So how far can cats really jump? Was looking at this other cute white one that's always by my house (it's definitely not ours), the 1 second it was walking on the driveway and the next it was on the wall ( a high wall that is with and electric fence thing goin on)!!! Been watching repeats of Catwoman on Movie Magic and ya... I got a bit curious there!!!
Anyways, So what does a man mean when he says "It's your own fault that you love me, I didn't make you"? Really? Just a Q that a chick friend of mine asked and I couldn't answer her coz I've been there too and I still haven't sorted that one out!!!
And I've just realised that some people they I once had a thing going on with make better friends than anything else... Was talking to a splacka of mine and well we just had a chat that had nothing to do with sex and it was a good one!!! After deciding to end a thing with the "animal" (reason: I don't wanna be the reason his life falls apart and I definitely don't want to be hunted down by an angry + bitter fiance when all his fouls, late nite creepin scandals and the rest of the shit he does come out), we speak now and then and made an agreement that should I get a booty call from him I will politely decline for the sake of making him a "better" person!!!!
See, I'm not as evil as people like to think of me..... sometimes ish is not all about me!!!
Ey, got a call form a dude I dated about 9 years ago - yeah 9 years, I think I was about 14/15!!! He's all grown up, on some BEE tip and has done well for himself @ 26yrs I must say - I'm so proud!!! But he just had to ruin my excitement of seeing him after so long by saying that he still loves me and all that kinda' bullsh*t and well ya.... I still like him but really now after 9n years does he really think that I'm still that shweet, cute, naive girl he knew back then........... I think NOT! I have so changed it aint even funny plus he thinks that I'm rude, me rude? Never!!! I'm not rude, I just chose to be honest!!! Yes I drink, party, club and do all the nasties that most wouldn't imagine me doing but ya that's me and I like it!!!
Thought I couldn't see through his silly lies, telling me he has been waiting for so long to see me coz he couldn't picture himself marrying someone else but me.... Said he even wrote to "All you need is love", ha, ha, ha....... all I could say was "WOW, that's quite stupid of you! You really believed that I'm gonna marry you? Dude I'm 23, tryin to make money and enjoy livin life, shit do I look like I want be tied down at this point of my life? You crazy!!!" So after all that he still had the nerve to say "Well since you're not a virgin anymore, can I just shag you - it'll do me justice, hey you know - I thought that I was gonna be your first?" - Man Puh-leaZe!!!
Thursday, May 31, 2007
Wednesday, May 30, 2007
To all those who strayed.....
Yesterday - during my lunch break I decided to check some other blogs, you know, just to see what other bloggers write about.
I came across this other one:!!!!
I swear in my whole entire life I have never seen so much dick... it was just dick, dick, dick,dick every where... I was so shocked, my hand was shacking, my clit was feeling funny and my heart just pounded away!!!!! I could just jump to the next blog but there's this thing about me that sometimes gets me into shit coz I just wanna know, so I scrolled down...................................
I wished I didn't - really, ok I enjoyed looking at all those dicks, biggish, smallish, mediumish - all kinds!
And then it clicked to me and I found reason to why there aren't so many good looking, STRAIGHT, honest men for us single women to find------- They are all F*ckin GAY!!!
I'm not homophobic or whatever they call it but man, all those guys on that site are just hotttt, sexy everything with bods that one would love to lick and they are gay!!!
I've got gay friends, some got me very pissed off coz they were going for the dudes I had my eye on so now really, I have to compete with men with dicks just to find my guy, that is just bullsh*t, straight up & down like d@.
Then the porno kinda' pictures came up - guys giving other guys head, that whole ish(don't wanna go into detail). Well maybe guys give better blows than women who knows, but one thing I know 4sho is that one of the best mufs I've ever had was from a WOMAN so could it be, maybe !!!
So now (not in a bad way) they guys that are somewhat available for us to chose from are married, engaged, have about 3 baby-mommaz, has beenz, sick and not that much interesting to gawk at, well there are just a few good ones left but that doesn't give much to select from now does it?!?
Mmmm, those boys are just delicious and to add on that the blog is written in some foreign lingo that I don't know and I know most women have had one of those thoughts of being stranded in some remote island with a young wet lookin, hot thing wearing some swimming shorts with no top, speaking some other language!!! Can only be some explosive ish!
After all that I get off work ne and go to my friends house.... sitting in the lounge all by myself, mind having flashes of those dicks I had seen earlier on..... I heard sounds of my friend and her man shagging, and I'm by my friggin self - dude how horny was I???? Turned the volume higher, it did NOT help at all coz I kept thinkin about it!!! Now that was fucked up - 4real.
Anywho, that was my day izolo and yes I went to my place all alone and I slept my horninezz away - It was cold!!!
I came across this other one:!!!!
I swear in my whole entire life I have never seen so much dick... it was just dick, dick, dick,dick every where... I was so shocked, my hand was shacking, my clit was feeling funny and my heart just pounded away!!!!! I could just jump to the next blog but there's this thing about me that sometimes gets me into shit coz I just wanna know, so I scrolled down...................................
