and when I got to her place, she wanted to go to the mall and asked me if I could take her there, I said fine but I am low on gas so gimme 50bucks.! See, it works coz I also get to go to the mall and no need to add fuel from my own pocket!!!
It is a bit dodgy I know, but hey.... times are tough!!!!
Facebook if full of surprises hey, like this chick who posted pictures of herself on holiday with another woman's husband..... tjo, the fouls came out 99 and all I had to say was "Iyoh". really...
And I also have a friend who realy need to re-evaluate why he got married in the first place coz it seems like married life is not for him..... the chicks he is banging on the side, the late nite partying! When U get married and have kids those are the things that you sometimes have to sacrifice bro, There are little people lookin up to you now!!!
Anywho I should be the last person talking about this, seeing how I was once a woman he was cheating on his wife with....
Another ex-fling of mine who just by the way also got married, came to me saying something that sounded like he is in love with me............ I had to tell that one where to get off, really. What does he think I am..... the one who saved men who are frustrated in the marriages, WTF???
So well, I had to delete numbers quick coz those are definitely people who are going to cause problems between me and man.
Wow, so ya that is it for now but I shall be back with a follow-up on these and more stories!!!!
To all who missed me..... shame, askies... ek is nou terug!!!
Monday, September 29, 2008
2nd last day of the month.....
Where do I begin (Just BTW I always go through this if I have stayed away 4 long)
Well...... I have bought a car (with the help of momma of coz, don't think I could have afforded one by myself),
I still haven't quit my job yet (I am so f*ckin pissed with myself, well maybe something better will come my way),
I was so sick last week.... gosh I even cried! And my boss kakked me out (as sick as I was, bastard has no heart),
BF & I are not exactly seeing eye to eye, so sad - especially coz I am not one to apologise if I feel that I am right & he is wrong!!!
Ulcer attacks are horrible.......... I've had about 4 of them and I have confessed my sins each time I was in pain - I really thought I was dying, all 4 times!
I missed a former friend's funeral, felt guilty for a while there but Jabagal will have to 4give me for missing her sisters funeral, If she had to hear the story that is,
It was Kwaki's B-day sometime last week....................... errrrr, we are stil gon' celebrate that!
Am so ready to move out of that house, I am done living with other people,...... gosh the habbits! Urhg.....
I promise to go back to eating a bit healthy..... but junk food is just so nice, yummmm!
S.A politics................ what can I say that has not been said already!!!!! God help our country, that is my cry right there.
Ok, will def be writing something 2morow!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
I thought I was pregnant for a while there and secretly I was happy, most of all I was terrified of what my family would say when they find out.
Well today I woke up and "it" started, it was a few days late so we were quite convinced, to the extent that I actually stopped smoking & drinking for the 3 days I thought I was carrying something. BF was a bit disappointed, though he didn't say it. I could just see on his face when I told him it was a false alarm. Shame man, the guy was even starting to plan and so on.
Well, the better part is that we can start saving up and planning for a baby sometime in the future...... I on the other side am relieved coz I am about to start a new job and was worried about how being pregnant would affect my work and stuff.
He was hoping for a boy, like most men......
I will be changing my email addresses except for the yahoo and gmail, that is where I can be reached and so on. I hope that I will still find time to blog and isht!
Have a great on!
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
His wife was there of cause so ya'll can rule out the thought that I was flirt with the old man.
They were in a group, going for a breakfast drive in their red Ferrari's..............................
Ok, now I was on my way to Graskop and isht, so that is how I got to see them. 8 Red Hot Ferrari's....it was too nice!
I was going on asking him questions like what he does for a living, how many cars he had and isht!
Talk about extremely wealthy people who don't even bother going to work having made their millions eons ago!
My life has been quiet and drama-free for some time now, till last night when a certain stalker decided to call me around 23H15. First this guy says he met me in Durban then he says no it was Cape Town! My gosh!!!! I seriously do not know how I get this right.... all these weird incidents just love me!
So anyhoo, BF got quiet pissed with this guy calling every now and then. I just closed my eyes and pretended to be sleeping.
It is spring day........ and it is windy, I was so sure I was literally going to get blown away - by the wind that is. I saw a veld fire spreading like crazy and just hopes that it doesn't come close to our place.
I think I should do the whole spring cleaning, change my room setting with curtains and all.... if only I wasn't this lazy! If it was not a Monday, I would consider splashing every second person I see with a bucket full of water but then I realised that I am 24years old and doing that sort of stuff is not for me anymore coz of the years that keep packing up on me! Why can't I just remain an overgrown baby????
Finding the correct car is not an easy job I tell ya, now that I can buy one... I cannot find one I like that will be within my budget. Oi, if I knew it so much hassle.
Happy Monday........ hope the rest of the week is cool.
Monday, August 25, 2008
New week! Better be a good one.....
I guess with the years adding on and realising that you can't go back to being young ever again really gets one to live light..... safe in a way!
Lets face it for a person like me, it's a bit eerie. I've always been the black sheep of the family and the one that was expected to fuck up everything and now I realise that I am not half as bad as my folks see me!
Anyways.... being a goodie2shoes was never my plan but now it seems that I am not a rebel either! I am just a misunderstood weirdo that is quiet cool (so people say)!
Who would've thunk huh????
Ok so here it is for this past weekend~
- Frankie (the cute miniature sausage dog that made my days) is no more... Some older & bigger dogs bit him to death, we just found his short legged body laying on the street like that. I think it is better when you take a dog to be put down rather than just finding it dead like that!
- I am still trying to quit my job (LoL)
- BF is seriously getting on my nerves to the extent that I just want out, last night was just the strangest..... my cuz calls around midnight askin what I'm up 2, so I told him nah, I'm sleeping and that he mustn't come over. Now BF has never met my cuz for some reason so he over reacted and demanding to know what's what. I just got ticked off coz by now he should know that I aint cheatin on his ass!
- With that on Friday I bumped into my ex while we were at some after party... ex and I got to talking a bit and all that (No, we were not trying to get together again) so now BF keeps asking questions about him and isht. I told him all he should know.... that would be that we (ex & I) were just catching up, I am so done with him and we talk now and then!
- His ex's call him and I do not bitch about it.......
- Ok, while at this party thing, we got mugged, it was the funniest thing ever. Well I was scared for a while but quickly laughed it off, I did not lose a lot so f*ck it!
- I am still lookin for a pre-owned car that I can buy...... It's either they are too costly or too old for me to buy!!!
- The Finland guys that were at the Olympic are HOT. I didn't know Fin-like men were so gorgeous!
- I am extremely disappointed with the SPRINGBOKS.... 2 games in a row! No!!! The loss to the All Blacks was embarrassing but understandable but losing to Australia is just not it!
- The less I say about Bafana Bafana the better coz they really know how to piss the isht out of me! The second goal by Teko (I think) was beautiful though!
- 1 medal was all we got, a silver one at that.... WoW! We have to be laughing stock of the Olympics & the African continent! Bring back the Madiba magic please!!!
- I was smashed in a proper manner last Friday! Was so proud when I woke up without a babalas.
- I am hoping for a super week.
- Cold Play, Katy Perry, Adele and the guys that do the song 'Leave out all the rest" totally rock!
Have a good one!
Friday, August 22, 2008
Happy Weekend my People!
So thought I should share this:
Ladies..... Do NOT go dating a guy that work at a bank unless he is the manager or works with investments etc coz consultants and tellers are broke!!!
This I say coz I know, BF is a something consultant at a bank and the man is not rolling in the dow as most people think. Basically they work with big figures, count them and advice millionaires how to spent/save their monies!!!
