Friday, February 2, 2007

Oh, that thing called love!

So you are in love with this one person right and you suddenly find yourself in one of these
f*?@cked situations:

1) You hear that he/she was seen together with another person at some party that you happened to miss while on the other hand they also hear that you were seen doing the same shit with someone else, now both of you feel hurt and neither of you want to be the first to pick the phone and call each other.
Eventually a few months go by and you still haven't spoken to each other, then you bump into each other at a mutual friend's house warming party.

Q. What do you say or do to each other?

2) The hot chick/guy that lives down the road from you and had a major crush on for years finally decides to be nice to you and asks you out to watch a movie or go out for drinks and you obviously say yes and on that day you find out that you actually just find that spark between you two and decide to see each other again on a more romantic note this time, things are just the way you've dreamt they would be but the the next day he/she tells you that he/she's going overseas for five years and promises to keep in touch every now and then, telling you of their undying love for you.

Q. Do you really wait for them and when they do come back is the love still as strong, even better (they have gained a few kilos and not as attractive as they used to be back then), would you still want to picks up from where you left them@?

3) For what ever reason that you decide to end things with your partner, after a while of missing them and not finding the perfect replacement for them, you start to really think about how you can patch things up with them. You get back together again things are great for a short while after that you start getting this nagging feeling that they will hurt you again, you become suspicious every time their phone rings or when they are are an hour late for your date etc...

Q. Is going back to a person you once loved before really worth it if you constantly wonder if are being faithful to you or not and you keep bringing up the past every time you disagree on something?

My thoughts on it: Every person decides what they want to do with their love lives right, what ever that makes them happy and helps them sleep better at night. Truth is you can find hundreds of reasons why you wouldn't want to go back to your ex but you can find find twice as much reasons why you would. The worst thing that could happen is that once they do something that hurts you the second time around, it will totally kill the last bit of love that you ever felt for that person..... My theory may not be totally true but I believe that if it's not worth the second try, don't do it rather keep that bit of love and respect that you still have for them to yourself and just be nice to them, who knows they can turn out to be a better friend than lover!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

1.Go to the toilets and shag
2.Make the most of it and shag
3.The past will always be there so dont spoil the present by wondering about it, so dont worry just shag