I wished I didn't - really, ok I enjoyed looking at all those dicks, biggish, smallish, mediumish - all kinds!
And then it clicked to me and I found reason to why there aren't so many good looking, STRAIGHT, honest men for us single women to find------- They are all F*ckin GAY!!!
I'm not homophobic or whatever they call it but man, all those guys on that site are just hotttt, sexy everything with bods that one would love to lick and they are gay!!!
I've got gay friends, some got me very pissed off coz they were going for the dudes I had my eye on so now really, I have to compete with men with dicks just to find my guy, that is just bullsh*t, straight up & down like d@.
Then the porno kinda' pictures came up - guys giving other guys head, that whole ish(don't wanna go into detail). Well maybe guys give better blows than women who knows, but one thing I know 4sho is that one of the best mufs I've ever had was from a WOMAN so could it be, maybe !!!
So now (not in a bad way) they guys that are somewhat available for us to chose from are married, engaged, have about 3 baby-mommaz, has beenz, sick and not that much interesting to gawk at, well there are just a few good ones left but that doesn't give much to select from now does it?!?
Mmmm, those boys are just delicious and to add on that the blog is written in some foreign lingo that I don't know and I know most women have had one of those thoughts of being stranded in some remote island with a young wet lookin, hot thing wearing some swimming shorts with no top, speaking some other language!!! Can only be some explosive ish!
After all that I get off work ne and go to my friends house.... sitting in the lounge all by myself, mind having flashes of those dicks I had seen earlier on..... I heard sounds of my friend and her man shagging, and I'm by my friggin self - dude how horny was I???? Turned the volume higher, it did NOT help at all coz I kept thinkin about it!!! Now that was fucked up - 4real.
Anywho, that was my day izolo and yes I went to my place all alone and I slept my horninezz away - It was cold!!!
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
Me = back
The last week and a half my server was throwing tantrums but ya it got over it - I was about about to lose my cool with it's moods!!!
And so I'm back on line now - hope ya'll didn't miss me much!!!
If you've read Kwaki's blog you'd know the the "Buy Diva a Dildo foundation" is still running!!! Thanx to those who contributed - or not, EnuFf about that now.
So the pat weekend I went to the Ghetto Ruff/Cell C - Make a difference tour gig in Nelspruit.... nice but honestly to put it in simple terms - Ibashayile coz the attendance was very poor!!! My reasons for sayin that: They were charging something like R30 damage, (abo'darkie won't like paying that amount to freeze their butts @ the showground, the marketing was not up to scratch and the ad on radio was a bit dead!!! So I tried counting how many people wee there, didn't finish but less than 500 (VIP guests included), catering sucked and it was COLD.
The after party was not well organised as well, so ya it was that bad but me on the other hand, had fun got to catch up with peeps I haven't seen in a long time. After the show me, Nono, Amu, Ishmael, the JOZI boys decided to get some food at Spur and that was not such a good idea coz we didn't enjoy our meal in peace.... sometimes I forget how famous other people are!!!
There were groupies galore, almost got mistaken for one 'til I started talking and being rude to dem so called celebz!!!
Big upz to Umdlwembe for having a female chauffeur & body guard,
To Amu for keeping us entertained - still remains my #3 top hip-hop boy,
To Ishmael for exposing his poverty to those who cared to listen,
To the rest of the Jozi - Whatz with da attitude? Boys for not getting too tempted by that pussy buffet that was waiting at reception for them to indulge in
And to the DJ for NST who rocked the club on Saturday - Dino Bravo was good but he already knows that so we show love to those who have just got into the scene!!!
Someone managed to piss me off again this weekend as usual but this time I didn't let it get to me as much, so dude - Suck on it!!!!
Didn't do much really this weekend as you know - winter has no friend so we keep it indoors these days and not can be done indoors - well one can do a lot but if you are like me and have no man (even the Splackavelli has decided to stay away from yours trully).
On Kwaki and being faithful - good luck, you'll be proud of urself one day!!!
I've figured that as much as I hate being in love, I actually miss it... I'm not gonna go chasing after it now but should love come my way I'll consider being someone's girlfriend again... I know that being with someone can be a pain sometimes but it's better to have loved and had your heart broken than not loving at all, don't you think!!! If a friend of mine had to read what I've just written - he'd think I've psycho, soft and weak and maybe I have but - ya it does get lonely sometimes and no amount of booty calls, splackavellis, friends - even the ones with benefits con fill that void!!! I just wanna fall hopelessly, crazy in love again - really!!! I'm in no rush though, seems like my dreams of getting hitched at 25 will not come true after all coz this ish will take a long time for me to fix!!!
I just need to stop being too selective, maybe the guy that manages to annoy and disgust me is the freak that is meant to make me happy!!! I think NOT.
And so I'm back on line now - hope ya'll didn't miss me much!!!
If you've read Kwaki's blog you'd know the the "Buy Diva a Dildo foundation" is still running!!! Thanx to those who contributed - or not, EnuFf about that now.
