Wednesday, December 19, 2007
w'end fun!
So friends (Kwaki, Khauki, Kliff & Blaque) finally met HP..... some approved, don't know about the 1 that pulled an act I couldn't figure!?! The less I say or think about Friday night, the better!
Blaque aka Jabzella came finally and as expected had stories to tell... She can talk, I mean 5 - 6 hours of her just talking non stop - would that be considered as talent?
HP's brother lost his recycled innocence to her, poor man!!! Kwaki had reason to get pissed off this weekend and ke, I feel your anger dawg!
MBTV's Kasie Xpress's first episode was shot this past Sunday.... was a nervous freak but I'll get used to it in time!
All in all - yup.............. seems like HP will be around for a while!
Xmas coming up and I aint got plans!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have ya'z a good one - Happy Xmas and a Merry New Year
Friday, December 14, 2007
Booze, LonG WeekEnd, BiatcheZ & HP
So in a few minutes there'll be a power cut, then I'll stick around the office for an hour or so and then come up with an excuse 4 leaving early. And when I say leave, I mean going to hook up with female friends and getting smashed ( in every way possible), Blaque is visiting me this weekend, yo (ngiyasaba) - then later on HP will call me and ask how my day is & probably tell me about something that happened to him @ work, that he misses me blah, blah, blah..... drink some more then miss having HP around.
That is when I am gonna call him and tell him some mushy, sweet something then he'll come over to my place to do things to me!!! Ha, see - My day is planned!
Eating Jelly babies for breakfast (couldn't eat anything after I had spoken to some guy who has the worstesssssss bad breath I have stunken in my life, I almost barfed- does that make sense?), still haven't done groceries 4 December - eish!!!
My goodness - long weekend, I can only hope that Tuesday morning will be good to me as I am planning some serious debauchery (don't know the spelling)???
Fellow Bloggers - have a good one!
Thursday, December 13, 2007
HP be da man???
It is much too soon for me to start feeling this person..... I can't, I refuse!!! I get butterflies in my tummy when I speak to him, I become giggly and all smiles when he's around - That is so not me! Must be poetry he sends me every now and then, so shweeet....
(I saved and went out for a few hours, now the story might change from what it was in the morning)
Oh, I tend to lose interest when the "man" falls hopelessly in love with me coz the I feel like I don't have to work at getting his attention......... HP has called me 6 times today....."missing" me! So he says! and I'm meeting the older brother - Too, too soon! Would've been better if I was just meeting one of his "BoiZ".
It's been a while since K has been with "man" so yeah I do love the attention - But I do not need to know about everything that happens in one day @ his work place, the funny isht ya but really now - keep it at a minimum right? Right!!!
Gosh, last night was it.......... yo! Ok enough about that!!!
So is this a serious relationship or is it headed there - I don't know yet, I have been avoiding those for quite some time now but I am in "like", very much & it scares me!
Everybody......... I see a "Blog" Soapie coming soon!
Monday, December 10, 2007
I had a visitor - one we will refer to as " HP", HP will be the dude I wrote about in my last post - the one who wanted to save things for later...... yes him. Later....... is still gonna be later coz we didn't do anything else besides talk for hours and being stoned!!! I had never listened to so much ragga music in my life, I enjoyed it though......................
He's not what I thought he was so I'm gonna let him be, I'm good at driving people away but I think I wanna keep this one around for a long time.
Kwaki sorry I missed your call and no I wasn't getting any at all.... I got caught up doing other things that I didn't care where my phone was at. and I saving your advice for Later.
Haai, phela Saturday while chilling with HP my ex calls me, telling me that he is stuck in town and he had left his keys in Witbank or something along those lines................... basically he wanted to come sleep @ my place and ke I was like what????? He even made it sound as if I was obligated to help him out...... haai, haai, haai!!!! I just put my phone on silent and carried on with my night - not so long ago I asked him 4 a favour and he did not budge but manje I must be the one who rescues him! One word - BULLSH*T - akuphele okuphelayo!!!!
Thursday, December 6, 2007
MetroSexual Isht, makes no sense to me sometimes.
Brotha man saw me drive past Total garage in Steiltes so he followed me in his fresh leather smelling G5 to Spar, parked right next to me and said "Hi" as I was walking into the shop...... I think he kinda sensed that I was thinking what da fcuk?!?
So he waited next to the car till I came out the store. Then came me walking slowly (Mp heat aint no joke hey), so da brotha was like "Eish jo, can I just know you"? So I stared, my gosh the nose was so huge & shiny - an image of Bozo the clown came to mind. Wearing too much pin-stripes, pants, shirt & tie - not forgetting the BEE shoes ( those shoes look painful and a bit funny on some - I'm sure some of these men have nasty corns and fungal infections) Anyways so we get to talking and number exchanging - me thinking why not, he's just a boy from Limpopo, looking for a good time with a chick from Nelspruit that looks loaded. I kept the fact that I'm broke and driving around in my boss's car to myself.
Got a call from the dude, he recently just got paid so he took me out to LaVida for drinks...... wait, before you think I drank the guy under the table - I'll let you know that I actually behaved this time.
Will I get a call from him again? I don't know! Ya'll know I can't keep my mouth shut so yes I spoke a hell lot - forcing the guy to be a man of very few words.
I think I have a crush on a broke guy, he's quite a looker though.... I tried pulling the "Oops, sorry I kissed you by mistake - I didn't mean to" stunt - It did NOT work. I felt like I had lost my mojo. This is what he said " It's not that I don't want to but I just want it to be special - so I must save it for later". Me thought dude it aint like I said fcuk me right now?!?!?!
So ke that's that..... I hope I see him soon! He has got me waiting........................................................................Patiently!
He doesn't drink.
See when people are intoxicated, it makes it easier for people like us to take advantage and blame everything else on being "Drunk".
I am going home in 40minutes, I'll sms him to see if "later" could be today.
Kwaki - don't visit me today, buddy...... You might disturb my plans!!! LoL, ngiyadlala!!!
Wednesday, December 5, 2007
Get Gone, I'm over you......
1. I moved out of home to rent a bachelor pad less than a kilometer away...
2. I realised how being broke really feels like and trust me - it aint nice @ all.
3. I accepted that I couldn't make "him" love me..... and with that came a series of failed attempts to fall in "love" with someone else, I still hate love.
4. I took in a "friend" who in return fucked me over, coz of her obsession with a man that is already in love with another woman. Yes some females actually do that, what ever happened to "girl power" and a sistah havin another sistah's back???
5. I was told that I have a good voice for radio (but I should NEVER try singing).
6. A friend made me feel like I'm harmless when it comes to other things - damn that chick is a predator.
7. I lost a cool friend - Supa, R.I.P
8. JabzeLLa aka Blaque Diamond left for Cape Town to to finish school, Thank the gods she left Nelspruit.
9. Oh, and I made a promise not to lie anymore...... I have stuck to that, though I have told a few lil white lies to get out of dates with men that bore the shit outta me.
10. When I moved out of home..... I thought I was gonna have as much shagging as my tush could handle - Guess what, it has been months - aint no shagging goin on right about now. I can count the times.......
