Tuesday, July 1, 2008


This past weekend was chilled out... later on I got to doing some dancing @ News Cafe, I regretted it in the morning but it wasn't half as bad as the hang over I had - it lasted the whole day! Jugermeester or some isht like that had something there and we got heavily smashed - BF was worse (remember it only takes 3 beers to get him drunk).

Ya'll should have seen him shaking things that should never shake on a striper-pole! I danced on it too - and fell a few times but who cares....

I couldn't eat, walk or watch tv.....

I spent like half my rent money so now I am in a sorry state.... but fcukit I'll get over it soon.

This week got off on a boring start, am hoping that it ends with a blast!!!

Kwaki is in Nelspruit.... yay! Planning on a serious debauchery nine9, on Saturday that is!!!!

So about the new job thing - they still want to employ me but only from October.... am thinking long & hard if I should for them or move on!!!!

Amy winehouse is full of shit.. or crack, either way she is a disgusting piece of trash with a very nice voice!!!!! She needs Jesus, immediately!

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