So the pat weekend I went to the Ghetto Ruff/Cell C - Make a difference tour gig in Nelspruit.... nice but honestly to put it in simple terms - Ibashayile coz the attendance was very poor!!! My reasons for sayin that: They were charging something like R30 damage, (abo'darkie won't like paying that amount to freeze their butts @ the showground, the marketing was not up to scratch and the ad on radio was a bit dead!!! So I tried counting how many people wee there, didn't finish but less than 500 (VIP guests included), catering sucked and it was COLD.
The after party was not well organised as well, so ya it was that bad but me on the other hand, had fun got to catch up with peeps I haven't seen in a long time. After the show me, Nono, Amu, Ishmael, the JOZI boys decided to get some food at Spur and that was not such a good idea coz we didn't enjoy our meal in peace.... sometimes I forget how famous other people are!!!
There were groupies galore, almost got mistaken for one 'til I started talking and being rude to dem so called celebz!!!
Big upz to Umdlwembe for having a female chauffeur & body guard,
To Amu for keeping us entertained - still remains my #3 top hip-hop boy,
To Ishmael for exposing his poverty to those who cared to listen,
To the rest of the Jozi - Whatz with da attitude? Boys for not getting too tempted by that pussy buffet that was waiting at reception for them to indulge in
And to the DJ for NST who rocked the club on Saturday - Dino Bravo was good but he already knows that so we show love to those who have just got into the scene!!!
Someone managed to piss me off again this weekend as usual but this time I didn't let it get to me as much, so dude - Suck on it!!!!
Didn't do much really this weekend as you know - winter has no friend so we keep it indoors these days and not can be done indoors - well one can do a lot but if you are like me and have no man (even the Splackavelli has decided to stay away from yours trully).
On Kwaki and being faithful - good luck, you'll be proud of urself one day!!!
I've figured that as much as I hate being in love, I actually miss it... I'm not gonna go chasing after it now but should love come my way I'll consider being someone's girlfriend again... I know that being with someone can be a pain sometimes but it's better to have loved and had your heart broken than not loving at all, don't you think!!! If a friend of mine had to read what I've just written - he'd think I've psycho, soft and weak and maybe I have but - ya it does get lonely sometimes and no amount of booty calls, splackavellis, friends - even the ones with benefits con fill that void!!! I just wanna fall hopelessly, crazy in love again - really!!! I'm in no rush though, seems like my dreams of getting hitched at 25 will not come true after all coz this ish will take a long time for me to fix!!!
I just need to stop being too selective, maybe the guy that manages to annoy and disgust me is the freak that is meant to make me happy!!! I think NOT.
Monday, May 21, 2007
The Monday after!
So ke Khauki's B-day was Friday ne.... we tried to have a girls only nite and well it didn't quite worked out as planned coz them male kept showing up - Yazi when these boys see new meat! Haai!!
Turned out well but I was upset coz I was out-numbered by Savanna drinking females, had to force myself to drink that thing and after about 3 of those dumpies, it didn't taste as bad I was thought and I just kept them coming - called it quits after 14 dumpies @ about 3.30am!!!
Nelspruit people get so bored that they think that a chill session with about 15 people is a party!!!
Saturday: Woke up and felt like ish, still don't understand why I thought that I wouldn't be sick from drinking Savanna.... It just don't like me much- which is why I'll stick to what treats me good the morning after!!!
The party was somewhat nice, not too hectic with funny monkeys tryin to gatecrash but just nice, got even better when certain people started acting up, while on that tip - I'd like to let some ladies know: It's fine for some of ya'll to have a low self-esteem, it happens to almost every woman at some stage but the trick is to not let it show to everyone else, especially them boys coz they will come across the funny ones that'll use that against you somehow - I'm just sayin, don't know how much sense I'm making though.
So anyways Sats was full of beautiful women, horny men, dance, drinks, eats, music, hilarious drama, incest, promiscuity and the rest - I was just there looking and laughing, got a bit pissed off at some people so decided to stop drinking and just chill!!!
Some tried to make it my fault that they have boring lives.... Shooo, ya'll gotta be trippin'!!!
Kwaki was on a mission of gettin mortherllYfffuckedd, with blood-shot red eyes and never-ending smiles - kind'a looked funny but ya well.
Then there was just this one dude who had stinking feet, it was so bad that the odour didn't go away for a good 3 hours even after that we could still smell them, wonder why his girlfriend never tells!!!
One of the friend's guy cousin kept callin all the chicks into the bedroom ( it aint even his house) then he'd try to fondle with them - at some stage we all just wanted to beat him up, uyajwayela - he must get his own chick to fondle with and stop bothering the rest of us who are just gatvol with useless, lying men!!!
I have this friend who introduces a new girlfriend to me - every weekend!!!!! He has a wife and I'm friends with his one girlfriend that he has been with for about 3 or 4 years and every time the chick calls him to ask where he is, he tells that that he's partying with me and he can't leave me there and come home coz I don't have transport to go back home - ME, with no transport to go home with, errrrr, highly impossible but then again she buys the story every time so I decided not to get involved coz clearly she's blinded by "love".