11. There have very good days, bad ones and some days were just ok.
12. The love of my life - Amstel left then we were reunited again - ah what a lovely day it was, I think my eyes were teary too, looking at that cold one in the fridge at the bottle store in Steiltes... (sob, sob - good memories)
13. The people on MySpace and here on blogger kept me entertained through all those sad, lonely days....
14. Kwaki moved back home...... Kliff is losing his hair...... what more can I say?
15. All those good drunken nights @ BCR..... aaaaahhh!
Ok, ok..... too many things happened, so I can't go on and on!!!
So ke........... my plans for 2008 =
- I WILL fall in love with someone
- I will cut down on the boozing & puffing
- and do all the other things that I always postpone for no reason.
Don't want to say all the things I want to do coz I know I won't get around to doing them - then I'll feel like I've failed myself then I"ll go into state of depression feeling like I just can't do fokol.
Hate it, hate it. SO to avoid disappointments in myself I don't set any resolutions, I just do whatever that has to be done at that time. Ne.
Monday, December 3, 2007
Woza December's Drama
Friday night was on some other tip....... It has been a while since our small town was that much fun. Really, I mean most people came out this Friday. K was seeing old faces, some I couldn't recognize - don't know if it was the booze or something else but ke I had fun.
The kind of fun I haven't had in a long time, mainly coz I have to think about what "they" are goin' to say when "they" see me with a green bottle and ciggy in hand.
Came 5 o'clock me still dancing like a "white chick" - L.o.L while female friend's phone was being jacked...... too much action for my eyes, it was like a movie!!! I swear. Blood all over, people jumping over barbed wire fences into some old boer's farm chasing some stupid thug wanna be, cars stolen alles - I mean whoah, me on the other hand - still downing beers and yelling out something, not sure what really but ke I was.
Not even 20 minutes later.............. at the filling station, another fight started, apparently because one of the guys from our side said "hi sweety" to some dude's wife. Bricks and things were flying, this was like @ 05H30 or so. Hi-Tech securities had to be called in. Piet, Koos, Jaco and whatshisname came rushing threatening to arrest - as if they had the powers?!?
And we carried on with the drinking, Had to call it quits sometime after I tried telling anyone who cared to listen that it was the 1st of December - cheeks were heavy and I was seeing triple by then. I'm not sure if I still have money to pay my rent!!!
Next Saturday........... it's on again, beach party and all!!! I foresee a failed event. I'm gonna be up to the usual.
Did I mention that my panties (with other things) were stole from place last Friday....... Long story, "burglar" used my key to "break" in! Issues and drama nje was something I wasn't up to so I gave up on find out the truth - I'm not much of an investigator anyway. The "burglar" forgot to steal all the other things that they could actuall sell for money or some isht like that.... Eish, I wasn't hurt or anything I was just pissed off.
MBTV is coming soon............................ I'm on top of that world right about now! Is anyone of you getting ma a christmas gift??????
Monday, November 12, 2007
Agony Aunt K
Dear friend in CT tried hooking me up with a dude, not just any dude - a 19 year old dude, boy, that! Now K is 23 for fcuk's sakes - what am I gonna do with a teenage boy? Does boy have something interesting to offer to K? Been thinking for a good 43 seconds and na, Can't come up with a good reason why I'd date a young boy, I am not that desperate! I think I'd actually bitch slap myself if I ever woke up next to anyone younger than 23.
So ke, might as well say what friends' problem is coz I just can't keep my mouth shut. Friend fell in love with man, man already has a "wifey" - steady-girlfriend that everybody knows about. They tried keeping it a secret but people started asking question after man started refusing girl to go out with friends (me) and all that other control-freakish things.
Even man's friends ask girl what the hell was she thinking coz man has wifey? So now girl is confused as she doesn't know if it is love or lust she feels for man....
Me said "eish, ntombazan' angazi yaz! Anginandoda mina uyazi nawe! Wena ucabangani?". Best way of getting out of confusing myself too, I can't really play the agony aunt card well coz chances are I'll tell you isht the way I see it and that might come out not so nice, then people will start calling me bitch.
Friday night was weird, me and same friend decided to stock up some wine, got smashed while singing along to love-hate-sad songs. Neighbors didn't bother telling to shut up this time..... they must have sensed that me & friend are not too nice people as we were both suffering from monthly female sickness. Now you know not to mess with me when I have certain feelings raging about, I might just hurt you.
New week..... new shity isht to go through!
Monday, November 5, 2007
I've been good and frustrated lately, I have a dog (a real one) that wants to be treated like a human being. See I've never had a pet (of my own) so I'm not used to caring for an animal, so friend has a puppy now - one puppy that is fed really good food (that happens to be mine), sits on my couch, jumps on my bed and wants to fall asleep on someones lap.....
I can't do it............ at all! I'm not a mean person so it has been rather difficult to tell friend that I don't want the dog at my place anymore! The dog is cute but Haaai!!!!
Was just thinking of how fast this year went by (for me, that is) December time is around the corner - don't think I'm waiting for Christmas here.... I'm black, we don't do much on the day!!! It's the getting "merry" I'm talking about, ummm!!!
My weekend are getting a bit strange though...... I think it's the not drinking, none-the-less I still have fun of my own!!!
Another friend J'bzella "coc404"will be visiting soon, that is one person that can talk anyone under the table, damn that girl can talk. It's what we miss about her though, can't wait!!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Long weekends, Friends & booze!!!
We had cake, Xao-Xao & beer ( African Chewing Gum) Yesterday over some deep descussion of the world. I swear we need a video camera for these moments, there have been brainstorming & creative sessions, political discussions, life/love/sex talks when we are all intoxicated. Thimgs we hardly ever talk about when sober........ Sometimes we do but it just doesn't sound as interesting. My drunk friends aren't half as dumb as most people would like to think.
Deep-house sessions on Sundays are ROCKAS, Nst people = do support!!!
Friday/ Saturday night shows @ BCR are Mad Fun as well, Do tune in!!!
"DJ KliFFo'DaY" has some serious "groupies" after him..... & Kwaki is the next hot thing after him so he cashes in, Me = "entourage" & Khauki = Body Gaurd with the "look".
ND dudes invading NST & cashing in on the chicks that will shag anything that doesn't speak. Be from anywhere else but from Nelspruit & get laid. Having a car with a GP/ND etc number plate is a bonus! Oh, don't 4get to throw in a few beers/ciders & Galitos... then you are good to go!!!!
Nite life & skanky chicks in this town of ours!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
Brand New Day
And once again I'd like to say "eat shit, drink piss and jump into a lake" to all those who have managed to depress me!
Haaaa, that feels better! Besides there are other people that have far worse things happening to them than I do.
Kwaki & Kliff dropped by my place last night to "bring" me Taste of my Vomit & Journey with me..... I paged through them a bit ( it was rather late & was getting ready 4 bed), I'm still to read through but I couldn't help wondering how smart or rather open-minded or maybe something else similar do I have to be to understand what GoodY wrote in those book??? I remember thinkin huh? when I read the first few pages!!! Will let ya'll know how I found it to be - in time!