Well I hope that was helpful for those who thought.... "hmmm, I should marry a man that works for a bank"! oh, an gents, that goes for ya'll too - your GF might ask u 4 some $ around the 5th of the month as they get paid on the 20th of the month!!!
****so that is it for totally useless information for the week****
I am car hunting..... a 2nd hand car that is!
The one I wanted to get last week is no more..... owner got into an accident and the car was written off, the guy survived but then again that aint got isht to do with me,all I wanted was his car!!!
So ya, I am busy with that right now, I had to decide to get a ride as it seems I cannot do proper things without one. Every second post I see on the paper requires that you have one!!! I can't avoid al those costs forever!
Happy weekend!
***Ok, Holy N & Kasie, I will NOT go to a sangoma! I need me some Jesus***
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
*** What is happening 2 me***
Like I'm in some soapie or drama, so for a lil' while I will just disappear till I am cool again!!!! It's so strange.... I've been wanting to end things with BF for the past 4 days but everytime I'm about to tell him to f*ck off, I feel like I'm in too much like with him!
Everybody else just seems to be pissin' the isht out of me ~
and I am not one to be easily irritated, that is why I am so worried.
(and no I are not Preggies so it can't be that)
Some one said I must go consult a sangoma as we believe somebody might be bewitching moi.... I didn't believe at first but black people have a way of making one believe all sorts of rubbish. So yeah... I'll be doin that (I will let ya'll know what "they" say).
Oi, ya'll heard about that satanic kid in Krugersdorp or somewhere close that murdered some kid with a sword, they say he was in black...... now that is some scary shit!!!
The only guy to win a medal (even though it's a silver) for S.A will be the talk of the country when he comes back I tell you..... what the hell is happening to our athletes in Beijing, I just do not get why they couldn't get even one bronze medal (atleast). Ryk..... what's up dude, thought you were the best swimmer the country had.
Anyhoo, I think I have a lot of other things to give me sleepless nights than thinkin about the olympic.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Am still undecided!
Am on a mission to get my momma to give me $ to deposit a skorokoro 4 myself as I now realise that I actually need one. Sucks really coz now everybody @ home will see that I still cannot do stuff 4 myself (it would have been a different case if I was getting paid the $ I deserve). SO now it is back to the begging and sucking up to the woman!!!
Ok, I now have to return the HR guy's call coz I was avoiding my phone the whole day yesterday!!! Yoh and I don't know what to say to him ~ "Errr, hi.... I'm returning a call I missed yesterday..... mmm, I am still trying to sort out my transport issue before I fax back the signed appointment letter." Hope he understands..... actually they are not even supposed to be begging my ass, surely they have other people that they can hire for the same job. Oh Gosh!!!
Am feeling a bit sick-ish, just a bit...... and I suspect I might have a slight case of diarrhoea! I love flavoured milk and yesterday I bought 12 of them in different flavours, too much dairy has never been good for anyone!
Before I forget~ Ya'll never believe what I found when I tried putting my hand down BF's pants.... a box of ganja/maryJane/weed whatever ya'll call it!!! Apparently he was hiding it while @ work! I just do not know what goes on in that man's mind!
Can't wait for the weekend, just wanna sit and enjoy movies.
Wanted is a good movie..... also finally watched Kung Fu Panda - 'twas great! Still haven't gotten a chance to do Hancock but I must soon!!!!
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
mOre ProbLEms.........
The new job (I haven't signed yet though) required that I ave my own car,
I don't own one!!!!!
that sucks real bad, see I knew the day would come when I need to have a car..... I planned on saving for one the next thing you know I am busy spending that same money.
I never, till now been desperate to have my own ride as I used a family car or a friends to get to where ever I needed to go.
That is the reason why I haven't quit yet...... what if it doesn't work out!
Job description says I have to travel to all town in MP for business!!!!
Why can I just win the lotto so I could start my own thing ~ The "thing" I've been dreaming of for years now.
Oi, this is tough........
and they still have no idea of what is goin on (here @ work I mean).
Monday, August 11, 2008
I have just received my appointment letter from some company that wants to employ me.
Here is the story (for those who don't know what's going on):
- I've been really frustrated in my current job, that would be the reason why I went out and applied for every job I thought I was fit for. There were good interviews and the bad one obviously.
- My bosses were sometimes not very nice and I often felt like I could just quit but I didn't coz I needed the money.
- The new job will start on the 1st September, they are offering me almost 2grand than what I am currently earning and 7% commission should I reach my target of R100 000 or more....... I could've settled for R500 difference, as long as I could just stop working here!
- The problem now, however is that I don't know how to tell my bosses that I am leaving in a few weeks.
- I need help.................... do advice on how I should approach them!
Ya ne!
I don't know why I am even thinking twice about this........... I mean everybody knows how shity my male boss treats me!!!
See what I said about me being too nice and tolerant??????
Like I feel bad coz I know I am irreplaceable (they just don't know it yet) and they will soon realise that they should've given me my raise when I asked for it!!!!
Hmmmm. I need to go think about this, it is a major decision for me! This was my first job, since I left tertiary ~ this is the only place I have worked, It's all I know.... !
Ok, I need some time alone!!!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Women's day, weekend and all and all!
and I still haven't heard if we are having a week day off or not, it is a Friday and I am @ work!
Not nice @ all.
Moving on swiftly ----------------> I am NOT gon' bitch about anything today, figured that it'll make me look like a bitter person when in fact, I am the nicest person I know.... I promise you , I am probably one of the very few people that can actually tolerate all sorts of shit that people throw my way, and I do that with a smile!!!
Well, tomorrow was supposed to be date day.... meaning that BF is supposed to take me out on a date but guess what, I will be paying for ev'thing! See yesterday was his older brother's B'day and he bought him a huge gift leaving rather broke as he gets paid 10 days before moi.
That is really shity BUT he will pay for that one way or another...... oh he bought me another cute bag, quite costly too but hey I aint complaining!
Lots of events tomorrow
and I am not planning to attend any of them, its chill @ home or with cool friends and have normal fun, One requires that you look glamorous!
Finally gonna introduce BF to my momma as she will be visiting next week before she goes back to Dublin..... I'm not quite sure why I am doing this but ya I am. And no she will not be staying with us at the house, she sleep else where like a hotel or something.
I really hope all female people would enjoy their day tomorrow.... well actually enjoy the whole month. I wish I could say the entire year but that would be pushing it as we all know, It's not always smooth sailing. Well anyhoo
I am learning how to play a guitar in an attempt to serenade my man one of these day.... I need a professional to help me though, teaching myself isn't actually that effective as I think that everything I play is good (even when I can clearly hear that it aint the case)
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
BiTcHiNG - 2
I'm black, I should still be in bed right now............ free day off! And what do I do..........? No I must go to work, what if I get too much work to cover the following day blah, blah!!!! Dear me, why did I have to be so nice.
Oh well, there is BEEF in the house between the house mates! Its like me, BF and his brother against everyone else.
- 2 Cell phones have gone missing, one dude claims someone must have broken in.... which thief leaves all the really valuable stuff to go steal 2 cheap phone??? Duh
- One says he is gatvol with us making noise on Friday nite..... now that is just stupid! It is a FRIDAY Night, WTF? After a long week, we just wanna come home relax, have a few beers while listening to music in a normal manner before we start going crazy all over town.
- One complains that other people eat all his favourite food and so on.... well that is the same person that didn't put in money for groceries. Oh, he also wont eat the polony coz someone left it unclosed in the fridge????
- The other one owes us half the rent from last month.
- I, for the last 3 weeks have been using my own money to feed 4 men coz they were "broke", I didn't bitch about it...... till this morning when one guy said "oh I bought bread yesterday and now its almost finished"! How dare you bitch about bread when I have spent close to a thousand rands feeding your ass when you were broke ~ That was my answer.
