Tuesday, March 4, 2008


Like seriously.....

Some person out there sat down and designed the very first dildo/vibrator! Was that person male or female and the hell was going through their minds when they thought "Geez let me make something that resembles or replaced a dick for women (who might be lonely or simply sexually frustrated)!

People come up with the most weird and sometimes helpful things on earth, Kwaki once tried starting a trust (back when I still had man issues)..... "Buy diva a dildo fund", and I am not sure how that ended, if there was money that came in then he probably bought booze with it!

Oh well........ was just a thought!


Patchwork said...

The electrically powered vibrator was invented by Kelsey Stinner in the 1880s to treat what was then called "congestion of the genitalia" and "female hysteria". For centuries, doctors had been treating women for these illnesses by performing what we would now recognize as masturbation. However, not only did they regard the "vulvular stimulation" required as having nothing to do with sex, but reportedly found it time-consuming and hard work

Without TMI, I have a lot of vibrators from friends and lovers alike.

Bro_ken said...

LOL ewww interesting info Bridget, why you need a vibrator when you got a hand? I've never seen one in real life before, so obviously i've never owned one, what's it like using them???

Patchwork said...


Bro ken!! I can't answer that without appearing dodgy! Hee hee hee.

Let's just say, sometimes the hands are busy elsewhere.

Sweets said...

mwhahahahaha... oh my word, my lips are sealed ;)

Just Khens. said...

Ok clearly someone know more about vibrators than some of us!!!

The less questions I ask, the better.

I've held one but I was a bit intoxicated so I kept tickling everybody else with it instead of "Using" it.

kwaki said...

Ok ladies interesting topic, have used a vibrator on someone during sex, lets face it nothing does clitoral stimulation better. Bridget u seem very informed maybe I should have given u the pervert vote.

Patchwork said...



But yes you're right, clitoral stimulation etc etc. Gosh I cannot believe I am typing this!

Anyway, there is nothing perverted about enjoying sex.

Just Khens. said...

Ehee, ehhe , ha, ha,ha!

Kwaki.... is there anything that you haven't done with a female person?

kwaki said...

I havent done a few things but I believe in sexual exploration otherwise if you dont vary it becomes quite monotonous, remember what I told you. My charm is in being spontaneous and always carrying a condom and KY-Jelly wherever i go. Bridget there is nothing wrong with enjoying sex if you wanted to see something perverted you should see some fetishes out there, imagine a guy smearing his dick with honey then masturbating while bees sting it.

Just Khens. said...

And you saw this guy while doing what???

That must be some painful fetish....

Isn't KY Jelly used by gay guys for lubricating the chocolate hole? Just asking - after all you have "explored" a lot more things than me!!!

Patchwork said...




Chocolate hole! I must now, eat chocolate after this?

kwaki said...

well some women love it in the chocolate hole... plus you never know when you may need a little bit more lubrication, i told u I lasted rather long and women tend to dry up sumtimes after a few hours.

Just Khens. said...

Oh, askies, phla you know we have these conversations when we are intoxicated so sometimes I 4get!

B: Chocolate is nice, no matter how you "have" it, it is still nice!

Ok I thought this was meant to be about a DILDO nnot Kwaki's sexual doings & Chocolate hole or KY Jelly! PLease behave!!! LoL