Read some guide to happiness on Yo demo's blog...... found it interesting!
Just so you know I quit watching porn, for real!!! The fcukin i the ass thing that I saw was enough to put me off. All I could think of was "ouch"..... how in the world does she keep that smile on her face when her ass is being pounded like that???? Eee Yo,yo, yo. But Kwaki you can borrow me your DVDs.
Me = getting back to doing my work, so later!
Monday, September 10, 2007
Yep, I have just had one of those days when I felt like isht. Really, so this one person looks at me.... they can see that I'm crying but I still have what looks like smile on my face! So this person says that they don't know if they should think I'm sad or happy coz they can't figure me out?!? What?
To add to my misery.... I get an e-mail from an ex saying that he heard that I drink as if there is no tomorrow! And apparently my poison is Black Label?
Ok so this was funny for me - Reason = People who know me would know that I used to drink Amstel, but lately have switched to Sarita ( fad)! Secondly: I don't go out as much as "they" say I do. Thirdly: I've been broke lately, meaning that I haven't even buying booze for myself. Lastly: Who are they to say isht about me coz they have no clue who I really am. I have kept the same friends since last year, those would be the friends that I chill with often and they would know of the times I've drunk coz I'd be there with them. So really........ I still don't understand that out of the hundreds of females (that could be interesting) in Nelspruit.... why must the focus be on me - Is it that much attention that I draw to myself??? Coz I don't try much hey!
About why I'm miserable: I'd love to do certain things in my life.... things that I really enjoy doing and all the other isht that makes me Khensani you know but the thing is, it is almost like I am not allowed to, coz its not a good career choice or it is a weird hobby that an average person would see as stupid, useless and what, what!!!
Ya, ya....... its crazy like that but I had to have a breakdown sooner or later - with the isht that people manage to throw my way at every given chance?!? I could say that what people say about me doesn't bother me - but the fact is that other people wouldn't see it the way I see things therefore, one scandalous deed with actually turn into a lot, keeping in mind that some people do see imaginary things - thereafter create a story to pass on to others!
I'm slowly getting tired of all this shit..... and I'm starting to hate this place as well. Why can't people let me be! I hear a different story about me almost every week about what I did during the weekend in Nelspruit even if I was in Durbs for that very same weekend.
Thursday, September 6, 2007
No, no, no
What is it that makes people want to lie about almost everything that has to do with them? Is it because it will make them seem normal to others, or perhaps it is some need for them to be socially acceptable in the eyes of those who are part of the "elite" society??? Coz really I just don't know - me finds it such a bore having to listen to someone tell lies after lies and them expecting me to believe every crap that comes out of their mouths!
I know of a person that lies so much it actually sounds true and me ends up thinking huh?
So this week I had to tell this one boy that I'm not what he thinks I am....
Boy comes to my place with a mutual friend, drinks everywhere, friends, music & so on. Boy asks me if I'm still @ school? me = no, are you mad? I'm 23 years old, I work!
Oops #1 - boy thinks "hey, I think I should have a sugar momma for myself" So boy waits for weekend so he can call me for free on cell c just so he can ask if me has a man..... Hmmmm!
Me says to boy - haai no, Diva has no man..... ha, ha, ha! I just drink and talk a lot. So boy sees opportunity for himself...... he calls again I tell him "stop annoying me", boy thinks I make funny joke - so he calls again & I'm like hmmm no more taking boy's calls from now on. So boy sends friend to my house to come look for me. Haai bo, haven't seen that stunt since my teen years in Lekazi, so me goes out and tell boy "Listen boy, I'm old - You are not in my "league" ( as if I have one), you're a student with no money to take care of all'a this (me showing off self), I know you think I'm cute and sweet - well don't deep down I'm a mean and shallow bitch! so Fcuk off"
I had to.... these days you try to let down a guy easily, they think "awww, she likes me - she's just shy", then they pester you till you feel sorry for them and take them in, only for them to piss the crap out of you with every word that comes out of their mouths - again!
Few words = Eat shit and drink piss!
Has it become that much harder for a girl to have a normal life, shoooo?!?
Monday, August 20, 2007
And then I came back
BlaQ has updated her blog, Kwaki is still on the "Agony Uncle" tip, Kliff has introduced some hip-hop movement but hasn't said how that is going and me..... well I got swallowed by MySpace but it's good to be blogging again!!!!
I still don't understand the whole "You can't have your cake and eat it too" thing, so please someone - be kind enough to explain that to me!
Nst has become so, so boring! You go clubbing and someone tries to get funny with you or decided to jack your phone - Kliff should know, you stay indoors hoping for a quiet night with a movie and someone decides to visit you even though you said they mustn't come over - can't believe some people still think I'm just kidding when I am in fact serious - sometimes I just don't want visitors, get it!!!
Well, one thing I've realised though is that there seems to be a lot of pretty & young female people that are flocking the complexes around, take Golden Crescent for one - it's a new complex, with decent apartments and all but go there on a Friday night..... my gosh!!!! And I'm yet to see a decent & sane person living there coz so far all I've seen are skanky chicks and very horny men living there. Haai kabi but me = I don't see myself living there, it's nice but not for me!!!!
As for the rest of those other places, may the Almighty be with the poor neighbors that have to put up with the unnecessary noise, drama & Ubu'febe from young blooded things.
Still amazed of how I just can't stop bitching about things that happen around me.............. but ke, would you have me any other way?????? NO - I thought so!!!!
Diva Love (",)
Thursday, June 14, 2007
Hi thur my peoplez!!
So ke, on the real.... I've been tryin to find out if me and that boi I dated 9 years back still have anything in common and well, lets say the one thing we got in that sense is wanting to make $$ and that is not much coz everybody I know wants to make money is that not so?????
So ya but it has been nice catching up and me shocking him with every second sentence that comes out of my mouth - ha, ha, ha!!! He's grown to be quiet a looker hey and I thought I was done with good looking men but ya ke that's that! Man I wish someone can just come deliver lunch for me - our office is so far from all the nice food places.
Shoo, I'm quite amazed by what people on myspace gotta say about yours trully..... some think that Im a nice person.... ya that I know but really how much do they really know about me - apart from the things I usually say about meself... Haai but its cool though, But I gotta give love to the south afriKan hip-hop artists, they got good music - still surprises me why some of them aren't signed up with good record labels, their sound is better than most of that bull ish that we are made to listen to on our radio stations......
Kwaki must quit that test thing coz it makes some of us see just how much of a freak we is. Agony Uncle?????? You needs sum help, son!!!!
Ah well besides alla' that, I'm still fine.... just me, myself and Kensy!!! Oh and Im broke eish..... but you know how it is, the one day you think it is the end of you and the next day its still the same but you are still alive and so it goes on and on 'til one day you wake up and you have a bit of $$$ - you smile and go out - the next day you is back right where you started at!!!! And that is life!!!
Kliffoday has done good to his blog, am still tryin to figure out whats goin on there but hopefully I will soon!!!!
Yodemo tryin to enlarge his "manhood" with some other afrikan ish and me thinks = no, no, no!!!