- We all agreed that on the 1st of every month we all pop out R1400 for rent & the rest of the things we pay for..... funny enough, when the time comes - people start acting stupid ans ask too many questions about how much we much actually pay.
- Basically I've just lost my cool with them and am ready to move out and find a new place.... I'll still live with BF (Free massages, manis & pedis, he washes dishes and cleans).
So tonight I am meeting with our landlord so I can tune him whats what.
Oh and there is just too much gossiping going on in that house ~ just so you have to know I am not even part of it, its what you get when you put a black man that acts like a woman & a white man who hates his own kind in one room. So sickening!
Haai ke......
Since the 9th is on a Saturday.... when are we having a day off, Friday or Monday????
Monday, August 4, 2008
1. The first one has to go to my moody house mate, that dude is so moody you'd swear he was pmsing.... really, he's just actin like a bitch these days and I will confront him tonight. I took some time out to calm down coz I knew I was gon' say some hectic things had I spoken yesterday. To top that he still denies that he is gay, a straight man wouldn't do what he's doing!!!
2. Whe you going to publicise an event all over facebook, have banners & posters everywhere.... you better make sure you deliver what is promised!
- Friday night BF & I went to La Kalabash VIP Lounge Launch........ that promised to be mother of all parties to date (in Nelspruit that is),
- We were told to "Dress to Kill", "No entry if you do not look the part".... Bull shit, here is what I have to say: Sasco..... Blue Jeans & a white shirt witha KWV scarf is not dressing to kill, how the hell are we supposed to stick to the dress code if the organiser himself is wearing like he's going to the shops, oh and DARK SHADES AT NIGHT are NOT "IT", them so-called celebs you see on tv are not fashion icons, quit trying to be like them. That goes for you too Brian!
- Please, the next time you invite people to a function........ warn them before hand that they are going to a Nigerian owned venue coz damnit those Naija brothers were all over the show pushing us from side to side!!!
- Where the hell have ya'll seen a "VIP Lounge" with disgustingly dirty toilets that some of us had to run to the parking lot to go squat there (Trust me hygenically, the parking lot was safer than those toilets). Brown, smelly toilets... YUK. I saw some chick there pissing in the basin coz she couldn't stand going nto those toilets..... some other girl puked there too.
- The welcome drinks were shity too..... one had a choice between cheap red wine or KWV whiskey that I swear tasted like brandy!
- They ran out of Marzen Golds................................................... WTF?
- Half the seats there were broken?????
- The music was ok
- Oh, next time.... make the dj's and artists feel welcomed, no free booze or atleast water for the DJ's.
3. Kliff ~ for your career's, please ditch those dancers you had on Friday....... they'll fuck up your stage act. Blue & Cream are their names!!! With stage names like that what would one have expected anyways.
4. Sdunkero ~ The one SAMA award you received didn't make you..... We did. Stop frotin and never 4get the ones who supported you before you became "it".
5. May my ex fling-shag buddy person please get over himself, you are not gawd gift to women, no you are NOT...... and stop askin me to but you a drink, aren't you supposed to be loaded??? You claimed you were!
6. I wish pretty girls would stop sellin themselves short, or being whores I don't know which one to use. At this day and age with aids being the way it is, girls shouln't be goin out looking to be laid by anyone who spents small change on them. That is so not fashionable, especially these students that leave rural areas comin here to study and end up being biatches! EuWW...
Ok then...... I think I am done for now but will be back!!!
Monday, July 28, 2008
Durbs was nice, chilled with the family.... Momma had a super braai for her b'day (You know how oldies do it)!
Aunts, cousins, nieces & nephews all came and danced like "merry" people half the night (I had no choice but to be sober the whole weekend)
Old stories were told as they reminisced on what a troublesome teenager I used to be.... wow!
Yo, my momma got down to old Whitney Houston tracks!
Wished I could've chilled there longer but no..... I had to be @ work!
I got to Nelspruit @ 4.50am by the way and @ 6 I had to wake up & get ready for work (wishing for a day off, yes, yes!)
BF had a blast this past weekend I hear.... hmmm Wonder what he got up to?
Oh I found myself waiting @ the park station for the 22h00 bus..... the one going to Maputo via Nelspruit... dear lord! My ass just froze away and as soon as I got into the bus, there was this funky smell... I have no idea how to explain that stink but it was just there and I had to grin & bear it for about 5 hours as the bus drove!
While waiting there I contacted a jozi hookup but he stood me up.... hmmm I wonder!!! Anyhoo 'twas good though!
I am so not trying to be funny or any other way but there is always that smell when I am standing next/ talking to a male person from Maputo hmmm - that just came to mind right now!
Movin on along...... I am tired, so tired that I actually just want to dose off and 16h30 is just so far away!
Did a bit of shopping too... oh how I love big malls!
Besides that nothing new really!
My male boss was at court today....... someone tell Mafikizolo's management that they are in shit with the law at Pilgrim's rest!!!! Seriously!
My boss was there coz he slapped their road manager...... well it turns out that they (Mafikizolo & crew) were all drunk (driver included), the assaulted some poor Indian man who happened to be carrying a lot of cellphones at the time & they... helped themselves to those phone! The cops there were patiently waiting for them and they were a no show - again!
Haai no
Anyways.... someone tell me how Indian people are able to eat such hot food? Better taste buds or glands, maybe chillies doesn't make them bond with the toilet seat & toilet paper??? That was just a random thought!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Happy Weekend People...
Mine's not made of gold.... but I am not giving it up just like that!!!!
Am I dumb for believing that I will get ahead using my brains and working hard? I mean really - I wouldn't wanna be known for sleeping my way to the top.... how will ever sleep at night???
You should see the old-hairy-disgusting men that want me to shag them in return I will get a nice high paying job.... but is that guaranteed???? How long will it take for other people to realise that I wasn't employed coz of qualifications or experience????
Anyways I was chilling to the people who always know what is going on in other peoples' lives, my gosh .... my jaw was on the floor!
Corruption & promiscuity will never stop in Mpumalanga - I see!
Sure it is true that there is nothing for mahala.... yup! Fortunately I am one of those people who refuse to be exploited and isht!
Question: What happened to most of the people who joined the MPower boat when the station was first introduced???? think Mash, Helen (Gosh I hope they do not read my blog or I'll be in shit). Still though... everybody else is talking about it so WTF???
Oh and I hope that some people stop acting smart when they actually steal other people's ideas , making them their own! They must stop being greedy and let the rest of us unknowns get a slice of the big cake.
Then you get the ones who like acting as if they are celebs when they are around normal people like us.... I only have one thing to say to them: "Stop acting like a big fish in this our tiny pond." Thank you very much.
Ok, enough about that....
I'm off to Durban tonight, it's been a while since I've gone home! Chilling with the family, sleeping in my old bed & covers! Yeah... am quite happy about that. Twas my momma's b-day yesterday, big braai on Saturday.
Oy, BF is pissed off that I was pissed off and I told him that I wasn't pissed coz of him, I was pissed coz I have the flu and I hate having the flu... oh and I got it from him just by the way!
Have a beautiful weekend!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Random thoughts...
I'm going to Durban, for a few reasons ~ See my momma, One World Festival, hook up with friends and get some of my old clothes to see if they still fit me!!! I am not sure about the last reason by WTH...
I also have the flu, for the second time this year and I got it from the BF....
I only get flu once a year and I am quite pissed that I got it again, I cannot stand being sick. The runny nose, phlem and sore throat just doesn't sit well with me!
