Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Wednesday -

Gawd DammiT, my neighbour's dogs are gay........ I suspected that they were gay but I didn't want to catch them in action!!! Eeuw!

I drugged myself last night, very fatal combination = myprodol & cheap whisky that Kwaki & I named Harare as we could not pronounce the name, I needed to sleep & I was in pain, that darn "Suzie" can be annoying - doctors call it "dysmanoria" (V.V bad spelling).

HP called trying to be nice, I pulled a Tyra Banks' fit on him as he was disturbing me from my 1 man brainstorming session!

Jill Scott rocks..... Ammy Winehouse has serious problems, she's permanently high & sloshed plus has a friend with the Osborn surname, how weird can she get! Love her music though!!!!

What happened to load shedding?


Sweets said...

hmmmm... suzie needs to be "handled" woman... this is the last time i'm going to nag you!!

Harare ne...hehe... bliss... just wait till B read this... ;)

Patchwork said...


WTF is Harare?

Wena K, you;re out to embarrass me I swear, you do this on purpose.

Why do you drink cheap whiskey that was made by Scandinavians who cannot spell?


In the future I expect you to conduct yourself much much better than this, you hear me?

Just Khens. said...

Ok firstly.... I am not the one who bought the whisky, It's my short midget-lookin like friend, (he is one weird white boy I say) anyhoo, I asked him if he had something that would knock me out and he came with some in a glass ( me thought it wasn't so bad) so I was like "bring the whole damn bottle"!!! I'm in pain F.F.S

Askies Ms. B, on a normal day I do conduct meself a far better way!

**PS** I still don't know how to spell that name!!!

Patchwork said...

Mwaa haa haa haa!!

You're dodge!

OK, just this once, I'll let it go.