Thursday, May 8, 2008

ThurshDay ~

Morning, morning..........

About the job interviews ~ Yesterday's one sucked. Talk about an interview that lasted less than 4 minutes! It was a joke what they were offering me!!! So after they told me what they needed me for, the lady & I agreed that we were wasting each other's time.

So I am now waiting for my next interview on the 21st..... I'm lucky to be getting so many calls huh????

Anyhoo, hope the next one will give me enough $ to make me smile from ear to ear!

The lady from the agency says.... "Just be yourself Khensy, you are an amazing person with an amazing personality, I'm sure they will like you!" Huh... words of encouragement!!!

Ok, female boss is quite mean today! Don't know what's up with that.

Oooh, I'm going to Sdunkero's Party tonight @ News Cafe.... can't wait, free booze & Delicious eats.... gawd I'll miss this events industry so much when I quit! I have plans of going at it on my own, doing the whole "be your own boss" thing, I just need to stop acting like a part-time hippie!!!!

BF has big exam tomorrow.... and he hasn't been studying, I wonder but then again maybe he knows his shit and all I can say is good luck!!!

I had no internet the whole day yesterday........ Eish! It was tough I tell ya!

I have made a decision.... one that I'm not too sure was the best one for my relationship with HP! It makes sense when I think that I'll be saving money coz my rent is killing but I don't know!!! It feels like I'm signing my freedom away, I can never cheat on him now (as if i had plans to), He has been at my place for the last 3 weeks.... I've threatened to kill him about 4 times already.......... huhhhh (sigh)! Soon I'll have to meet the parents...........

Ok, I'm movin in with BF & his older Brotha & our weird midget-lookin like friend! Yup the 4 of us living under the same roof!

What do ya'll think????


Miss Daisy said...

I think u have the liver, all I can say is gud luck....

I'm also there tonight...

Sweets said...

i think it's a good move, just go with the flow and enjoy!!

hope you get a perfect job!! check out some amazing jobs available ;)