I'm broke... yes I am but I am worried about it! Ever since I paid off all my accounts ~ Life is just a breeze! I don't owe anybody, I don't have monthly installments/insurance/petrol/car service that I have to pay for... wow! To top that off I just couldn't be bothered with getting a funeral cover or getting into these investment schemes and so on... simply coz I just do NOT give a rats arse what happens! I have no child to look after, the BF can sort himself out, besides I don't understand why I should put aside money that will be misused by other people when I am dead..... (sounds like crazy talk huh). So if I die soon, my momma will bury me - that I am sure about!
Ask me about this after I get knocked up or have a lil' Diva protege running around then maybe I'll consider getting into these savings/investments thing.
Anyhoo.... back to FB now!
Monday, July 21, 2008
MPower...... Auditions were KAK!
I know ya'll gonna think I am beefing coz I didn't make it but let me tell what went down anyways.......
First a huge hoo-haa is made about the event on Facebook, radio etc, it took place @ Riverside Mall right in front of Pick n Pay, Clicks and the other shops there - causing some sort congestion there. Basically everyone that walked passed, stood and watched as me & a hell lot of other people made idiots out of ourselves.
I mean couldn't they just make it somewhat private and relaxing.....
Think about it, while you are standing there trying to follow the poorly written script.... you have all kinds of people staring at you and probably analysing + gossiping about your accent or the way you are dressed ~ I swear that was so uncomfortable!
I assume they were trying to create a reality-type thing happening there but it was too noisy & there were just too many distractions period!
Anyways..... so there I am with Kliff & BF there, trying our "luck". Oy... first they tell Kliff that he sounds like community radio material!
Some girl went after him then it was my turn.....
Ya'll know that I am somewhat shy neh.... so there I was script in hand, hands and knees shaking like a mutther (that is how I get when I am nervous) reading through the damn thing when ~ just half way through it this guy Dave, who is apparently the programmes manager - decides to stop me and ask if I am chewing gum or something?.... I answered No, then he went to say that there was something wrong with my "speech" and that I was too laid back! Right then my mind just switched off and did not bother listening to what he had to say..... I just turned and walked away having not heard what the rest of the "JUDGES" had to say obviously.
After an hour's interval... they carried on with the auditions calling back the 13 people who had made it earlier on. This time they all had to say the exact same thing - (Ya I was still there giving Kliff some moral support).
Out of the 13 there were 4 black guys, 1 gay shim, 4 black chicks & 4 white chicks.... out of that number only 5 people went to the final. The 5 people included 1 guy, 1 shim, 3 white chicks!
Shocked about the outcome, I decided to ask questions and managed to gather the following:
1. This was just a publicity stunt....
2. They already know who they will employ as their next jock....
3. That person happens to be some white chick from around, that is what they were looking for all along....
Now I am asking why the hell are they wasting so much of the sponsor's (Vodacom) money, going to all these places ( Witbank, Nelspruit & Secunda)???
Me think it's because they are trying to get people to listen to their station.... which is quite difficult for some of us coz I personally think that they play kak music, discuss whack topic, have egomaniacs for jocks and not much originality/creativity is goin on there so on&on... I can bitch about this till dusk! It's like they are told what to say!
The one good thing though, is that the money is quite good.... which the draw card for me (I need to buy me a car ya'll)!
One of the judges was the guy that does the breakfast show, talk about a brother playa hatin on another.
Some have even called the station manager a puppet as he cannot even make decisions on behalf of the station - wow!
So ya, that was my weekend basically........
I still cannot believe I plucked up the courage to stand in front of people and " audition".... Auditions were not made for a person like, worse I hate being looked at so you can just imagine how terrified I was...... my nerves just got the better of me!
***Just by the way, this so not a racial thing... It's just way more than that***
Friday, July 18, 2008
Have nothing planned and sleeping a bit longer than normal might just the highlight of it!
Oh, I have a problem..... I can't touch a car's door, pc screen, spoons and sometimes people! I am static, I think.
I am now tryin to figure out how I can put this so that I don't confuse you.... it feels like a slight electrocution and I can't take it anymore!
have a fab weekend!!!
Monday, July 14, 2008
the weekend I had....
On Friday, I spent time with BF and had a quiet time as I did not know where the Ligwalagwala FM party was ~ as they said, they don't bother inviting me anywhere coz I keep myself locked up!!!! Well, It's actually called being in love and having other priorities besides braving the cold to get smashed and having strangers with huge egos all up in my business!!! Try having a hot bodied someone sleeping next to you.... then weigh your options!!!
On Saturday: Went to harass my former landlord for the money he owed me, R3000 is a lot of money especially if you as broke as I was. Hooked up with my chef friend who whipped up some delissshh food while we sipped our soberness away, went to the FNB basement party... it was horrible but I had fun nonetheless!!! Went to a fab dinner @ Orange.... had a fab time there aswell.
Sunday, I finally decided to clean my room after I woke up at about 15H00 -
BF tried giving me a homemade manicure....... it did NOT work out @ all, shame ~ at least he tried!
That is it for my weekend.
My momma is coming to South Africa this week..... yay! I miss the woman, even though she gets on my nerves sometimes, she's the only one I got!!!
Thursday, July 10, 2008
@@@@ no title realy!
Oh, I think that is the case with BF right now.... on Saturday, me feeling all generous and shit decided to buy the man some things, he has gotten me stuff before so I thought that maybe if I also got him something he'd be happy! My dear lord, I saw this look on his face that just said "What the fcuk were you thinking woman?" and did I mention that I spent a lot of money on those gifts?
Anyways so ya, that is that..... I was upset about it but now, I am cool. We are going to a "hobbo" party at his work place on Saturday - I am however still trying to cook up an excuse to miss it and I haven't been successful yet. I see, the only way I might win is if I suddenly get my period and start crying from the hectic cramps! Yuk.....
Did I tell you guys how annoying some of work buddies are?
Oh - another funny one: Abe, the midget-looking like friend we stay with is going out with Heidi.... the same girl that BF was macking on or dating (don't know the real story there) when we met. BF didn't look very impressed with that and now I am wondering WTF?????? More like - don't make me go crazy on you now? Abe also has a new hobby = macking on every available woman at the complex we live in.
It's Phuza Thursday today - trust Gareth Cliff to promote that on 5FM!!!
Monday, July 7, 2008
Weekend -
- Hooked up with a few friends,
- Downed beers,
- Met a crazy chick who came down with a friend to Nelspruit for her B'day,
- Made up with BF after hectic argument on Thursday,
- Spent a lot of money on something, I just don't remember what exactly,
- Attended some Miss Barberton shit thing - poorly organised, too many drunk people in one place has never been wise.
- Got a flat tyre on Kliff's car
- BF drank till he puked,
- I danced like a white chick - no offence.......
- Somehow managed to get my laundry done....
- Realised how hot BF actually is...... strange that I had never noticed that before.
- Had a serious shaggathon going on as well,
- Harold & Kumar is the isht...
Ya, now am @ work (though I wish I wasn't)...... wearing something very floral (my washing had no dried in the morning). I have no idea where to start or what I should do today.
My one friend had a baby shower over the weekend, I couldn't make it but I had a cool chat with her over the phone.....
then it hit me.... again - my gosh I am growing older, almost everybody is getting older and doing what old people do and me, I still dress up the same way as I did when I was still a student, I talk funny isht, given the chance I play with kiddies stuff, play street soccer and do all the other isht I did back in the day. My hairstyle hasn't changed either, my tongue is still pierced...
I don't know why people change so much when they get to their mid/late 20's. they dress funny too.
Ah well, as shocked as I am - still, I cannot believe I haven't change much since those days and I am planning keeping things like that for a very, very log time - or maybe until I get kids.
