Tuesday, June 3, 2008

TuesDay.... hubba ~ hubba

It hasn't even been a week and I am already not speaking to BF coz he refused to do the dishes last night. I made supper.....

I can't cook & do dishes while there are grown people in the house!

Like everytime something has to be done around the house.... he disappears! Oh & the excuses are there too. The "I have a terrible headaches", " I think I'm coming down with something & I am not too well" stories are old.. and I have used them all (when trying to avoid shagging)... and you'd think for a man he'd try some line I've never used on a man before!

I added yet another scar on me body... scraped my knee when I almost fell. How, why?????? I do not know, the one second I was walking then the next I was trying to balance and I was falling in a "would be very embarrassing" way. Anyways...

The new dude (the one that behaves gay but swears he is straight) asked when my female friends are coming to visit. Me said maybe this weekend and asked why.... " Oh, nothing. I am just wondering if they would want to come with us to the Blu Exclusive Party on Sats".

Uh huh.... what ever!

We (BF & I) are trying to hook up his older brother (31years old by the way) with a woman, any woman FFS... apparently he has never had a proper girlfriend and we suspect he is still a virgin. Do not ask why... we just do!

So he (older brotha) is reading & books of how to find a perfect partner and as a result of following the guidelines ~ none of what he has tried actually worked. The book is called "Waiting & Dating"

And he apparently is a born again christian person who attends some weird church but that is no excuse for him not to date.... everyone else he knows & goes to church with does.

Maybe I should butt out.....


No, that is not my style........ I am the number on shit talker in the house so I'ma carry on pissing him off till he gets a GF before my BF gets too worried as he too suspects that his older brotha is gay! And you know how kasie boys are.., some just do not understand how a man can be gay when there are so many women out there.


Back to work now!!!!


Sweets said...

you're not going to butt out are you... :)

Just Khens. said...



Not a chance of that happenin.