Wednesday, December 19, 2007

w'end fun!

Nice - a bit blah weekend full of noise in a nice way though!

So friends (Kwaki, Khauki, Kliff & Blaque) finally met HP..... some approved, don't know about the 1 that pulled an act I couldn't figure!?! The less I say or think about Friday night, the better!

Blaque aka Jabzella came finally and as expected had stories to tell... She can talk, I mean 5 - 6 hours of her just talking non stop - would that be considered as talent?

HP's brother lost his recycled innocence to her, poor man!!! Kwaki had reason to get pissed off this weekend and ke, I feel your anger dawg!

MBTV's Kasie Xpress's first episode was shot this past Sunday.... was a nervous freak but I'll get used to it in time!

All in all - yup.............. seems like HP will be around for a while!

Xmas coming up and I aint got plans!!!!!!!!!!!!

Have ya'z a good one - Happy Xmas and a Merry New Year

Friday, December 14, 2007

Booze, LonG WeekEnd, BiatcheZ & HP

"Tis a Friday people............

So in a few minutes there'll be a power cut, then I'll stick around the office for an hour or so and then come up with an excuse 4 leaving early. And when I say leave, I mean going to hook up with female friends and getting smashed ( in every way possible), Blaque is visiting me this weekend, yo (ngiyasaba) - then later on HP will call me and ask how my day is & probably tell me about something that happened to him @ work, that he misses me blah, blah, blah..... drink some more then miss having HP around.

That is when I am gonna call him and tell him some mushy, sweet something then he'll come over to my place to do things to me!!! Ha, see - My day is planned!

Eating Jelly babies for breakfast (couldn't eat anything after I had spoken to some guy who has the worstesssssss bad breath I have stunken in my life, I almost barfed- does that make sense?), still haven't done groceries 4 December - eish!!!

My goodness - long weekend, I can only hope that Tuesday morning will be good to me as I am planning some serious debauchery (don't know the spelling)???

Fellow Bloggers - have a good one!

Thursday, December 13, 2007

HP be da man???

I have officially gone soft....... HP is turning me into a sweetheart! The thrill I used to get just by turning a man's life upside down has suddenly gone pooof.

It is much too soon for me to start feeling this person..... I can't, I refuse!!! I get butterflies in my tummy when I speak to him, I become giggly and all smiles when he's around - That is so not me! Must be poetry he sends me every now and then, so shweeet....

(I saved and went out for a few hours, now the story might change from what it was in the morning)

Oh, I tend to lose interest when the "man" falls hopelessly in love with me coz the I feel like I don't have to work at getting his attention......... HP has called me 6 times today....."missing" me! So he says! and I'm meeting the older brother - Too, too soon! Would've been better if I was just meeting one of his "BoiZ".

It's been a while since K has been with "man" so yeah I do love the attention - But I do not need to know about everything that happens in one day @ his work place, the funny isht ya but really now - keep it at a minimum right? Right!!!

Gosh, last night was it.......... yo! Ok enough about that!!!

So is this a serious relationship or is it headed there - I don't know yet, I have been avoiding those for quite some time now but I am in "like", very much & it scares me!

Everybody......... I see a "Blog" Soapie coming soon!

Monday, December 10, 2007


So ke had a quiet weekend at home.... with NO alcohol!

I had a visitor - one we will refer to as " HP", HP will be the dude I wrote about in my last post - the one who wanted to save things for later...... yes him. Later....... is still gonna be later coz we didn't do anything else besides talk for hours and being stoned!!! I had never listened to so much ragga music in my life, I enjoyed it though......................

He's not what I thought he was so I'm gonna let him be, I'm good at driving people away but I think I wanna keep this one around for a long time.

Kwaki sorry I missed your call and no I wasn't getting any at all.... I got caught up doing other things that I didn't care where my phone was at. and I saving your advice for Later.

Haai, phela Saturday while chilling with HP my ex calls me, telling me that he is stuck in town and he had left his keys in Witbank or something along those lines................... basically he wanted to come sleep @ my place and ke I was like what????? He even made it sound as if I was obligated to help him out...... haai, haai, haai!!!! I just put my phone on silent and carried on with my night - not so long ago I asked him 4 a favour and he did not budge but manje I must be the one who rescues him! One word - BULLSH*T - akuphele okuphelayo!!!!

Thursday, December 6, 2007

MetroSexual Isht, makes no sense to me sometimes.

Lord help coz the next time I see a grown ass man sipping on a pinkish-orange-ish cocktail - I'm gonna barf........ I don't know! It looks so fagg'ish, especially if that man is sitting right opposite me, while I'm doing dry reds & gold tequilas.

Brotha man saw me drive past Total garage in Steiltes so he followed me in his fresh leather smelling G5 to Spar, parked right next to me and said "Hi" as I was walking into the shop...... I think he kinda sensed that I was thinking what da fcuk?!?

So he waited next to the car till I came out the store. Then came me walking slowly (Mp heat aint no joke hey), so da brotha was like "Eish jo, can I just know you"? So I stared, my gosh the nose was so huge & shiny - an image of Bozo the clown came to mind. Wearing too much pin-stripes, pants, shirt & tie - not forgetting the BEE shoes ( those shoes look painful and a bit funny on some - I'm sure some of these men have nasty corns and fungal infections) Anyways so we get to talking and number exchanging - me thinking why not, he's just a boy from Limpopo, looking for a good time with a chick from Nelspruit that looks loaded. I kept the fact that I'm broke and driving around in my boss's car to myself.