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Am now avoiding all calls from unknown numbers as I, earlier on - cussed (in a vulgar manner) at the BF's ex.... the woman keeps sending him texts & calling him - Like.... they have nothing to talk about and definitely no going down memory lane.
This is so not like me but fcukit, she annoys me to the core.
Besides all that, all is still good @ my love land!
People are headed down to Durban for the July shindig... drive safely & have stax of fun! I personally think it is a waste of money and the fun is really enjoyed by the rich & famous, as they get vvip treatment while a normal Tom just go on ahead trying to fit in..... when they don't really care who the fcuck you are.
I on the other hand am planning on getting heavily smashed with Kwaki, BF, Kliffo'day & who ever that decides to join us!!!
Don't ya'll wish Bridget could update her blog.... I miss her!
Oh well, back to work!
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
Ya'll should have seen him shaking things that should never shake on a striper-pole! I danced on it too - and fell a few times but who cares....
I couldn't eat, walk or watch tv.....
I spent like half my rent money so now I am in a sorry state.... but fcukit I'll get over it soon.
This week got off on a boring start, am hoping that it ends with a blast!!!
Kwaki is in Nelspruit.... yay! Planning on a serious debauchery nine9, on Saturday that is!!!!
So about the new job thing - they still want to employ me but only from October.... am thinking long & hard if I should for them or move on!!!!
Amy winehouse is full of shit.. or crack, either way she is a disgusting piece of trash with a very nice voice!!!!! She needs Jesus, immediately!
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
SAVE ME......
That is a desperate cry for help! Asseblief tog!
BF is so happy coz "It'll give them a chance to know you".... NOT, they are already complaining that we are sleeping in the same room! OMG when will I get a chance to smoke or drink beer.....
This is so not happening, I wish it doesn't.... ooh but BF is gon' be so disappointed, saw his face change when he told me that they (his parents) would be visiting.... I just froze and the first words out of my mount were ~ What, why, when, why oh god, I think I need to visit a friend!
Moving on slowly......
Cats, I love cats for some reason they just interest me but because I am black I cannot have one as a pet for fear of being accused of practising witchcraft. It is so weird how black people are so supersticious.... as a teenager I wanted a monkey for a pet and my momma said NO, finish & klaar! "what do you want our neighbours to think???? I am not a witch and if we have a monkey staying with us, that is exactly what they will think"
Fcuk it man.....
SO as a results I grew up with no pets whatsoever.... there was that one dog a very long time a go but it tried biting me so it was clearly not my or our pet, a stray dog I think it was!
So BF wants a dog.... ok so I suggested that we get those miniature sausage dogs or chiwawa but no HE wants those big ass dogs..... my problem: they shit too much and I am terrified of them, they are so not cute!!!
Monday, June 23, 2008
Monday ~
Happy Monday......
Enjoy the week.......
I don't know what's up but I am in a happy mood, no doubt!
Friday, June 20, 2008
Happy weekend ~
1. What is your first name?
… Khensani
2. What is your favorite food?
… Ocean Basket's Platter.... (hake, prawns, calamari, mussels etc)
3. What high school did you go to?
… Middleburg High then Hoerskool Bergvlam then Lowveld Christian School.... what???? I got expelled a few times.
4. What is your favorite color?
... Green, Yellow, Black - I have more than 1 fav. color!
5. Who is your celebrity crush?
… Jay Z - No, not Jacob Zuma, Josh Hartnet & Mathew (Failure to launch, yes that one)
6. What is your favorite drink?
… Water
7. What is your dream vacation?
… Anywhere I've never been to, @ someone Else's account ofcoz
8. What is your favorite dessert?
… Malva Pudding & Homemade custard
9. What do you want to be when you grow up?
… an extremely wealthy but unknown woman
10. What do you love most in life?
... Meself, duh!
11. What is one word that describes you?
… Oi
12. What is your blog name?
… Diva, there is no wow explanation to it really!
No plans, no,no but I am so gon' have fun.... even if it'll be just sleeping or watching movies!
Today was one of the most hectic ones at work - shooo, I didn't want to be me today!
Luckily.... I passed the test I wrote earlier on this week and I might be getting meself a new job that pays me at least 2grand more than what I am currently earning, it's not much but you'd be surprised to see how much that lil bit helps.
I would've taken any job, even if it payed me R100 more than my salary right now. The fact of the matter is that I want a new job, anywhere....as long as I don't work here anymore.
It sounds like I don't know what I wanna do with myself & career but honestly I have plans of owning something soon, still in process (don't wanna give too much details) and while I wait for that to take off, I wanna acquire as much knowledge, skills as needed from almost related fields, money and isht.
So ya....
Wish ya'll have a fab one!
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Phuza Thursday ~ W-end almost here...
I have started doing tummy crunches and all that stupid nonsense with the hopes of becoming a summer bunny, bombshell, sexy thang later on this year.... let me tell that it aint easy, in fact it is pretty fucked up coz my tummy hurts and apparently that is a sign that my muscles are working.
So BF is helping me out! It's weird but fine I guess.
And we....I have been invited to their "Hobo" party sometime soon. I know it's coz they wanna look/analyse me and shit. They (his work buddies) only see me from very far and I have heard that they think I some sort of weirdo. I'll show them who's the weird one! BF made me promise not to try and drink everyone under the table (free booze)... I said I wouldn't but how the heck will I relax if I'm sober????
NO fair.
I still think that the Nelspruit SABC only employs people who have a high alcohol tolerance..... jyslik, almost everyone I know who works there has a passion for booze, some more than me! And I thought that was highly unlikely unless I would be competing with a drinker that desperately needs to attend AA meetings.
Anyhoo.... gots to go back to pleasing the humans that pay my salary.
Ooh it's 'Phuza Thursday" today... or "Thirsty Thursday" to some (SABC employees, sshhh...)
Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Planting weed to save for wine....
That is just me wishing.... I gotta work and money for my boss so he can buy another car this year!
Have I ever mentioned that I, just by the way... don't have one! I swear if I don't get one soon, I'll forget how to drive for real.
Anyways.... seems like no one has an overly interesting story to tell!
I have met people who are bull shit writers but really quiet people in person, I find that so strange! But then again, I guess that is the beauty of writing isht down that actually saying it like verbally...... some say it is verbal or oral vomit or some isht like that!
My BF smokes weed, and so I decided to plant him some. I mean it can't be illegal coz I won't be selling it, just growing it do that he can spent less on buying that stuff and invest in the wine collection I want so much... I can't brew my own alcohol but I can definitely plant some weed! Hope the police don't come check what I am doing there.... I have fears that my demented old tannie that leaves right next to us might rat me out. She's freaky always smiling and waving from her veranda. She's too nice in a weird kind of way, its suspicious!
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
Weekend - MonTuesday
Let me post something.
Weekend - Long.... felt longer than it really was, I drank drinks with alcohol in them but did not get sloshed.... Sleepy & bored is more like it.
Tried doing the whole partying thing and that did not work out either...
So I thought to myself... hmmmm maybe I'm outgrowing this whole love today like it is your last thing and gotten used to just chilling when I have free time.
I enjoyed curling up on the couch more than the club thing.... wow!
Yesterday BF was trying to get me to go out coz he feels that "it is his fault" that people say that I am hiding myself and am "out of the scene".... which scene they are talking about, I do not know. But yeah so, yesterday I eventually went along with some friends and saw very new faces to me, some loud and pretentious, some ok and some thinking what the hell happened to er (her being me)... as ya'll might have read already I don't do fashion, I do me... so there I was chubby and all, wearing something that looks like a sarong wrapped as a top, afro out, cargo shorts and a camo bag!!!
I could just see all those weired stares and carried on talkin as usual.
Sunday: a chef friend of ours decided to make potjie kos.... yummy!
I was so full I just wanted to pass out!