However I do wanna find out if they got anything for females?????? hummmm say some ish that will make the tush somewhat better than it is right now???? Doubt but hey, bo'darkie will amaze you coz they got everything for everything!!!
Tuesday, June 5, 2007
So DeY say.... L.O.L!
I have, I get this almost all the time.... but here are the most recent ones.
Apparently I'm lesbian... and my latest flavour is a chick friend that I'll only call Nono, while still on that I'm getting married to the dude who made me swanger and happens to be live-in lover.
It gets better.... In Durbz, rumour has it that I died in a car crash, some say that I'm in rehab coz I was overdoing some sort of drug.... WOW!!! At the same time some are sticking to the story that the reason why I left Durbz is coz I was being hunted down by i'gintsa that I used to go out and I AM MARRIED again!!!! And not forgetting the part that I am PREGNANT.
There are still some other ones that I just do not want to entertain coz really, It is just bullsh*t. I just need to find out who is this person that keeps going around sayin ish about me.... I magine how many people think that I got married with children.... Nah, nah, nah!!! People I'm just 23, but I'm just surprised at the people that actually believe all this ish coz I thought they knew me better.... since when was I ever interested in having kids or getting hitched @ 23. But at least I aint the only one who has rumours about themselves flying around but eish san' my friend Zwayne, don't stress too much about it coz we know what you're doing in J-sec. They'll be very shocked when you drop by pushing your M3 the next time you go down to Durbz wrapped in some GucciPradaLouisVittoneDKNY ish.
So people if you really wanna know what I'm up to here in N-Town, just ask nicely and I'll fill you in. No need for you to make up stories about me..... Sh*t!!! I'm a Diva baby, Ya'll better be aware of the ish you'd be sayin about me, aight?!? Aight!
And F.Y.I - I've packed on a bit of weight and I'm not pregnant ok.
Much love, peace n ResPeK
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Anyways, So what does a man mean when he says "It's your own fault that you love me, I didn't make you"? Really? Just a Q that a chick friend of mine asked and I couldn't answer her coz I've been there too and I still haven't sorted that one out!!!
And I've just realised that some people they I once had a thing going on with make better friends than anything else... Was talking to a splacka of mine and well we just had a chat that had nothing to do with sex and it was a good one!!! After deciding to end a thing with the "animal" (reason: I don't wanna be the reason his life falls apart and I definitely don't want to be hunted down by an angry + bitter fiance when all his fouls, late nite creepin scandals and the rest of the shit he does come out), we speak now and then and made an agreement that should I get a booty call from him I will politely decline for the sake of making him a "better" person!!!!
See, I'm not as evil as people like to think of me..... sometimes ish is not all about me!!!
Ey, got a call form a dude I dated about 9 years ago - yeah 9 years, I think I was about 14/15!!! He's all grown up, on some BEE tip and has done well for himself @ 26yrs I must say - I'm so proud!!! But he just had to ruin my excitement of seeing him after so long by saying that he still loves me and all that kinda' bullsh*t and well ya.... I still like him but really now after 9n years does he really think that I'm still that shweet, cute, naive girl he knew back then........... I think NOT! I have so changed it aint even funny plus he thinks that I'm rude, me rude? Never!!! I'm not rude, I just chose to be honest!!! Yes I drink, party, club and do all the nasties that most wouldn't imagine me doing but ya that's me and I like it!!!
Thought I couldn't see through his silly lies, telling me he has been waiting for so long to see me coz he couldn't picture himself marrying someone else but me.... Said he even wrote to "All you need is love", ha, ha, ha....... all I could say was "WOW, that's quite stupid of you! You really believed that I'm gonna marry you? Dude I'm 23, tryin to make money and enjoy livin life, shit do I look like I want be tied down at this point of my life? You crazy!!!" So after all that he still had the nerve to say "Well since you're not a virgin anymore, can I just shag you - it'll do me justice, hey you know - I thought that I was gonna be your first?" - Man Puh-leaZe!!!
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
To all those who strayed.....
I came across this other one:!!!!
I swear in my whole entire life I have never seen so much dick... it was just dick, dick, dick,dick every where... I was so shocked, my hand was shacking, my clit was feeling funny and my heart just pounded away!!!!! I could just jump to the next blog but there's this thing about me that sometimes gets me into shit coz I just wanna know, so I scrolled down...................................
I wished I didn't - really, ok I enjoyed looking at all those dicks, biggish, smallish, mediumish - all kinds!
And then it clicked to me and I found reason to why there aren't so many good looking, STRAIGHT, honest men for us single women to find------- They are all F*ckin GAY!!!
I'm not homophobic or whatever they call it but man, all those guys on that site are just hotttt, sexy everything with bods that one would love to lick and they are gay!!!
I've got gay friends, some got me very pissed off coz they were going for the dudes I had my eye on so now really, I have to compete with men with dicks just to find my guy, that is just bullsh*t, straight up & down like d@.
Then the porno kinda' pictures came up - guys giving other guys head, that whole ish(don't wanna go into detail). Well maybe guys give better blows than women who knows, but one thing I know 4sho is that one of the best mufs I've ever had was from a WOMAN so could it be, maybe !!!
So now (not in a bad way) they guys that are somewhat available for us to chose from are married, engaged, have about 3 baby-mommaz, has beenz, sick and not that much interesting to gawk at, well there are just a few good ones left but that doesn't give much to select from now does it?!?
Mmmm, those boys are just delicious and to add on that the blog is written in some foreign lingo that I don't know and I know most women have had one of those thoughts of being stranded in some remote island with a young wet lookin, hot thing wearing some swimming shorts with no top, speaking some other language!!! Can only be some explosive ish!
After all that I get off work ne and go to my friends house.... sitting in the lounge all by myself, mind having flashes of those dicks I had seen earlier on..... I heard sounds of my friend and her man shagging, and I'm by my friggin self - dude how horny was I???? Turned the volume higher, it did NOT help at all coz I kept thinkin about it!!! Now that was fucked up - 4real.
Anywho, that was my day izolo and yes I went to my place all alone and I slept my horninezz away - It was cold!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Me = back
And so I'm back on line now - hope ya'll didn't miss me much!!!
If you've read Kwaki's blog you'd know the the "Buy Diva a Dildo foundation" is still running!!! Thanx to those who contributed - or not, EnuFf about that now.
So the pat weekend I went to the Ghetto Ruff/Cell C - Make a difference tour gig in Nelspruit.... nice but honestly to put it in simple terms - Ibashayile coz the attendance was very poor!!! My reasons for sayin that: They were charging something like R30 damage, (abo'darkie won't like paying that amount to freeze their butts @ the showground, the marketing was not up to scratch and the ad on radio was a bit dead!!! So I tried counting how many people wee there, didn't finish but less than 500 (VIP guests included), catering sucked and it was COLD.
The after party was not well organised as well, so ya it was that bad but me on the other hand, had fun got to catch up with peeps I haven't seen in a long time. After the show me, Nono, Amu, Ishmael, the JOZI boys decided to get some food at Spur and that was not such a good idea coz we didn't enjoy our meal in peace.... sometimes I forget how famous other people are!!!