Got a call from the dude, he recently just got paid so he took me out to LaVida for drinks...... wait, before you think I drank the guy under the table - I'll let you know that I actually behaved this time.

Will I get a call from him again? I don't know! Ya'll know I can't keep my mouth shut so yes I spoke a hell lot - forcing the guy to be a man of very few words.

I think I have a crush on a broke guy, he's quite a looker though.... I tried pulling the "Oops, sorry I kissed you by mistake - I didn't mean to" stunt - It did NOT work. I felt like I had lost my mojo. This is what he said " It's not that I don't want to but I just want it to be special - so I must save it for later". Me thought dude it aint like I said fcuk me right now?!?!?!

So ke that's that..... I hope I see him soon! He has got me waiting........................................................................Patiently!
He doesn't drink.

See when people are intoxicated, it makes it easier for people like us to take advantage and blame everything else on being "Drunk".

I am going home in 40minutes, I'll sms him to see if "later" could be today.

Kwaki - don't visit me today, buddy...... You might disturb my plans!!! LoL, ngiyadlala!!!

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Get Gone, I'm over you......

The year is almost gone and I had time to think of the many things I got up to in the 11 months that have passed.

1. I moved out of home to rent a bachelor pad less than a kilometer away...

2. I realised how being broke really feels like and trust me - it aint nice @ all.

3. I accepted that I couldn't make "him" love me..... and with that came a series of failed attempts to fall in "love" with someone else, I still hate love.

4. I took in a "friend" who in return fucked me over, coz of her obsession with a man that is already in love with another woman. Yes some females actually do that, what ever happened to "girl power" and a sistah havin another sistah's back???

5. I was told that I have a good voice for radio (but I should NEVER try singing).

6. A friend made me feel like I'm harmless when it comes to other things - damn that chick is a predator.

7. I lost a cool friend - Supa, R.I.P

8. JabzeLLa aka Blaque Diamond left for Cape Town to to finish school, Thank the gods she left Nelspruit.

9. Oh, and I made a promise not to lie anymore...... I have stuck to that, though I have told a few lil white lies to get out of dates with men that bore the shit outta me.

10. When I moved out of home..... I thought I was gonna have as much shagging as my tush could handle - Guess what, it has been months - aint no shagging goin on right about now. I can count the times.......

11. There have very good days, bad ones and some days were just ok.

12. The love of my life - Amstel left then we were reunited again - ah what a lovely day it was, I think my eyes were teary too, looking at that cold one in the fridge at the bottle store in Steiltes... (sob, sob - good memories)

13. The people on MySpace and here on blogger kept me entertained through all those sad, lonely days....

14. Kwaki moved back home...... Kliff is losing his hair...... what more can I say?

15. All those good drunken nights @ BCR..... aaaaahhh!

Ok, ok..... too many things happened, so I can't go on and on!!!

So ke........... my plans for 2008 =

  • I WILL fall in love with someone
  • MBTV
  • I will cut down on the boozing & puffing
  • and do all the other things that I always postpone for no reason.

Don't want to say all the things I want to do coz I know I won't get around to doing them - then I'll feel like I've failed myself then I"ll go into state of depression feeling like I just can't do fokol.

Hate it, hate it. SO to avoid disappointments in myself I don't set any resolutions, I just do whatever that has to be done at that time. Ne.


Monday, December 3, 2007

Woza December's Drama

Yo, yo, yo

Friday night was on some other tip....... It has been a while since our small town was that much fun. Really, I mean most people came out this Friday. K was seeing old faces, some I couldn't recognize - don't know if it was the booze or something else but ke I had fun.

The kind of fun I haven't had in a long time, mainly coz I have to think about what "they" are goin' to say when "they" see me with a green bottle and ciggy in hand.

Came 5 o'clock me still dancing like a "white chick" - L.o.L while female friend's phone was being jacked...... too much action for my eyes, it was like a movie!!! I swear. Blood all over, people jumping over barbed wire fences into some old boer's farm chasing some stupid thug wanna be, cars stolen alles - I mean whoah, me on the other hand - still downing beers and yelling out something, not sure what really but ke I was.

Not even 20 minutes later.............. at the filling station, another fight started, apparently because one of the guys from our side said "hi sweety" to some dude's wife. Bricks and things were flying, this was like @ 05H30 or so. Hi-Tech securities had to be called in. Piet, Koos, Jaco and whatshisname came rushing threatening to arrest - as if they had the powers?!?

And we carried on with the drinking, Had to call it quits sometime after I tried telling anyone who cared to listen that it was the 1st of December - cheeks were heavy and I was seeing triple by then. I'm not sure if I still have money to pay my rent!!!

Next Saturday........... it's on again, beach party and all!!! I foresee a failed event. I'm gonna be up to the usual.

Did I mention that my panties (with other things) were stole from place last Friday....... Long story, "burglar" used my key to "break" in! Issues and drama nje was something I wasn't up to so I gave up on find out the truth - I'm not much of an investigator anyway. The "burglar" forgot to steal all the other things that they could actuall sell for money or some isht like that.... Eish, I wasn't hurt or anything I was just pissed off.

MBTV is coming soon............................ I'm on top of that world right about now! Is anyone of you getting ma a christmas gift??????