I almost fell from a moving 1400 bakkie.... we were sitting at the back (you do know how small that car is right) and I was sitting on a camp master chair at the back. I was having a lekker time chatting with buddies when the driver decided to drive faster and making a turn that made the chair tilt a bit, making me almost fall out of the car.... so the same people I was chilling with had to grab me by my legs and one arm to stop me from falling!
My ass was terrified.... I have since refused to get into another Nissan 1400 bakkie.
Askies for the driver coz I told him exactly what I thought of his driving and so on.
This Tuesday feels like a bloody Monday...... I sense that I am gon have a very bad week @ work, I am writing a test today, I am broke and waiting for month end, both my bosses are moody today - oh wow is me, what am I going to do?...
Have a great one!!!
Friday, June 13, 2008
Happy Long Weekend....
It has been a long, tiring week for me (which is why I haven't been here so much).
This morning, I asked BF to put some fish fingers in oven, the man took the whole box of the think and chucked it in the oven - box and all!
Only when I started to check what funny smell was coming from the kitchen, I realised what he had done....
Dear God I said, what the f*ck was he thinking.... the whole kitchen was in smoke! Oh and on Wednesday, he decided that he was gon' make supper....
I wish he hadn't.....
Too much pepper and salt.... everything just looked brown, brown I tell ya! I love food with colour. Coz of the way that food was I was forced to have rusks & tea for supper.... of coz he ate his food, like there was nothing wrong with it.
June 16 is coming up and honestly lately the holiday for me has lost it's relevance, mostly coz for some it is just an extra day to get smashed and run amok. So I will spent the day catching up on my reading, I wished that there'd be some nice event goin on but haai, this is Nelspruit and the only events I know of is the government one and the "Back-to-School" party..... yup you have to be in a school uniform to get in.
I don't even have my old uniform with me anymore.... not sure if it would still fit me anyways.
Hope ya'll have a supa rockas one!
Tuesday, June 10, 2008
Urgh tasting food....
I don't know how "health conscious" people do it. Tuna in "water" - I love my tuna with the veggie oil thank you. Then there is the Slimmer's steak - I buy that but it is so dry.
Obviously no one wants to be overweight and have funny illnesses caused by having an unhealthy "diet" but damn.... the skinny people overdo it sometimes...
I know I never want to be skinny but I don't wanna be "obese" either.
Ya, I don't do too fatty foods - but slap chips are an exception....
I love my food and there is no way I will start eating tasteless things coz it's "healthy and fat free"... I make sure that it is just healthy enough for me, I cook it so ya I check the things I put into whatever I am making....
Monday, June 9, 2008
What happens in Vegas..... def does not stay in Vegas!
It was unplanned... the one minute we were going around looking for "lingerie" (apparently my underwear is not as sexy as I'd like to think it is, was.... whatever- ouch) the next thing we were paying for the movie tickets.
I hadn't done that in a while - mostly coz I chose to spend money on alcohol than goin to the movies. I can't be blamed for that though..... do you know how weird it is having people staring at you coz you came out of the theatre alone!!!
He, he, he ~ I've just remembered how strange it looked when these other friends of mine found me at my place sloshed out of my mind..... ALONE, and I was dancing.
One of them even decided to have a "talk" with me coz my drinking was getting out of hand (my thought: "WTF are you talking about dude, I just had about 12 bears that's all... shoo acting like I have major drinking problems") and it was a Friday ~ everybody knows that Fridays are "Get smashed" days so you can recover on Saturday & Sunday - duh!!!!!
Ok then..... about the movie, it is a must watch, it's nice with a bit of strange romance and isht! It'll make you laugh a little.... I find the strangest things funny so I laughed a lot!!!!
Mamma's boy is next..... next weekend!
ooh, Ooh.... we are having a long one. I am so gon' love this!!
.... Monday - June9
Today I came to work looking very thuggish.... yes I am lokshin like that!
Had a niceish/quiet weekend, I was making noise but then it turns out that the other neighbor gave birth to a baby girl, 5 weeks premature and so w had to turn down the volume coz the baby was trying to sleep!!! Ya,
When I have mine.... I'll remember to make other neighbour's live miserable too just coz the baby wants to sleep!!!
So I had just a blah weekend...... with lots of beer!
Have a great week....
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
WednesDay...... (",)
Think that they are always funny. BF in "play"mode... really ticked me off & left bruises on my arms and back, people might think that I am being physically abused by a deranged lover. So basically I started today in a very bad mood!
To add to that, his aunt called last night tellin him that it was a bad idea to live with me, it is like a "vat en sit".
Let me correct her....: Our living arrangement is not a vat en sit coz ~
1. We all pay the same amount towards rent.
2. His older brother stays with us as well as another friend....... we would've gotten a 1bed flat if that was the case, duh!!!
3. The reason behind this living arrangement was so that we could save a bit of money as we were all paying too much where we living...
4. It is convenient for everybody (for now that is)
5. If I was that kind of person, (slut is what she said I was... and the woman has never met me) doesn't she think I would gotten knocked up by some estranged dude by now... I had been living alone for a long time before I hooked up with current BF.
I don't feel like on about this anymore..... my gosh! Would ya believe that...
They ( BF's fam) seem to think that I am there to spend their son's money (which is not much, just so you know) and trap him in love-less vat en sit kinda situation.............................. or some odd shit like that!
I am the one who pushes him to do stuff for his fam as both the momz & papz are retired!
(**Calming down**)
So now that is the new drama in my love thing I have going on with BF.
And I am not talking to him today........ the whole day! I plan on sulking, moaning, irritating & pissing the shit out of all my housemates for the day. Childish..... maybe, but I'll do it anyways, coz I can.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
TuesDay.... hubba ~ hubba
I can't cook & do dishes while there are grown people in the house!
Like everytime something has to be done around the house.... he disappears! Oh & the excuses are there too. The "I have a terrible headaches", " I think I'm coming down with something & I am not too well" stories are old.. and I have used them all (when trying to avoid shagging)... and you'd think for a man he'd try some line I've never used on a man before!
I added yet another scar on me body... scraped my knee when I almost fell. How, why?????? I do not know, the one second I was walking then the next I was trying to balance and I was falling in a "would be very embarrassing" way. Anyways...
The new dude (the one that behaves gay but swears he is straight) asked when my female friends are coming to visit. Me said maybe this weekend and asked why.... " Oh, nothing. I am just wondering if they would want to come with us to the Blu Exclusive Party on Sats".
Uh huh.... what ever!
We (BF & I) are trying to hook up his older brother (31years old by the way) with a woman, any woman FFS... apparently he has never had a proper girlfriend and we suspect he is still a virgin. Do not ask why... we just do!
So he (older brotha) is reading & books of how to find a perfect partner and as a result of following the guidelines ~ none of what he has tried actually worked. The book is called "Waiting & Dating"
And he apparently is a born again christian person who attends some weird church but that is no excuse for him not to date.... everyone else he knows & goes to church with does.
Maybe I should butt out.....
No, that is not my style........ I am the number on shit talker in the house so I'ma carry on pissing him off till he gets a GF before my BF gets too worried as he too suspects that his older brotha is gay! And you know how kasie boys are.., some just do not understand how a man can be gay when there are so many women out there.
Back to work now!!!!
Monday, June 2, 2008
Got one......
N�[38 Rue Des Martyrs Cocody Abidjan,
Cote d'Ivoire
I am the above named person from Kuwait. I am married to Mr.Abram Morgan,who worked with Kuwait embassy in Ivory Coast for nine years before he diedin the year 2004.
We were married for eleven years without a child. He diedafter a brief illness that lasted for only four days.Before his death we were both born again Christian. Since his death Idecided not to remarry or get a child outside my matrimonial home which theBible is against.
