Monday, April 16, 2007


See, there comes a time in a persons when they have to make certain decisions... for whatever reason they may have!!!!!!

I've made mine - being celibate for the next 6 months.... I'm on 22 days already and ya it feels kinda good making myself suffer but you know what I am in someway enjoying it especially the reaction on some peoples faces every time I tell them about my celibacy mission!!! Ya!

Kwaki says that I'm just lying to myself and I won't be able to pull it off for that long - guess we'll just have to wait and see - right! But thinking about all those cold winter nights all by myself...... eish, talk about bad timing to carry out mission - code name: celibacy 001 & to top that I'm finally moving out of home in 2 weeks... just me, myself & I in that apartment! ya ne, sho!!! But I have to stick it out 'coz if I don't I'll personally brand myself as a weakling that couldn't see a simple task through & I don't want that so I'm forced!

I made a prediction about a drama situation that I foresaw going down - it happened sooner than I had thought, Khauki didn't believe me & well it came true... I just forgot to bet on it so I could cash in.... damn my slow mind at times!!!! But the laugh I had will just do for now!

Hey Kasie & Tswarelo.... Thanx 4 da replies/comments, much valued and ya I went into "Between Friends" - so shweeeeeeet!


Anonymous said...

what was your prediction exactly maybe you were a little off, I presume it has something to do with me.


Ah well, celibacy killed Mother Teresa, let's hope you make it to see the FIFA World Cup in 2010

Just Khens. said...

Uh, well that's why I'm only setting it on 6 months coz longer than that might just make certain parts of my body feel a bit rusty!!