There were groupies galore, almost got mistaken for one 'til I started talking and being rude to dem so called celebz!!!
Big upz to Umdlwembe for having a female chauffeur & body guard,
To Amu for keeping us entertained - still remains my #3 top hip-hop boy,
To Ishmael for exposing his poverty to those who cared to listen,
To the rest of the Jozi - Whatz with da attitude? Boys for not getting too tempted by that pussy buffet that was waiting at reception for them to indulge in
And to the DJ for NST who rocked the club on Saturday - Dino Bravo was good but he already knows that so we show love to those who have just got into the scene!!!
Someone managed to piss me off again this weekend as usual but this time I didn't let it get to me as much, so dude - Suck on it!!!!
Didn't do much really this weekend as you know - winter has no friend so we keep it indoors these days and not can be done indoors - well one can do a lot but if you are like me and have no man (even the Splackavelli has decided to stay away from yours trully).
On Kwaki and being faithful - good luck, you'll be proud of urself one day!!!
I've figured that as much as I hate being in love, I actually miss it... I'm not gonna go chasing after it now but should love come my way I'll consider being someone's girlfriend again... I know that being with someone can be a pain sometimes but it's better to have loved and had your heart broken than not loving at all, don't you think!!! If a friend of mine had to read what I've just written - he'd think I've psycho, soft and weak and maybe I have but - ya it does get lonely sometimes and no amount of booty calls, splackavellis, friends - even the ones with benefits con fill that void!!! I just wanna fall hopelessly, crazy in love again - really!!! I'm in no rush though, seems like my dreams of getting hitched at 25 will not come true after all coz this ish will take a long time for me to fix!!!
I just need to stop being too selective, maybe the guy that manages to annoy and disgust me is the freak that is meant to make me happy!!! I think NOT.
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Monday after!
Turned out well but I was upset coz I was out-numbered by Savanna drinking females, had to force myself to drink that thing and after about 3 of those dumpies, it didn't taste as bad I was thought and I just kept them coming - called it quits after 14 dumpies @ about 3.30am!!!
Nelspruit people get so bored that they think that a chill session with about 15 people is a party!!!
Saturday: Woke up and felt like ish, still don't understand why I thought that I wouldn't be sick from drinking Savanna.... It just don't like me much- which is why I'll stick to what treats me good the morning after!!!
The party was somewhat nice, not too hectic with funny monkeys tryin to gatecrash but just nice, got even better when certain people started acting up, while on that tip - I'd like to let some ladies know: It's fine for some of ya'll to have a low self-esteem, it happens to almost every woman at some stage but the trick is to not let it show to everyone else, especially them boys coz they will come across the funny ones that'll use that against you somehow - I'm just sayin, don't know how much sense I'm making though.
So anyways Sats was full of beautiful women, horny men, dance, drinks, eats, music, hilarious drama, incest, promiscuity and the rest - I was just there looking and laughing, got a bit pissed off at some people so decided to stop drinking and just chill!!!
Some tried to make it my fault that they have boring lives.... Shooo, ya'll gotta be trippin'!!!
Kwaki was on a mission of gettin mortherllYfffuckedd, with blood-shot red eyes and never-ending smiles - kind'a looked funny but ya well.
Then there was just this one dude who had stinking feet, it was so bad that the odour didn't go away for a good 3 hours even after that we could still smell them, wonder why his girlfriend never tells!!!
One of the friend's guy cousin kept callin all the chicks into the bedroom ( it aint even his house) then he'd try to fondle with them - at some stage we all just wanted to beat him up, uyajwayela - he must get his own chick to fondle with and stop bothering the rest of us who are just gatvol with useless, lying men!!!
I have this friend who introduces a new girlfriend to me - every weekend!!!!! He has a wife and I'm friends with his one girlfriend that he has been with for about 3 or 4 years and every time the chick calls him to ask where he is, he tells that that he's partying with me and he can't leave me there and come home coz I don't have transport to go back home - ME, with no transport to go home with, errrrr, highly impossible but then again she buys the story every time so I decided not to get involved coz clearly she's blinded by "love".
Yesterday, we were finishing the last bit of booze and meat and just relaxing but I was missing my bed too much so @ 11pm I decided to go lala.
I'm slowly learning how to speak Sepedi.... YeaY!!! Will get it right soon.
More about the weekend later!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Yeah! Yeah!
I miss you girls....... wish you could see just how much!!!
I need help, remember that trust fund: Get Diva a Dildo Fund.... Ya'll need to seriously donate some $ for me to get one!!! Now that I'm not playing the celibacy card, Niggaz just stopped hollarin' - what's that all about? And the nights are just getting colder..... Eish!!!
Anyways, got a myspace account that I'm really likin coz well ya, its fun and I have nothing better to do besides waiting for Friday, 5 Down for ipholas with the crew and get tipsy!!!
Friday night the girls are playing Tequila Queens...... Khauki's pre-party boozing spree - without the usual dudes!!!!
So we realised that for the Saturday party we invited more women that guys...... sensing a cat fight over the hottest dude in the crowd???? Yeah, me too!!!!!
Sometimes when guys say "I'm gay" just coz they want to discourage your interest in them - well I think they ARE really gay, in denial but gay - yeah, I figure!!
What does one do when the only person that pays any attention to your ass is the one you are least interested in?
Ish, I wish this one guy can just wake up one morning and decide to hate me, I love being liked but he is a bit psycho - 4real!!! He's nice but not for me, I'm sure there is the one for him somewhere out there, maybe!!!
SOme might say that my being picky about guys is the same shit that won't get me laid, or a man...ya well!!!
Anywho, been enjoying reading Yodemo's blog lately - that boy likes to get people fuming and some people just like taking things too personally - a writer is a write is a write, good or bad, and yes people you are allowed to refuse to read any shit that may sound somewhat sickening and satanist to them, its just that ya'll like making yourselves look and sound all holy-holy-moral...... ya'll know what I mean!!!
Okay seems like today is one of those days when I just want 2 write about everything - anything, not making so much sense but hey its Thursday, only a few hours to Friday and @ 4, yo, yo, yo I'll be calculating alcohol percentages!!!!
Kisses to all those who matter to me!!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Mission #2!!!
Once we got to talking, he mentioned that he's got a chick now and me (coz I do get bored of myself - only sometimes) I took it upon myself to start "grooming" him into a perfect boyfriend, so I went blabbing on what women want, what to do on birthdays, Valentine's and all that shit, not forgetting tips on kissing and how to get laid........ the works!!!
Know what that little boy tuned me - "Oh, dear loving sister of mine, you might not know this but this is like my fifth girlfriend and I think I can handle my shit.... haven't gotten laid yet but you know what I'm cool after all I'm just 17! I know you got man trouble but trying to turn me into the man you've always wanted won't do fokol for you.... why don't you just get back with whatshisface? I love you a lot but get a new hobby coz I'm not willing to be your next project."
What! Can you believe the nerve that boy got tellin me that shit!!! He's right ya but he's my lil' brotha I'm s'pposed to coach him in a few things, am I not? Ah well after that I decided to take a walk to Village coz I couldn't have my alcohol binges on a Sunday, it's improper besides all the liquor stores are closed on Sundays and didn't have car to go to eKasie!!!