Yesterday, we were finishing the last bit of booze and meat and just relaxing but I was missing my bed too much so @ 11pm I decided to go lala.
I'm slowly learning how to speak Sepedi.... YeaY!!! Will get it right soon.
More about the weekend later!
Turned out well but I was upset coz I was out-numbered by Savanna drinking females, had to force myself to drink that thing and after about 3 of those dumpies, it didn't taste as bad I was thought and I just kept them coming - called it quits after 14 dumpies @ about 3.30am!!!
Nelspruit people get so bored that they think that a chill session with about 15 people is a party!!!
Saturday: Woke up and felt like ish, still don't understand why I thought that I wouldn't be sick from drinking Savanna.... It just don't like me much- which is why I'll stick to what treats me good the morning after!!!
The party was somewhat nice, not too hectic with funny monkeys tryin to gatecrash but just nice, got even better when certain people started acting up, while on that tip - I'd like to let some ladies know: It's fine for some of ya'll to have a low self-esteem, it happens to almost every woman at some stage but the trick is to not let it show to everyone else, especially them boys coz they will come across the funny ones that'll use that against you somehow - I'm just sayin, don't know how much sense I'm making though.
So anyways Sats was full of beautiful women, horny men, dance, drinks, eats, music, hilarious drama, incest, promiscuity and the rest - I was just there looking and laughing, got a bit pissed off at some people so decided to stop drinking and just chill!!!
Some tried to make it my fault that they have boring lives.... Shooo, ya'll gotta be trippin'!!!
Kwaki was on a mission of gettin mortherllYfffuckedd, with blood-shot red eyes and never-ending smiles - kind'a looked funny but ya well.
Then there was just this one dude who had stinking feet, it was so bad that the odour didn't go away for a good 3 hours even after that we could still smell them, wonder why his girlfriend never tells!!!
One of the friend's guy cousin kept callin all the chicks into the bedroom ( it aint even his house) then he'd try to fondle with them - at some stage we all just wanted to beat him up, uyajwayela - he must get his own chick to fondle with and stop bothering the rest of us who are just gatvol with useless, lying men!!!
I have this friend who introduces a new girlfriend to me - every weekend!!!!! He has a wife and I'm friends with his one girlfriend that he has been with for about 3 or 4 years and every time the chick calls him to ask where he is, he tells that that he's partying with me and he can't leave me there and come home coz I don't have transport to go back home - ME, with no transport to go home with, errrrr, highly impossible but then again she buys the story every time so I decided not to get involved coz clearly she's blinded by "love".
Yesterday, we were finishing the last bit of booze and meat and just relaxing but I was missing my bed too much so @ 11pm I decided to go lala.
I'm slowly learning how to speak Sepedi.... YeaY!!! Will get it right soon.
More about the weekend later!
Thursday, May 17, 2007
Yeah! Yeah!
So I'm a bit sad today, only coz I realised that moving from city - to - city has its disadvantages, like now my friend Mimi has her phone off - don't know why but if I was in Durbs, I would just go to her house and see if she's ok! So now the whole crew has lost touch with its each and what's sad is that we all have each others digits but somehow we conveniently "forget" to call every now and then just to check if all'z cool.....
I miss you girls....... wish you could see just how much!!!
I need help, remember that trust fund: Get Diva a Dildo Fund.... Ya'll need to seriously donate some $ for me to get one!!! Now that I'm not playing the celibacy card, Niggaz just stopped hollarin' - what's that all about? And the nights are just getting colder..... Eish!!!
Anyways, got a myspace account that I'm really likin coz well ya, its fun and I have nothing better to do besides waiting for Friday, 5 Down for ipholas with the crew and get tipsy!!!
Friday night the girls are playing Tequila Queens...... Khauki's pre-party boozing spree - without the usual dudes!!!!
So we realised that for the Saturday party we invited more women that guys...... sensing a cat fight over the hottest dude in the crowd???? Yeah, me too!!!!!
Sometimes when guys say "I'm gay" just coz they want to discourage your interest in them - well I think they ARE really gay, in denial but gay - yeah, I figure!!
What does one do when the only person that pays any attention to your ass is the one you are least interested in?
Ish, I wish this one guy can just wake up one morning and decide to hate me, I love being liked but he is a bit psycho - 4real!!! He's nice but not for me, I'm sure there is the one for him somewhere out there, maybe!!!
SOme might say that my being picky about guys is the same shit that won't get me laid, or a man...ya well!!!
Anywho, been enjoying reading Yodemo's blog lately - that boy likes to get people fuming and some people just like taking things too personally - a writer is a write is a write, good or bad, and yes people you are allowed to refuse to read any shit that may sound somewhat sickening and satanist to them, its just that ya'll like making yourselves look and sound all holy-holy-moral...... ya'll know what I mean!!!