When my late husband was alive he deposited the sum of$2. 5 Million (Two Million Five Hundred U.S. Dollars) in the bank here inAbidjan in suspense account.Presently, the fund is still with the bank. Recently, my Doctor told methat i have serious sickness which is cancer problem.
The one that disturbsme most is my stroke sickness. Having known my condition I decided todonate this fund to a church or individual that will utilize this money theway I am going to instruct herein. I want a church that will use this fundfor orphanages, widows, propagating the word of God and to endeavour thatthe house of God is maintained.
The Bible made us to understand that blessed is the hand that giveth. Itook this decision because I don’t have any child that will inherit thismoney and my husband relatives are not Christians and I don’t want myhusband’s efforts to be used by unbelievers. I don’t want a situation wherethis money will be used in an ungodly way. This is why I am taking thisdecision. I am not afraid of death hence i know where I am going.
I knowthat I am going to be in the bosom of the Lord. Exodus 14 VS 14 says thatthe Lord will fight my case and I shall hold my peace.I don’t need any telephone communication in this regard because of myhealth hence the presence of my husband’s relatives is around me always Idon't want them to know about this development.
With God all things arepossible. As soon as I receive your reply I shall give you the contact ofthe bank here in Abidjan. I want you and the church to always pray for mebecause the Lord is my shepherd. My happiness is that I lived a life of aworthy Christian. Whoever that wants to serve the Lord must serve him inspirit and Truth. Please always be prayerful all through your life.
Contact me on the above e-mail address for more information’s, any delay inyour reply will give me room in sourcing another church or individual forthis same purpose.
Please assure me that you will act accordingly as IStated herein. Hoping to receive yourreply.
Remain blessed in the Lord.
Yours in Christ,
Mrs susan morgan
Fine... I got one of these e-mails too and, what I wanna know is what are these people up to realy??? It bugs me 99.
So who wams to contact them and find out what they are on about????
Monday ~ Winter is here
But that never happens!
I finally moved to that new place.... it's nice & biggish!
With the packing, unpacking, cleaning & doing 3week's of laundry..... I am still tired, so tired that when BF tried kissing me I told him he better stop coz he aint getting any - then later he got tired from cleaning & blah, I tried touching him & he told me to leave him alone coz I aint getting any either!!!!
I thought that we'd be shagging like monkeys since we'd be staying together full time.....
My room is a mess that I still haven't figured how I'm gon' clean up.
Oh.... we have another house mate staying with us, he insists that he is straight & attracted to older women @ that!!! This should really be fun... me staying with such funny characters!
I missed reading the posts from last week..... you know how it is like close to month end...... I have no internet connection!!!
It's starting to be cold ~ I know Joburg'az have been complaining about the cold weather for some time now but in Nelspruit.... It is still a bit warm.
I have to start investing in new pairs of socks!
This, being my very first time using prepaid electricity is gon' be tough coz apparently heaters use a lot of power.... I've never had to pay for electricity before and now I do and am being reminded to save, save, save!!! Shooo... hot water bottles it is then!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Monday ~ the footache & witchcraft.... hee, hee
My foot is killing me, swollen and all! This started around 4pm after the function we were busy with, I told some girl that standing next to me at the time and she suspects witchcraft!
Eish mara black people sometimes........ while on that she also adviced me which witchdoctor I must go to as he is highly recommended and heals you in one day! My word, I do not believe in that nonsense but newspapers like the Daily Sun are trying to convince me that it does infact exist.... I, however still believe that I am in pain coz I was doing something my legs are not used to...... running!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Then I got busy..............................................................
And forgot all about it............................
Then I got busy..............................................................
And forgot all about it............................
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
ChooozeDay! Drama - less action
I've had six choc-chip muffins since the morning..... and had some for supper last night, mmmm - had those with hot custard, yummy!!!
I don't know what's happening to me, you'd swear I was eating for two.
I had a hectic one, on three calls all @ once... fax faulty, printer had some jam and cute pants I am wearing have a huge coffee stain on them - call me a cluts, I know!!!
Throat not so great today.... and I haven't had a smoke today, It's too early to clap hands but ya, and I am dying for one!
BF decided to "Propose" marriage to me...... about 2 minutes ago, ha, ha, ha - that nigga must be out of his mind, I only agreed that we can share a house (with a friend & his brother, remember) but I am so not ready for that isht...
The last time a dude was on that tip, he gave me a promise ring and went on telling male people not to speak to me as I was his "Wife" - Would ya believe that.... I need male people (who are friends to get drunk with). Anyhoo I had to leave that one soon as I suspected that he would start telling what to do to my hair and not to wear skirts with sneakers....... not possible, ever!
Can't believe uTumelo (BF aka HP) has gone all soft on me, falling in love and isht..... I still wanna be a girlfriend not a fiance/wife!!! Finish & Klaar!
Are ya'll having a good day!
Monday, May 19, 2008
See... this is why I wanna quit my job, here is another story about my boss person.
Still no justice for Mafikizolo’s road manager
Saturday May 17, 2008 22:05 - (SA)
Flamboyant Mpumalanga music promoter Bruce Kgapane stands accused of assaulting Mafikizolo’s road manager last year – and this week he strong-armed the magistrate into postponing the case for a second time. on Wednesday the Ziyaphenduka Promotions boss appeared at the Pilgrim’s Rest Magistrates’ Court near Lydenburg, Mpumalanga, on charges of assault and pointing a firearm.
Kgapane is accused of assaulting Mafikizolo’s road manager Piwe Shabangu after the Afro-pop group failed to appear on time for a performance at a department of labour function in September last year. Mafikizolo was booked by Kgapane’s company to perform in Pilgrim’s Rest, but could not arrive on time because they were travelling from Durban, where they were performing at the Loerie Awards.
This week Kgapane and Shabangu and some members of Mafikizolo avoided each other in the court corridors on several occasions, but Kgapane put on a brave face after the appearance and shook hands with the group’s manager, Julius Mekwa. Kgapane asked the court to postpone the case because his attorney was not available.
He told magistrate A Serfontein he had not been aware that his attorney was sick. “I only learnt that he is not coming through the prosecutor right now,” said Kgapane. The prosecutor, Tobie Steny, told the magistrate Kgapane’s lawyer had phoned a few minutes before the case was called to tell him that he wouldn’t be in court because he was down with flu. But Steyn insisted on proceeding with the case.
He said the case had been postponed six months before trial and it shouldn’t be postponed again at the last minute. “The attorney should have called yesterday for me to contact the witnesses,” says Steyn. He also argued that the witnesses stay far away in Gauteng. Kgapane said it would be challenging for him to continue with the case without his attorney. “I request we postpone the case until my attorney is well,” Kgapane insisted.
Magistrate Serfontein finally agreed with him, saying everybody had the right to a legal representative. The case was postponed to next month for trial and Steyn said he was going to call seven witnesses.
**** and here is the story from my side....
Yes my boss slapped the girl (which was not cool @ all), but she was very rude and the way they handled the situation was not professional @ all....
They lied about most things (including the gun thing, the boss man does not even own one) and they breached the contract!!!
Since then we have not used any of the artists that are managed by Julias's company - Exclusive Management Services.....
Anyhooo, am crossing my fingers that my next interview goes well so I can stick the middle finger to my boss.... he, he!!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Sat-Ur-Day.... @ Work - Not impressed at all!
This is so not on, basically my weekend has been ruined coz I'll be tired by the time I get home. I'm doing some physical labour here!!!
Maybe... Aloe for all (or something that reads similar)
Am now listening to my portable radio....
Hope everyone is having a fab one! Mine sucks....
