Wednesday, May 2, 2007

He said....

Not so long ago, while drinking with the crew Kwaki and I started talking about me and my splackazzzz.

Kwaki told me that I'm heartless and I don't feel any emotions for fokol and that I feel with my hormones.... I think NOT but hey "they" say everybody is entitled to their opinion!

So days later I really took time out to figure how true he was and well I still say he's wrong about me.... I'm female, of course I'm sensitive and I DO have a heart - no ice boxes yet!!!

But I can't help thinkin that I once thought I was in love and then figured that NO its NOT love, it was just pity for the poor guy, more like I did him a favour coz well he would've been shattered if I had to tell him what was really going on in my mind - Lesson #1: Don't do favours for people who will constantly bug you even when you've broken up and even though that person looks so cute and innocent, there's always a tiny devil whispering nonsense in their ear and then the next thing they'll be telling you how YOU are nothing without them..... nigga please!!!

And then there are people who just need to be told the truth regardless of their reaction after you finish sayin whatever. I ducked for cover after I told this guy that I once thought that he was the shit, he looked good and all but there was just this thing that he did and I couldn't help thinking less of him each time he said "I know you want me", what da f%^#ck do you think you are you fuckin shit.... nigga you ARE shit, but more importantly try buying breath mints - in bulk!!!

Not forgetting the dude that was supposed to be on a date with ME but kept asking me about my other chick friend.... Boy, don't you know that its all about me? Angazongijwayela sani!!! Ufuna mina or impintshi yam'? That boy now knows for sure not to piss me off especially if we are at a restaurant and the bill is on him, jyslik!!!

And the one that kept telling me how he got played by the chick he wanted to make wifey, fine I get it... you loved her and she loved someone else (cousin, to be exact), your heart was broken, blah, blah, blah - get over it already dude!!! Shit happens, even the best couples in the world breakup sometimes. I'd be very upset if that guy was using that line to get sympathy from females, coz for a while there I felt sorry for him UNTIL the day I saw him at Tilt dancing a storm with chicks flanking him, but wait for it- it gets better, the cousin that "stole" his girlfriend was there too, when I asked him about the story he said " What are you talking about? I know nothing about that shit, my cousin is just crazy - he doesn't have a real girlfriend, well he gets chicks but they never stick around for more than a week." - I was like huh?!? Eerie but not for my attention!!!!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thou should consider writing a damn novel. YOur stories are nice.

Yodemo as anonymous. Too lazyto log on to account