Okay seems like today is one of those days when I just want 2 write about everything - anything, not making so much sense but hey its Thursday, only a few hours to Friday and @ 4, yo, yo, yo I'll be calculating alcohol percentages!!!!
Kisses to all those who matter to me!!!
I miss you girls....... wish you could see just how much!!!
I need help, remember that trust fund: Get Diva a Dildo Fund.... Ya'll need to seriously donate some $ for me to get one!!! Now that I'm not playing the celibacy card, Niggaz just stopped hollarin' - what's that all about? And the nights are just getting colder..... Eish!!!
Anyways, got a myspace account that I'm really likin coz well ya, its fun and I have nothing better to do besides waiting for Friday, 5 Down for ipholas with the crew and get tipsy!!!
Friday night the girls are playing Tequila Queens...... Khauki's pre-party boozing spree - without the usual dudes!!!!
So we realised that for the Saturday party we invited more women that guys...... sensing a cat fight over the hottest dude in the crowd???? Yeah, me too!!!!!
Sometimes when guys say "I'm gay" just coz they want to discourage your interest in them - well I think they ARE really gay, in denial but gay - yeah, I figure!!
What does one do when the only person that pays any attention to your ass is the one you are least interested in?
Ish, I wish this one guy can just wake up one morning and decide to hate me, I love being liked but he is a bit psycho - 4real!!! He's nice but not for me, I'm sure there is the one for him somewhere out there, maybe!!!
SOme might say that my being picky about guys is the same shit that won't get me laid, or a man...ya well!!!
Anywho, been enjoying reading Yodemo's blog lately - that boy likes to get people fuming and some people just like taking things too personally - a writer is a write is a write, good or bad, and yes people you are allowed to refuse to read any shit that may sound somewhat sickening and satanist to them, its just that ya'll like making yourselves look and sound all holy-holy-moral...... ya'll know what I mean!!!
Okay seems like today is one of those days when I just want 2 write about everything - anything, not making so much sense but hey its Thursday, only a few hours to Friday and @ 4, yo, yo, yo I'll be calculating alcohol percentages!!!!
Kisses to all those who matter to me!!!
Tuesday, May 15, 2007
Mission #2!!!
So Sunday afternoon while trying to recover from my setlamatlama my brother and them came over to my mkhukhu nje to say Hollllaaaar!!! My brother is big and when I say big I really mean BIG and he's just so cute and shweet - pisses the shit outta me but shweet still!!!
Once we got to talking, he mentioned that he's got a chick now and me (coz I do get bored of myself - only sometimes) I took it upon myself to start "grooming" him into a perfect boyfriend, so I went blabbing on what women want, what to do on birthdays, Valentine's and all that shit, not forgetting tips on kissing and how to get laid........ the works!!!
Know what that little boy tuned me - "Oh, dear loving sister of mine, you might not know this but this is like my fifth girlfriend and I think I can handle my shit.... haven't gotten laid yet but you know what I'm cool after all I'm just 17! I know you got man trouble but trying to turn me into the man you've always wanted won't do fokol for you.... why don't you just get back with whatshisface? I love you a lot but get a new hobby coz I'm not willing to be your next project."
What! Can you believe the nerve that boy got tellin me that shit!!! He's right ya but he's my lil' brotha I'm s'pposed to coach him in a few things, am I not? Ah well after that I decided to take a walk to Village coz I couldn't have my alcohol binges on a Sunday, it's improper besides all the liquor stores are closed on Sundays and didn't have car to go to eKasie!!!
So what do single people (women) who live alone do when they are bored - I need new hobbies!!! So someone drop me a comment and give a list of things to do.
NOTE: Please don't gimme the Join the gym, Do laundry, Sew/ knit and any shit along those lines......
Once we got to talking, he mentioned that he's got a chick now and me (coz I do get bored of myself - only sometimes) I took it upon myself to start "grooming" him into a perfect boyfriend, so I went blabbing on what women want, what to do on birthdays, Valentine's and all that shit, not forgetting tips on kissing and how to get laid........ the works!!!
Know what that little boy tuned me - "Oh, dear loving sister of mine, you might not know this but this is like my fifth girlfriend and I think I can handle my shit.... haven't gotten laid yet but you know what I'm cool after all I'm just 17! I know you got man trouble but trying to turn me into the man you've always wanted won't do fokol for you.... why don't you just get back with whatshisface? I love you a lot but get a new hobby coz I'm not willing to be your next project."
What! Can you believe the nerve that boy got tellin me that shit!!! He's right ya but he's my lil' brotha I'm s'pposed to coach him in a few things, am I not? Ah well after that I decided to take a walk to Village coz I couldn't have my alcohol binges on a Sunday, it's improper besides all the liquor stores are closed on Sundays and didn't have car to go to eKasie!!!
So what do single people (women) who live alone do when they are bored - I need new hobbies!!! So someone drop me a comment and give a list of things to do.
NOTE: Please don't gimme the Join the gym, Do laundry, Sew/ knit and any shit along those lines......