So what do single people (women) who live alone do when they are bored - I need new hobbies!!! So someone drop me a comment and give a list of things to do.
NOTE: Please don't gimme the Join the gym, Do laundry, Sew/ knit and any shit along those lines......
Monday, May 14, 2007
Drinks, fun and idiots!
Sometimes other people are simply too dumb to realise just how much they hurt you! Makes me wonder how happy they REALLY feel after denting your ego and heart!!!!
On Friday I was very, very pissed-off at someone for saying something very stupid in a very cold way that my eyes just filled with tears, started shakin and cursing at everything.... so after work I just dived for that Jack Daniels bottle and decided that I was gonna scar him back.... I wanted to scratch his car with a R5 coin, smash his windscreen and probably flattening his tyres then I saw him when I went to see a friend - the only thing that was going through my mind was that nah, K you know what- the nigga aint even all that and he is definitely not worth it... lookin at him almost made me barf, stupid moron!!!!!!!!!!!
All in all I had a great one, was angry most of the weekend but it was cool.... now next weekend is my friends birthday party and well we're takin it outta Nelspruit, more an the Hazyview/Sabie area - Still to decide!!!!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Win a date with.......
We first tried to write about me, you know a little profile and my brother gave up on that coz all my answers were not "decent", he says all I talk about is hip-hop, green bottles, cartoons and life with my friends and that was not enough to sell me to any potential candidates.
So we decided to make this a bit more interesting coz this does make me look a bit desperate - which I'm not.... trying so hard to convince myself, so now a lucky stud somewhere out there stands a chance to win a date with Da Diva!!!
Confession: - Being single aint what other people make it out to be, everybody I know is hooked up except me.... I can't claim I gotta man when that man is married - to someone else so ya.... it does get lonely sometimes and I'm not into the 1night stand thing, after a while one could lose count of the number of people they've done so nah , that aint my style....
So which of the following artists are much likely to be my most favourite?
Just choose 6 from the list below!!!! Easy ne?
- Nas
- Dead Prez
- The roots
- Jay Z
- Chingy
- Juellz Santana
- Ja Rule
- De la Soul
- Tuks
- Pro
- Tumi
- Biggy Smallz
- Diddy
- Lauryn Hill
- Lil' Kim
- Foxy Brown
- Queen Latifah
- Jermain Dupri
- Bone thugs n Harmony
- Game
- 50c
- T.I
- Lil' Wayne
- Phat Joe
- Twista
- Mr. Cheeks
- Snoop
- Pharrel Williams
- kanye West
- Pharaoh Monch
- Flabba
- Slik
Sweeeeeeeeeeetttttt, Wishing all that breaths a great weekend!!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Mina nezi Mpintshi zam'....
You would buy the most nastiest pair of jeans that will make you look like you have a high waist and flat ass, you hate them but two of your friends tell you that they are nice and you look hot in them - you know you don't but you keep askin yourself that uh well, they wouldn't lie to me, would they?
Or you see a person that you like and when you talk about that person your friend is the first to say "aah, that ugly thing..... he/she is a b*tch/man whore nogal and that head eish, it looks like i'loaf brown, haai no if you had to date that thing I will not talk to you" - What kind of friend is that? Obviously ya'll will not always have the same taste when it comes to other things!!! Its natural.... so now basically, you'll live an unhappy life all because your dumb friend doesn't approve of some of the things that you may be into.
Aren't friend supposed to let you be and only step in when asked to or when they see that you are getting out of hand or maybe you are in need of their help in some way???
My crew is weird.... in zulu some would say that "abanye ngathi bakhahlelwe ihashi esifubeni" but we are cool though, when there's beef it doesn't last for more than 30 minutes, some know when to shut up without being told first, some know when to walk away before they get bitch slapped, they know when to apologize before they are told where to get off and we are pretty much honest about shit... oh most importantly we know how to keep some body's secret coz well it doesn't concern us all we can do is say "aah shem, askies" when the fouls come out to play!!!!!!!
Mina well I just talk too much I must just teach myself to butt out and not get involved, otherwise I'll be having sleepless nights when the shit aint even my problem.
One thing we all have in common though......... they drinkz a lot, we are so passionate about their booze that they become very creative in our moment of drunkenness........ I'm always sober though.... me and booze, never!!! I'm the only one who makes sense out of the whole lot!!!!!
And if you believe what I said in that last sentence, then you need to consult a sangoma coz you is mad too!!!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Don't you know ME?
So last Friday at some stupid party (where we had to bring our own booze and got deprived of some braai meat) there was this dude tryin 2 hit on me, ne and when he asked to speak to me he was like "Hey, Khensani right?" I'm like "yeah, who are you?" He was like " Hawu, you don't know who I am?" I said "Nope, am I s'pposed to know you?", He went " The whole of Nelspruit knows me" me = "Ah well, clearly not the Whole of Nelspruit, 'coz I have never seen your ass anywhere". And then I just had to ask how he knew my name, did he ask one of my peoplez? and he was like " You like parties, booze and dissing certain people...... and nobody I've met knows who you are really dating"!!!!
I thought wow, people actually talk about me that much, funny coz I don't know them either!
So mina what chuckled me the most was the fact that he was trying very hard to convince me that he is just this popular person that is just at every party and shit.... haai, I don't buy his story coz he is this old, boring, overweight, badly dressed fart father creepA dude with gold bling, bling all over and I have Never seen him at any of the places I go to. Maybe he's one of those who go to dem BEE parties that bore the shit outta me with those old men trying to restore their lost youth by shagging poor high school and tertiary kids, showering them with material things to rid them of guilt while they haven't even bought grocery for his own family or paid his child's school fees (not all of them, just some - so don't sue me).
I kept staring him in the eye and saying "huh, I didn't hear you", just so I could discourage his interest in me and then Supa came to my rescue - just time! I changed the last 2 digits of my cell# but some fool had to give him the right one after I left. he called the next day and I was like darn It, tried pulling the "I don't who I'm speaking to" card and he had to keep "reminding" me where we met. Plus we think he tried spiking our drinks with no success coz we just chucked them in the bin when my chick friend said the beer tasted funny!!! Ag shame Bro, you think we're dumb like that, uzonya mfana!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
He said....
Kwaki told me that I'm heartless and I don't feel any emotions for fokol and that I feel with my hormones.... I think NOT but hey "they" say everybody is entitled to their opinion!
So days later I really took time out to figure how true he was and well I still say he's wrong about me.... I'm female, of course I'm sensitive and I DO have a heart - no ice boxes yet!!!
But I can't help thinkin that I once thought I was in love and then figured that NO its NOT love, it was just pity for the poor guy, more like I did him a favour coz well he would've been shattered if I had to tell him what was really going on in my mind - Lesson #1: Don't do favours for people who will constantly bug you even when you've broken up and even though that person looks so cute and innocent, there's always a tiny devil whispering nonsense in their ear and then the next thing they'll be telling you how YOU are nothing without them..... nigga please!!!
