Wednesday, February 14, 2007

Shitty Days like Today!

Well I'm kinda in a funked up mood!

If you have read my Valentine's what? post, you'd figure what I talking about!!!
Yesterday the lil' brother needed a suit for a Pre-Valentines Day something that was happening at school, pity he had to wear what he already had 'coz no-one at home was prepared to run around the whole of Nelspruit just for a suit - askies bro, I tried! then today the lil' sister was dressed up in pink and white - and that is just for during the day, there's still a Valentine's day social later on tonight that she has to dress up for.

The valentine's day spirit is just every where, even Katle who is 5 years old had to dress up for the day and he is in pre-school and obviously the parents have to give kids a bit of money to buy the roses, cards and all the shit that comes with this day..... I'm telling you this has become a serious money-making scheme 4sho!

Back to the reason why I'm not really all cheerful today.... I didn't really expect anyone to be nice enough to buy me a rose or at least one of those champion sweets today but I was a bit disappointed when the morning went past without a single person saying Happy Valentine's day so in a funny way it made it clear to me that I'm officially never ever going to celebrate Valentine's day but instead I'm planning to form an ANTI-Valentine's day group, so who's joining me?????

Anywho..... I'm outtie!

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