Monday, May 14, 2007
Drinks, fun and idiots!
It took a lot for me to realise that no matter how pissed-off I can get, an idiot will always remain an idiot and that sometimes there's absolutely no reason why one must be angered by what some stupid cunts do - unless of cause you let them get to you and mess with your mind and emotions but really its only you that can decide if you are really goin'ta give them that satisfaction of knowing that they can tilt your world anytime they feel like it.......
Sometimes other people are simply too dumb to realise just how much they hurt you! Makes me wonder how happy they REALLY feel after denting your ego and heart!!!!
On Friday I was very, very pissed-off at someone for saying something very stupid in a very cold way that my eyes just filled with tears, started shakin and cursing at everything.... so after work I just dived for that Jack Daniels bottle and decided that I was gonna scar him back.... I wanted to scratch his car with a R5 coin, smash his windscreen and probably flattening his tyres then I saw him when I went to see a friend - the only thing that was going through my mind was that nah, K you know what- the nigga aint even all that and he is definitely not worth it... lookin at him almost made me barf, stupid moron!!!!!!!!!!!
All in all I had a great one, was angry most of the weekend but it was cool.... now next weekend is my friends birthday party and well we're takin it outta Nelspruit, more an the Hazyview/Sabie area - Still to decide!!!!
Sometimes other people are simply too dumb to realise just how much they hurt you! Makes me wonder how happy they REALLY feel after denting your ego and heart!!!!
On Friday I was very, very pissed-off at someone for saying something very stupid in a very cold way that my eyes just filled with tears, started shakin and cursing at everything.... so after work I just dived for that Jack Daniels bottle and decided that I was gonna scar him back.... I wanted to scratch his car with a R5 coin, smash his windscreen and probably flattening his tyres then I saw him when I went to see a friend - the only thing that was going through my mind was that nah, K you know what- the nigga aint even all that and he is definitely not worth it... lookin at him almost made me barf, stupid moron!!!!!!!!!!!
All in all I had a great one, was angry most of the weekend but it was cool.... now next weekend is my friends birthday party and well we're takin it outta Nelspruit, more an the Hazyview/Sabie area - Still to decide!!!!
Friday, May 11, 2007
Win a date with.......
So my brother is on a mission - code name: Get AfroSLiQ Diva a man!!! But mostly because he wants a brother in-law for himself!
We first tried to write about me, you know a little profile and my brother gave up on that coz all my answers were not "decent", he says all I talk about is hip-hop, green bottles, cartoons and life with my friends and that was not enough to sell me to any potential candidates.
So we decided to make this a bit more interesting coz this does make me look a bit desperate - which I'm not.... trying so hard to convince myself, so now a lucky stud somewhere out there stands a chance to win a date with Da Diva!!!
Confession: - Being single aint what other people make it out to be, everybody I know is hooked up except me.... I can't claim I gotta man when that man is married - to someone else so ya.... it does get lonely sometimes and I'm not into the 1night stand thing, after a while one could lose count of the number of people they've done so nah , that aint my style....
So which of the following artists are much likely to be my most favourite?
Just choose 6 from the list below!!!! Easy ne?
We first tried to write about me, you know a little profile and my brother gave up on that coz all my answers were not "decent", he says all I talk about is hip-hop, green bottles, cartoons and life with my friends and that was not enough to sell me to any potential candidates.
So we decided to make this a bit more interesting coz this does make me look a bit desperate - which I'm not.... trying so hard to convince myself, so now a lucky stud somewhere out there stands a chance to win a date with Da Diva!!!
Confession: - Being single aint what other people make it out to be, everybody I know is hooked up except me.... I can't claim I gotta man when that man is married - to someone else so ya.... it does get lonely sometimes and I'm not into the 1night stand thing, after a while one could lose count of the number of people they've done so nah , that aint my style....
So which of the following artists are much likely to be my most favourite?
Just choose 6 from the list below!!!! Easy ne?
- Nas
- Dead Prez
- The roots
- Jay Z
- Chingy
- Juellz Santana
- Ja Rule
- De la Soul
- Tuks
- Pro
- Tumi
- Biggy Smallz
- Diddy
- Lauryn Hill
- Lil' Kim
- Foxy Brown
- Queen Latifah
- Jermain Dupri
- Bone thugs n Harmony
- Game
- 50c
- T.I
- Lil' Wayne
- Phat Joe
- Twista
- Mr. Cheeks
- Snoop
- Pharrel Williams
- kanye West
- Pharaoh Monch
- Flabba
- Slik
Sweeeeeeeeeeetttttt, Wishing all that breaths a great weekend!!!!
Thursday, May 10, 2007
Mina nezi Mpintshi zam'....
What is it with certain people that try too hard to please everybody else except themselves - really?
You would buy the most nastiest pair of jeans that will make you look like you have a high waist and flat ass, you hate them but two of your friends tell you that they are nice and you look hot in them - you know you don't but you keep askin yourself that uh well, they wouldn't lie to me, would they?