And then there are people who just need to be told the truth regardless of their reaction after you finish sayin whatever. I ducked for cover after I told this guy that I once thought that he was the shit, he looked good and all but there was just this thing that he did and I couldn't help thinking less of him each time he said "I know you want me", what da f%^#ck do you think you are you fuckin shit.... nigga you ARE shit, but more importantly try buying breath mints - in bulk!!!
Not forgetting the dude that was supposed to be on a date with ME but kept asking me about my other chick friend.... Boy, don't you know that its all about me? Angazongijwayela sani!!! Ufuna mina or impintshi yam'? That boy now knows for sure not to piss me off especially if we are at a restaurant and the bill is on him, jyslik!!!
And the one that kept telling me how he got played by the chick he wanted to make wifey, fine I get it... you loved her and she loved someone else (cousin, to be exact), your heart was broken, blah, blah, blah - get over it already dude!!! Shit happens, even the best couples in the world breakup sometimes. I'd be very upset if that guy was using that line to get sympathy from females, coz for a while there I felt sorry for him UNTIL the day I saw him at Tilt dancing a storm with chicks flanking him, but wait for it- it gets better, the cousin that "stole" his girlfriend was there too, when I asked him about the story he said " What are you talking about? I know nothing about that shit, my cousin is just crazy - he doesn't have a real girlfriend, well he gets chicks but they never stick around for more than a week." - I was like huh?!? Eerie but not for my attention!!!!
"I think I'm going crazy, hmmm, he's cute and has a great body under all those clothes but nah I don't wanna date an uneducated white boy with "THUG LIFE" tattooed on his left shoulder! I don't know...... let's kill them both, I think I should just be single. He's so sweet though.... I'll deny everything and say I was just fucking around with him"
Talk about being confused..... She managed to make me laugh though!!!
On a more serious tip - these petrol prices that keeping up are doing a great job in shattering my dreams of ever getting my OWN car!!! I'm gatvol as it is right now and I don't even own one - I get to use the cars at home and I have to put in my own gas unless they send me somewhere then it's on them. Maybe I should opt for a scooter or a bike..... as in bicycle!!!
With all the holidays we've had lately.... ya this week has officially been fucked, "they" should've just let us chill for the rest of the week coz really I'm in lazy mode and I'm just forcing myself to work right now. Some of those government employees are damn lucky- you know some of them are on leave already.... where I work we never get those, we just work year in year out without a break.... joys of working for BEE'z - the Be your own Boss company people, you cant take relaxed holidays when you are boss sometimes!!!
Wonder what this coming weekend has in store for me. I'm a bit broke but I refuse to be bored!!
Much later
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Me and my CrEw!!!

The fake flower was victim for the night!

It had to Jack Daniels that would f*ck us up!

Monday, April 30, 2007
BLooDY long as week'endZ!!!
I'm moving outta home tomorrow - Yeah, Yeah, Yeah!!!
Apparently that means more responsibilities, obligation to buy own grocery, FREEDOM, INDEPENDENCE, sleep-overs (less quickies, more.....), saying to people "I'm at my PLACE, not home", decorating the lounge & bedroom the way I wanna!!!!!!!!!
Bad Newz!!!
I'm broke already and I haven't even moved out of home,
No more luxuries and knowing that I'll never be hungry coz I'm @ home
Cleaning and washing (have to leave the maid at home)
Cooking home made meals to avoid expensive take-aways that will leave me broke
Travelling to work on my own........
This will be like playing Survivor for me coz well other than the time I tried living with a boyfriend for a month or so in Durbz and being at hostel in high school, well I've never lived out of home or by myself so ya, I do hope I don't fuck this up or they'll never trust me to be "Responsible".
This long weekend was a rather lazy one - Thursday, we did fokol but drink Johnnie Walker - Black with the crew, Friday went to a small party were one of my guy friends went on some drama tip (making this other chick's boyfriend pay for his Savanna's that she drank) well not that he couldn't6 afford more, its just that he was a bit mad coz the chicks boyfriend showed up while he was trying to charma the girl - Ah jo askies, maar nawe you know that aint nobody flying solo these days!!! Saturday did nothing but learn how to roll a joint, got high, watched 8 movies and ate, Sunday - same shit and Today - I'm at work, my boss tuned me shit, I almost cried then though nah.... did my work, didn't take a lunch break so now I'm starving!!!! And oh I had R40 to survive with the whole weekend!!!
Hey I know this chick from SD and she claims that Snoop is her uncle, imagine that. Me being me I tried finding out how they were related but never got an answer but don't be scared I shall find out for the people and check this out she lives right here in Nelspruit - meaning that Snoop might just decide to come visit his niece sometime soon...... I doubt very much but I wanna catch her out on her own lie! Imagine if I had to start claiming that Jigga man is my half brother, that I talk to everyday and visit 4 times a year and none of my friends have seen him????? RIGHT!!!!
I'm gonna be childish for a bit and you know what I actually like pissing off people, it makes them tell the truth without having to think about a long story line!!!!!
Tshwarelo's friend - You said I must remind you to tell me something about someone..... Don't keep the Diva waiting.........
One of my friends will be buying "umkhumbi wezi febe" (microbus or caravelle) soon and I can't wait to abuse it!!!! Wishing all that breaths a good week filled with love, peace and respeK!!!
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
TrieD and TesteD!
The simple theory of tried and tested!
Now I remembered a certain sitch that went down some three years back and ya it was not nice but I got over it!
See I sometimes have this problem of over-sharing information mostly about my relationships and shit to "friends" and I saw that as ok coz I hardly keep things hidden or bottled in my heart/ mind - whatever! So as friends chilling we would talk about our mates/boo'z/partners/bootycalls/flings, the sex, the love etc... openly and we would laugh about it!
I happened to be hooked up with Quan @ that time and I loved talkin about... yes he was that interesting and I would share details of our sessions with my girls, little did I know that as I'm busy talkin about my stunts this other chick is busy scheming!!! SO long story short - I walked in on her and Quan shagging and did the whole "What are you doing"? "How dare you"? shit - sudden reactions!
I was friggin shocked and very upset. Later when I broke the news to the rest of the crew they were ready to give the that thing bitch slaps and beat downs but Tshepo - a friend too pointed out that I'm probably the reason she fucked my man.... asked how and he said that I keep telling them (her included) of how good the shags were and that made her want to find out herself if he really was that gifted! Okay point taken but she still deserved to be bitch slapped for going behind my back and doing my boo, so I beat her up anyways - for disrespecting our friendship more than the fact the I saw my man's hairy ass doing the bump and grind on her!!!
Kwaki and I spoke about this shit sometime back and telling stories of how many times it has been proven - especially by women!!! they want what has been tried and tested, dude you better have references when you come mack on my ass!!! If no woman around town can openly say that you laid them well - eish, finding a woman that will be too keen to let tap her will be a mission! But if they are one or two chicks who will confess about how good you are - chances are females will be sending you "Please call "shag" on 073 445 1121"!!!
That's being a man for you! If you had to hear 3,4 guys talkin about a chick and how she works her goon - chances are you'd think "nah, she's a whore"!!!
