Thursday, June 19, 2008

Phuza Thursday ~ W-end almost here...


I have started doing tummy crunches and all that stupid nonsense with the hopes of becoming a summer bunny, bombshell, sexy thang later on this year.... let me tell that it aint easy, in fact it is pretty fucked up coz my tummy hurts and apparently that is a sign that my muscles are working.

So BF is helping me out! It's weird but fine I guess.

And we....I have been invited to their "Hobo" party sometime soon. I know it's coz they wanna look/analyse me and shit. They (his work buddies) only see me from very far and I have heard that they think I some sort of weirdo. I'll show them who's the weird one! BF made me promise not to try and drink everyone under the table (free booze)... I said I wouldn't but how the heck will I relax if I'm sober????

NO fair.

I still think that the Nelspruit SABC only employs people who have a high alcohol tolerance..... jyslik, almost everyone I know who works there has a passion for booze, some more than me! And I thought that was highly unlikely unless I would be competing with a drinker that desperately needs to attend AA meetings.

Anyhoo.... gots to go back to pleasing the humans that pay my salary.

Ooh it's 'Phuza Thursday" today... or "Thirsty Thursday" to some (SABC employees, sshhh...)


Miss Daisy said...

Ha Ha He He me think I hav a vague idea hu u talkin bout... (thirsty thursday)

Anyhu, maybe that explains y u left so early... woner how u r sloshed... How about u, me and holly have a drinkin sesson?

Just Khens. said...

Ms Daisy, U know too much for your own good.

Sho, I'm down for drinking any day... Hollar

Sweets said...

now it's weekend... will it be a thirsty weekend?

have a good one!