Monday, February 26, 2007

I am....

In a previous post I mentioned something about the I am... poems being overdone , well I have one as well but I'm not sure if it's anything close to being a real poem, all I know is that I just write sometimes what I write about doesn't make much sense to me either but here goes nothing:

I'm the voice...
The voice that will speak for those who can't - the deaf, mute & of a foreign langauge
I'm the voice that draws the attention of those who think highly of themselves & have no time to listen to the people who are worthy of their listening abilities!

I'm a writer...
A writer that will make the rest of the world learn of what I have put down on paper
Coming about it verbally is very hard for our people at times
I will write for the disabled and illiterate
I offer my abilities to put pen onto paper to those who can't do it themselves!

I'm the sun...
The same sun that brightens up the days of those who who see them as to be dull, cloudy and stormy
I'll be the sun after a rainy night, I'll rise and shine so that people smile
I'll make their day pleasant so they feel there's something to look forward to the following day!

I'm the water...
The water that cleanses people's souls, the same water that God's people are baptised in to wash away their sins
The water that moistens our land to keep everything alive, the water that reflects purity and cleaness.

If one had to put me on stage, I'd be a storyteller, the open book that people can learn from, I'd wish for the magic to heal every broken heart. Let me be the star that will light the way to a more fulfilling life, make people understand that one simple smile can make up for the stream of tears that have fallen, that the power of forgiveness heals all hidden wounds.

Oh well, I tried..... I guess some of us are just good at writing bullsh*t better than other things.

How I've searched for traces of your face at every possible space
The love I felt then is still strong now
Time has past, some memories will always last
What is love lost, when I still keep you in my thoughts

What I feel for you comes from deep within
Pictures of you and I constantly flash in my mind
Emotions that I tried to hide stay visible in my eyes
Things that bring joy to ones life come with pain aswell

Taking myself back to the times when we were together
Spending time with you seemed to be one of my life's pleasures
I swore to have never felt love like that when you held me close
Loving you was like a dream, one that I wouldn't forget

You were a simple person person,
A person that shared with me the beauty of life
With flaws or not, the feeling of being loved & being in love
Always remains ever so precious and priceless

All that I could ever need then, I found in you
Life's lessons I've learned with you
Simple pleasures of love, youi've given me
My gratitude I express to you for bringing out the best of me.

Now that was 3 years ago, how that came about, I don't know even worse I don't remember loving a person that much in life at that time.

I think I would write a meaningful love piece only if I were head over heels in love with some one, which I'm not yet, so ya look out for one some time soon (I hope).

Had an interestingly dull but nice weekend but I think Friday was cool even though I don't quite remember most of it - thanks to a green bottle but atleast I came back home early ( everyone was still awake) around 11pm.

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