Or you see a person that you like and when you talk about that person your friend is the first to say "aah, that ugly thing..... he/she is a b*tch/man whore nogal and that head eish, it looks like i'loaf brown, haai no if you had to date that thing I will not talk to you" - What kind of friend is that? Obviously ya'll will not always have the same taste when it comes to other things!!! Its natural.... so now basically, you'll live an unhappy life all because your dumb friend doesn't approve of some of the things that you may be into.
Aren't friend supposed to let you be and only step in when asked to or when they see that you are getting out of hand or maybe you are in need of their help in some way???
My crew is weird.... in zulu some would say that "abanye ngathi bakhahlelwe ihashi esifubeni" but we are cool though, when there's beef it doesn't last for more than 30 minutes, some know when to shut up without being told first, some know when to walk away before they get bitch slapped, they know when to apologize before they are told where to get off and we are pretty much honest about shit... oh most importantly we know how to keep some body's secret coz well it doesn't concern us all we can do is say "aah shem, askies" when the fouls come out to play!!!!!!!
Mina well I just talk too much I must just teach myself to butt out and not get involved, otherwise I'll be having sleepless nights when the shit aint even my problem.
One thing we all have in common though......... they drinkz a lot, we are so passionate about their booze that they become very creative in our moment of drunkenness........ I'm always sober though.... me and booze, never!!! I'm the only one who makes sense out of the whole lot!!!!!
And if you believe what I said in that last sentence, then you need to consult a sangoma coz you is mad too!!!
You would buy the most nastiest pair of jeans that will make you look like you have a high waist and flat ass, you hate them but two of your friends tell you that they are nice and you look hot in them - you know you don't but you keep askin yourself that uh well, they wouldn't lie to me, would they?
Or you see a person that you like and when you talk about that person your friend is the first to say "aah, that ugly thing..... he/she is a b*tch/man whore nogal and that head eish, it looks like i'loaf brown, haai no if you had to date that thing I will not talk to you" - What kind of friend is that? Obviously ya'll will not always have the same taste when it comes to other things!!! Its natural.... so now basically, you'll live an unhappy life all because your dumb friend doesn't approve of some of the things that you may be into.
Aren't friend supposed to let you be and only step in when asked to or when they see that you are getting out of hand or maybe you are in need of their help in some way???
My crew is weird.... in zulu some would say that "abanye ngathi bakhahlelwe ihashi esifubeni" but we are cool though, when there's beef it doesn't last for more than 30 minutes, some know when to shut up without being told first, some know when to walk away before they get bitch slapped, they know when to apologize before they are told where to get off and we are pretty much honest about shit... oh most importantly we know how to keep some body's secret coz well it doesn't concern us all we can do is say "aah shem, askies" when the fouls come out to play!!!!!!!
Mina well I just talk too much I must just teach myself to butt out and not get involved, otherwise I'll be having sleepless nights when the shit aint even my problem.
One thing we all have in common though......... they drinkz a lot, we are so passionate about their booze that they become very creative in our moment of drunkenness........ I'm always sober though.... me and booze, never!!! I'm the only one who makes sense out of the whole lot!!!!!
And if you believe what I said in that last sentence, then you need to consult a sangoma coz you is mad too!!!
Thursday, May 3, 2007
Don't you know ME?
Nelspruit is a small town, a bit big but small in a sense! If you are a freak we will know you, If you are a player, HO, rich, liar, party person, beautiful or dating someone well known / done a scandalous deed - WE Will Know You even if we have never seen you, trust me word gets around very fast!!!! That's how small this place is!
So last Friday at some stupid party (where we had to bring our own booze and got deprived of some braai meat) there was this dude tryin 2 hit on me, ne and when he asked to speak to me he was like "Hey, Khensani right?" I'm like "yeah, who are you?" He was like " Hawu, you don't know who I am?" I said "Nope, am I s'pposed to know you?", He went " The whole of Nelspruit knows me" me = "Ah well, clearly not the Whole of Nelspruit, 'coz I have never seen your ass anywhere". And then I just had to ask how he knew my name, did he ask one of my peoplez? and he was like " You like parties, booze and dissing certain people...... and nobody I've met knows who you are really dating"!!!!
I thought wow, people actually talk about me that much, funny coz I don't know them either!
So mina what chuckled me the most was the fact that he was trying very hard to convince me that he is just this popular person that is just at every party and shit.... haai, I don't buy his story coz he is this old, boring, overweight, badly dressed fart father creepA dude with gold bling, bling all over and I have Never seen him at any of the places I go to. Maybe he's one of those who go to dem BEE parties that bore the shit outta me with those old men trying to restore their lost youth by shagging poor high school and tertiary kids, showering them with material things to rid them of guilt while they haven't even bought grocery for his own family or paid his child's school fees (not all of them, just some - so don't sue me).