See why I'm looking 4 another job???
Friday, May 16, 2008
Sex and office gossip...... Friday!
In a relationship, sometimes things do NOT happen as you'd want them to!
I'm upset....... 'coz the BF (@00H47) wanted to shag when I wanted to sleep, I was tired, really tired!
There are times when he would want to do it and I wouldn't but he, on the other hand is always ready for some.... So I ended up giving in as the man wouldn't leave my poor ass alone and he kept poking my behind with his dingaling when I told him to go back to sleep, I had faced the other direction.
So I woke up in a very funked up mood coz I had to be up @ 05H45 and he has the day off, how fair is that??? Huh?
Seems like I (again) am some people's favourite topic, only this time it is the BF's colleagues. I was told that my name popped up about 7 times during an office gossip session during their hour lunch break......... Like WTF????
Yes people, it looks like I am that interesting!!!
The thought of being gossiped about by bank employees doesn't sit very well with me.... especially since they made it a point that I am invited to their next get together - for what reason? I don't know, guess I'll have to wait and see.
One of them had this to say: "She's so tall, more like a giant. You know that her weight is gon go crazy when she gets pregnant? you guys have almost similar hairstyles (she is so wrong about that).... wow.... how old is she? She looks nice though!"
And that I heard from the BF after they had a mini interrogation thing with him @ the HR office. Great!!!
Have yourselves a great one!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Plots for free booze..... on a Thurshday!
How will it be done, you ask............
The same way I did it when I was still a student @ Natal Tech.
I grab one hot chick friend that will buy me my first drink and wait for the lusty men to come do their macking shit on, I get to talking and the rest follows. One thing though, the BF must not be near me so I'll do the whole " Babe, I haven't chilled with friends in a long time & they feel neglected coz I'm always with you... so we gon' do the girls' nite out thing, see you later"
Or I just go hang out by the bar counter @ News and flirt with Santos and whatshisname..... Those boys sure know how to make a woman drunk, trying out and "tasting" different cocktails with out paying isht is nice! Gimme 9 of those and I'll have a permanent smile on my face!!! I don't mind being their guinea pig - as long as they keep them flowing!
The only condition is that the BF mustn't be around and I must never smile at the other guys offering to pay for whatever I'm drinking.
It's the 15th and my accounts is only happy month-end!!! I can't be wasting my own money on boozing and partying, not when there are so many "cash cows" out there......
I'm not one for that kind of lifestyle but isht times are tough and am saving for the big move to new place last weekend of May, I'll need to do a house warming phela!!!
He (BF) wants us to do a movie & drinks with his work buddies on Saturday..... oh hell no.....His friends are not interesting at all, besides they like to think that I'm weird and call me names like Jah-Lady.... I am so not that!!!! I'm me, the beer drinking, ciggie smoking biatch that likes turning peoples' lives upside down for the fuck of it and I do crazy talk.
Back to work now....
Ey - I saw a person getting mugged last night, it was like a movie.... like he rocked up a gun from nowhere and started shooting @ the muggers like crazy!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
WednesDaY..... I R back!
Was horrible coz my phone rang endlessly and I had no choice but to answer it and speak even though the doctor said I mustn't.
My voice still sounds crazy but way better than how it was on Monday!
Nothing interesting happened to me so I have nothing to go on about!!!!
I have just seen my neighbour's miniature sausage dog running around with Megan's (the neighbour's daughter) pink panties in its mouth...... I know I'm not all that well yet but I laughed my ass off! The dog gets bored, really I just wish I knew how to speak woof language so I can hollar @ it.
Sometimes it tries to bite me or it starts barking for no reason!!!!
I am so sleepy, flu medicine is not a good plan when trying to work! I'll try mixing it with alcohol this coming weekend just see what it'll do to me, Errr... no wait,... let me not try it on me. I'll get an unknowing volunteer for that experiment.
Oh well that is it from Nelspruit side!
PS ~ thanx Sweets & AquiLoGy for the get well soon wishes.....
Monday, May 12, 2008
MonDaY - Would ya believe.....?
Oh My Fcukin Gawd!
I was given a sick note but guess what I am still at work as I have to do a few things before heading home!!! And coz I'm takin RSVP's for an upcoming event, my cell is a hotline by force!
To make isht worse is that the boss people think that I was out partying or something along those lines when in fact I was indoors the entire weekend!
Confession: I got stoned on Saturday and Sunday morning my voice was all crazy and shit.I'm not really sure but I think it might be responsible for the horror I'm goin through right now!
Am sure BF will be happy that I can't say a word for the whole day as we all know that I talk......... too damn much sometimes, I know I can be irritating but I can't help it!
So now am hoping to be done soon so I can go rest "my voice"!
Enjoy ya'lls week people, be back tomorrow!
Friday, May 9, 2008
FwidaY~ Have a gewd one!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008
ThurshDay ~
About the job interviews ~ Yesterday's one sucked. Talk about an interview that lasted less than 4 minutes! It was a joke what they were offering me!!! So after they told me what they needed me for, the lady & I agreed that we were wasting each other's time.
So I am now waiting for my next interview on the 21st..... I'm lucky to be getting so many calls huh????
Anyhoo, hope the next one will give me enough $ to make me smile from ear to ear!
The lady from the agency says.... "Just be yourself Khensy, you are an amazing person with an amazing personality, I'm sure they will like you!" Huh... words of encouragement!!!
Ok, female boss is quite mean today! Don't know what's up with that.
Oooh, I'm going to Sdunkero's Party tonight @ News Cafe.... can't wait, free booze & Delicious eats.... gawd I'll miss this events industry so much when I quit! I have plans of going at it on my own, doing the whole "be your own boss" thing, I just need to stop acting like a part-time hippie!!!!
BF has big exam tomorrow.... and he hasn't been studying, I wonder but then again maybe he knows his shit and all I can say is good luck!!!
I had no internet the whole day yesterday........ Eish! It was tough I tell ya!
I have made a decision.... one that I'm not too sure was the best one for my relationship with HP! It makes sense when I think that I'll be saving money coz my rent is killing but I don't know!!! It feels like I'm signing my freedom away, I can never cheat on him now (as if i had plans to), He has been at my place for the last 3 weeks.... I've threatened to kill him about 4 times already.......... huhhhh (sigh)! Soon I'll have to meet the parents...........
Ok, I'm movin in with BF & his older Brotha & our weird midget-lookin like friend! Yup the 4 of us living under the same roof!
What do ya'll think????
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
TuesDaY ~ Off to find a new job!!!
I have a job interview later this morning!!!!
I haven't done those in a while and the last time I did, some other girl got the job so ya, am nervous I'll fcuk it up or I'll blab too much, oh dear.........
Ok I need time to recollect myself!
Will update ya'll later!
(My current boss is not too happy but hey, they don't wanna increase my pay so I gots to bounce.....)
Oh and I have another interview tomorrow @ 14h00 as well.
Alraighty then, I can say that it went well.... accept that the person interviewing me thought that I was better suited for another job and not the one they had called me in for! Poor Afrikaans speaking middle-aged woman thought that I was so nice and "oulik" - I need translation soon!.... Ok then I guess I have to wait for them to call me.
Can't wait for the one I'm having tomorrow..... I hope I get hired on the spot (depending on how much they are offering me of coz)!!!!
When I walked in, my boss asked me how it went and I told him fine but the smile on his face was too fake!!!!
Am in a very good mood, mostly coz they can now see how fcukin serious I am!!!
Ooh, my favourite song is on the radio...ha, ha!!!
Kwaki....... We are bidding for the Freshers Ball tender, he, he!!! I'll come to Venda if our company gets it ne!!!
And BF got a pay hike today!!! We are celebrating tonight!!!