Thursday, July 16, 2009

On this tip right here..........

Life is some what weird and we are constantly trying to understand how other things came to be! Then you find friends that add more confusion to your life and some of those friends in their own confusion indirectly find a way to clarify yours!!!!!

I liked what my one friend (whom I may add - I had a crazy crush on and was perving on the whole weekend) said that we are winners by the time we are concieved coz out of the millions of sperm cells that came charging for that egg, we - you were the victorious one!!! Clearly there is nothing that we cannot do, we put ourselves down by second guessing ourselves when it comes to the dreams we have!

How often do we ask ourselves - how did that person over there make their millions and I cannot!!!!

Mina, on the other hand have night mares of people asking me why I am so afraid of what I can become..............

That question hits me everytime it crosses my mind and funny enough I still haven't done anything about it, instead I have opted to put myself in a frustrating position by getting an ordinary job that pays a salary that vanishes after a few days and have put myself at the mercy of other people - peaple that will decide when I must have my lunch break or what I should wear to work. Where I cannot leave work before 4pm unless I am sick.......................

That is utter BULLSHIT that I am trying to get away from.

I am now doing something about it!!!!!


on a lighter note -

This past weekend was one heack of a productive one for me and the boys~

3 video shoots in one weekend, a lot of hard work def went into it! We had Kliff & Vovo trying to do the "swagger" thing - Gosh......
Sdunkero Also did his thing with hot, hot, hot chicks ( I got a nasty look when I called them video hoes) ha, ha, ha! I partied so much, danced so much..........

There was couple drama at our flat.... that my friends is an interesting story but I have to ask permission to go ahead and post on it!

Cool dude - Reg Gie....... also came through last weekend!

Yoooo, still on that - Friday night saw me getting mega sloshed as I was stuck in the company of 3 couples on a love tip!!!!! So I did the only thing I could do, intoxicate myself - play DJ - and go out to chill with other single people like me!!!!! But I am told that I had too much love when I got to Kwassa Grill - Hugs and Kisses were my thing nje!!!!

And Just so you know - If you think God does not exist, then you are still sleeping............. how I get home from these parties sometimes is unbelievable - especially if I am side walking to my car!!!!!

Live life, love it and smile ~

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Job, life and smiles!

This girl here was never meant to work for other people.......... no, no, no! This open plan office thing is not working at all, infact waking up @ 5:30 to go to work everyday, wearing uniform and having to report to 3 other people is not where I pictured myself!!!!!!! I have known this forever but I thought that I would get used to it with time coz vele that is what is expected from us when we grow up!!!!

Yesterday, I was so frustrated that I refused to go into the office. There I was in the morning telling myself that I quit!!!!! But reality knocked me upside down when I realised that I was broke so I decided to hang on there till I get my "salary" and bonus, mnxim! This is what it comes to - me waiting for a salary!!!! Add to that, I do not want to become an industry whore - changing jobs every now and then, if I cannot stand working here than I believe it would be the same even if I did get another job and the set up was trhe same - I wouldn't be doing myself any justice! So I will suck it all up and making it work for me in the mean time! SPAR does have nice perks though.......

But....... things are looking up! On other issues of my life - Like me getting very good marks for my exams ( yes, we are talking 80+ %), now that was something for me to smile about.

My buddies are becoming hits about town and that is quite cool.

The new place is okay, like the set up very much except for the neighbours that choose to have parties on the nights I choose not to go out on.

Still no luck on the "spouse" department - ha, ha, ha!

Imagine me telling every friend that they need to find me a spouse soon - My mom is asking questions and suspecting that I might be lesbian!!!!

That's me.............. so what have ya'll been up to?

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Reasons why Cape Coloured People Pull Out their Teeth......... Shoooo~!

Geraldine (23) Cape Flats
"I was twelve years old when I got my four front teeth pulled out because all my friends did so. I told the dentist it hurt when I ate ice cream. That wasn't true of course but if you tell the dentist it is for fashion you have to pay. It was the biggest mistake I've ever made because there was nothing wrong with my teeth and I can't get them back."

Martha (30) Simons Town
"Friends told me the kissing was much better that is why I pulled them out. Apparently you feel each others tongue better but I'm still not convinced about the advantage of that. A dentist from overseas pulled them out for free. I told her I had a bad toothache, I didn't dare to tell her I was curious about the kissing thing."

Samuel (31) Fish Hoek
"Two years ago I pulled them out. I did it myself. It is a fashion statement, many of my friends did it before for the same reason. It hurt a lot but I think it looks cool so the pain was definitely worth it. I want people to see I'm colored, the missing teeth prove who I am. My grandfather was a fisherman and pulled them out because he could whistle much louder without these teeth, which is useful out on the sea."

Damian (27) Ocean View"I took all my upper teeth out and want to get rid of the others as well. I'll do it step by step because it is quite expensive at the private clinic where go to. But I want a guarantee that it will be done properly. I want to put gold in my mouth because gold looks cool. But I don't have the money yet so for now I live without upper teeth, which doesn't look bad I think. People like my smile."

Nitl (32) Ocean View
"I was ten when I pulled them out. My brother told me to do so, I didn't know why at the time. Now I know it is fashionable all over Cape Town and it tells who you are. But, most importantly, the kissing is much better, my girlfriend likes it a lot. It is great to feel each others palate."

Tuan (25) Fish Hoek
"I think I have a better smile without my front teeth. I pulled them out a year ago. I should have done it earlier. My friends and family did it as well, their smiles are much nicer. I would like at least one gold tooth but that is going to cost me R600, I don't have the money yet."

Tanya (33) Calk Bay
"I pulled them out for my husband, he loves my 'passion gap'. He thinks the kissing is better, besides that he can't think of getting a bjob from a woman with front teeth. I think it spoils your face though, my nose dropped a little bit. I bought false teeth but lost them while swimming in the sea. If my daughter wants to pull her teeth out, I wouldn't let her, for sure."

Marcellino (16) Calk Bay
"All my friends did it. It is cool! Now I'm saving money for some gold teeth, which would be even cooler. Unfortunately they are very expensive. My parents couldn't be bothered. They asked me why I pulled them out, I told them it looks cool and it shows who I am. All my friends agree, fortunately so does my girlfriend."

Lindsay (35) Retreat
"One of the reasons for me was the better French kissing. I don't regret it at all. There is no doubt about it, it is much better this way. My girlfriend did it recently as well, we enjoy kissing even more. Besides that it is a fashion statement. All my friends pulled out their front teeth. It is a normal thing to do for us and it shows who you are. That is important to me