Thursday, December 13, 2007

HP be da man???

I have officially gone soft....... HP is turning me into a sweetheart! The thrill I used to get just by turning a man's life upside down has suddenly gone pooof.

It is much too soon for me to start feeling this person..... I can't, I refuse!!! I get butterflies in my tummy when I speak to him, I become giggly and all smiles when he's around - That is so not me! Must be poetry he sends me every now and then, so shweeet....

(I saved and went out for a few hours, now the story might change from what it was in the morning)

Oh, I tend to lose interest when the "man" falls hopelessly in love with me coz the I feel like I don't have to work at getting his attention......... HP has called me 6 times today....."missing" me! So he says! and I'm meeting the older brother - Too, too soon! Would've been better if I was just meeting one of his "BoiZ".

It's been a while since K has been with "man" so yeah I do love the attention - But I do not need to know about everything that happens in one day @ his work place, the funny isht ya but really now - keep it at a minimum right? Right!!!

Gosh, last night was it.......... yo! Ok enough about that!!!

So is this a serious relationship or is it headed there - I don't know yet, I have been avoiding those for quite some time now but I am in "like", very much & it scares me!

Everybody......... I see a "Blog" Soapie coming soon!

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