Oh ya, the chick and I are still friends - not so close coz I'll never let her 5feet close to my boo, but we're friends!!! And they guy..... well I found better after that incident, still has the nerve to call and send lovey sms' to me but he aint getting none of my shit 4sho!!!
Monday, April 23, 2007
29 DayZ Later!
There I confess... I tried & I couldn't do it!!!
Kwaki, please no "I told You so" shit from you ne!!!
That Saturday party was too hott & I wish I could blame my weakness on booze but I won't coz I know that it had nothing to do with it!!!
The details of that night cannot be put in writing, you just had to be there & see for yourself!!!
I could hate myself for being a freak but nah I love everything about it!!
The foundation that Kwaki started for me mustn't be ruled out yet coz I'm planning on paying for my sins..... so I'm gonna punish myself and sexually frustrate my self for a while!!!
Yes, I don't myself too!!!!!
Thursday, April 19, 2007
4 da mind!
For all those who need to be schooled - check out and today!!!! Kuyashisa vandag- class is in session!
While still at being schooled.... Is there a college or institute or module of some sort that will teach women some course so we can get some insight of how the male mind works - I just might be in need for one 'coz trying to figure out what goes on in some men's minds is becoming difficult by the day. Not long ago I thought I was on track and I've just realise that I'm far from it - damn! Even pulling the lesbian stunt wasn't this hard...
Part of the reason why I decided on this celibacy shit was because I kept finding myself a bit confused trying to understand what this man's intentions were and I didn't want to be in that "emotional roller coaster" again.
So now single & celibate is my hype right, not forgetting honesty!!! Yet when I tried to be honest about my feelings and plans with the men I've had in my life most of them thought Ah, drama - drama and if they did not kutsa nge 220 they stop callin .... until the cunt is horny!!! Hella Brotha man I don't do 1 night stands, you either a bootycall on stand-by as per our agreement or you're a boyfriend!!!
Ya and some men when you tune them that hey phela things are getting to the heart they think Yo, Yo, Yo - which is normal coz really thinking about it if what brought you guys together what cheating on your mates, what makes you think shit will be perfect when you decide to get into a serious relationship with a bootycall - if your thoughts were "but now we are in love and we won't cheat on each other" then you have problems and you're a tad more insane than Jacklyn Hyde.
But today I felt like punching myself when I realised that my sweet efforts were made to look weak and petty.... I felt like a high school kid trying to flirt with the headboy in Grade 12!!! I dialled a number and when the phone was answered I pulled the "hey, how are you... no, eish I was just sayin hi! U'grand, sharp" line - How pathetic, even for me - at my age! Shit I've lost my touch!!! But then it could be the fact that I didn't really have anything to say, I just wanted to bug the dude kancane or maybe just to hear his voice - for what? I don't know really- Silly huh?
Congratzzzzzz to my 22year old cousin who finally decided to lose HIS virginity to his girlfriend of 3years!!! The poor guy confessed to not knowing what to do even after years of watching the KarmaSutra and Hot Black Ladies for white dicks!!! Usukhulile Mfana!!! Turns out the girlfriend did all the work while my cousin laid back and learned!!!
Wednesday, April 18, 2007
Say w'w'what!
No millions & definitely no gennie in a bottle either!
So my friend tells me that I was on some other tip on Saturday and I simply just don't remember much about that night. Not long after confessing that I cannot dance, Khauki tells me that I did, I looked funny but I danced to some other house song... weird!!! I do remember telling a chick to chill with the nigga hunting coz she was starting to irritate a hell lotta people!
That Amstel/Heineken feud or what ever that's goin' on must end soon otherwise some of us will be very upset... I know you're probably like "so what if She's upset? What is she gonna do about it?" Bona wena I've got an answer for you....... I'll , I'll, I'll quit drinking all together and become this highly moral pest that will preach to everyone else who cares to listen that alcohol is bad! Not that they will listen but nje I'm just gonna bug them for the fuck of it!!!
Apparently a lot of other drama went down at that party and I missed it all - coz I was DANCING, unbelievable!!! People, the next time ya'll see me on the dance floor.... PLEASE, drag me away..... It's one thing being sloshed and dancing at the usual spot maar not in public!
Freedom Day is coming up soon for us South Africans, so what do normal people usually do on Freedom Day? I know Government events will be on but what else? I'll be working at one of them for MP, If anybody is planning a hectic party... Hollar!!!! And I promise not to dance!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007
One, Two, Three wisheZ
Khauki, a friend of mine is planning a surprise birthday thingy for herself... & I can't wait to see the surprised look on her face when we all yell "SURPRISE"!!! hee, hee, hee - hilarious!
Whatever happened to Ali Babba's magic oil lamp with that geenie man inside coz I sure could use one, only with a few more wishes to grant!!!
If I had to come across one somehow.... I'd wish for the following:
- A black Mustang.... American Muscle baby, or 7 cars I can name Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,Thursday, Friday, Weekend Lover & Baby!
- The PS3, 2 Quad bikes and a yatch
- An extremely large sound-proof house on a farm, with all the nice extras all rooms with en-suite, 3 sexy butlers and accommodate 27 friends or an Island I can name after the man who gave me multiple orgasms (joke)
- To get my hands on the truth serum so I can figure out if that dude is lying or not,
- To come up with one of the world's greatest inventions - what - I don't know yet,
- A year's long vacation with my 9 good friends around the world
- The "Legend" (my dad) to come to life again and give his cute daughter a hug
- A straight, sane, single man with no drama, attachments that can do a freestyle about anything to any beat and still make sense,
- For Amstel & Heiniken to resolve whatever they are beefing about so that the rest of us can be happy again coz Bavaria aint doing the job 4 me - Amstel is still the best,
- And obviously be president for a week - only to change a few things and then be the normal Khensy plotting my missions for the weekend!!!!!!!
See I'm not too demanding but If that Gennie dude doesn't come my way that that essay on how to make millions better do the trick!!!
Day 23, today!
Monday, April 16, 2007
I've made mine - being celibate for the next 6 months.... I'm on 22 days already and ya it feels kinda good making myself suffer but you know what I am in someway enjoying it especially the reaction on some peoples faces every time I tell them about my celibacy mission!!! Ya!
Kwaki says that I'm just lying to myself and I won't be able to pull it off for that long - guess we'll just have to wait and see - right! But thinking about all those cold winter nights all by myself...... eish, talk about bad timing to carry out mission - code name: celibacy 001 & to top that I'm finally moving out of home in 2 weeks... just me, myself & I in that apartment! ya ne, sho!!! But I have to stick it out 'coz if I don't I'll personally brand myself as a weakling that couldn't see a simple task through & I don't want that so I'm forced!
I made a prediction about a drama situation that I foresaw going down - it happened sooner than I had thought, Khauki didn't believe me & well it came true... I just forgot to bet on it so I could cash in.... damn my slow mind at times!!!! But the laugh I had will just do for now!
Hey Kasie & Tswarelo.... Thanx 4 da replies/comments, much valued and ya I went into "Between Friends" - so shweeeeeeet!