I kept staring him in the eye and saying "huh, I didn't hear you", just so I could discourage his interest in me and then Supa came to my rescue - just time! I changed the last 2 digits of my cell# but some fool had to give him the right one after I left. he called the next day and I was like darn It, tried pulling the "I don't who I'm speaking to" card and he had to keep "reminding" me where we met. Plus we think he tried spiking our drinks with no success coz we just chucked them in the bin when my chick friend said the beer tasted funny!!! Ag shame Bro, you think we're dumb like that, uzonya mfana!
So last Friday at some stupid party (where we had to bring our own booze and got deprived of some braai meat) there was this dude tryin 2 hit on me, ne and when he asked to speak to me he was like "Hey, Khensani right?" I'm like "yeah, who are you?" He was like " Hawu, you don't know who I am?" I said "Nope, am I s'pposed to know you?", He went " The whole of Nelspruit knows me" me = "Ah well, clearly not the Whole of Nelspruit, 'coz I have never seen your ass anywhere". And then I just had to ask how he knew my name, did he ask one of my peoplez? and he was like " You like parties, booze and dissing certain people...... and nobody I've met knows who you are really dating"!!!!
I thought wow, people actually talk about me that much, funny coz I don't know them either!
So mina what chuckled me the most was the fact that he was trying very hard to convince me that he is just this popular person that is just at every party and shit.... haai, I don't buy his story coz he is this old, boring, overweight, badly dressed fart father creepA dude with gold bling, bling all over and I have Never seen him at any of the places I go to. Maybe he's one of those who go to dem BEE parties that bore the shit outta me with those old men trying to restore their lost youth by shagging poor high school and tertiary kids, showering them with material things to rid them of guilt while they haven't even bought grocery for his own family or paid his child's school fees (not all of them, just some - so don't sue me).
I kept staring him in the eye and saying "huh, I didn't hear you", just so I could discourage his interest in me and then Supa came to my rescue - just time! I changed the last 2 digits of my cell# but some fool had to give him the right one after I left. he called the next day and I was like darn It, tried pulling the "I don't who I'm speaking to" card and he had to keep "reminding" me where we met. Plus we think he tried spiking our drinks with no success coz we just chucked them in the bin when my chick friend said the beer tasted funny!!! Ag shame Bro, you think we're dumb like that, uzonya mfana!
Wednesday, May 2, 2007
He said....
Not so long ago, while drinking with the crew Kwaki and I started talking about me and my splackazzzz.
Kwaki told me that I'm heartless and I don't feel any emotions for fokol and that I feel with my hormones.... I think NOT but hey "they" say everybody is entitled to their opinion!
So days later I really took time out to figure how true he was and well I still say he's wrong about me.... I'm female, of course I'm sensitive and I DO have a heart - no ice boxes yet!!!
But I can't help thinkin that I once thought I was in love and then figured that NO its NOT love, it was just pity for the poor guy, more like I did him a favour coz well he would've been shattered if I had to tell him what was really going on in my mind - Lesson #1: Don't do favours for people who will constantly bug you even when you've broken up and even though that person looks so cute and innocent, there's always a tiny devil whispering nonsense in their ear and then the next thing they'll be telling you how YOU are nothing without them..... nigga please!!!
And then there are people who just need to be told the truth regardless of their reaction after you finish sayin whatever. I ducked for cover after I told this guy that I once thought that he was the shit, he looked good and all but there was just this thing that he did and I couldn't help thinking less of him each time he said "I know you want me", what da f%^#ck do you think you are you fuckin shit.... nigga you ARE shit, but more importantly try buying breath mints - in bulk!!!
Not forgetting the dude that was supposed to be on a date with ME but kept asking me about my other chick friend.... Boy, don't you know that its all about me? Angazongijwayela sani!!! Ufuna mina or impintshi yam'? That boy now knows for sure not to piss me off especially if we are at a restaurant and the bill is on him, jyslik!!!
And the one that kept telling me how he got played by the chick he wanted to make wifey, fine I get it... you loved her and she loved someone else (cousin, to be exact), your heart was broken, blah, blah, blah - get over it already dude!!! Shit happens, even the best couples in the world breakup sometimes. I'd be very upset if that guy was using that line to get sympathy from females, coz for a while there I felt sorry for him UNTIL the day I saw him at Tilt dancing a storm with chicks flanking him, but wait for it- it gets better, the cousin that "stole" his girlfriend was there too, when I asked him about the story he said " What are you talking about? I know nothing about that shit, my cousin is just crazy - he doesn't have a real girlfriend, well he gets chicks but they never stick around for more than a week." - I was like huh?!? Eerie but not for my attention!!!!
Kwaki told me that I'm heartless and I don't feel any emotions for fokol and that I feel with my hormones.... I think NOT but hey "they" say everybody is entitled to their opinion!
So days later I really took time out to figure how true he was and well I still say he's wrong about me.... I'm female, of course I'm sensitive and I DO have a heart - no ice boxes yet!!!
But I can't help thinkin that I once thought I was in love and then figured that NO its NOT love, it was just pity for the poor guy, more like I did him a favour coz well he would've been shattered if I had to tell him what was really going on in my mind - Lesson #1: Don't do favours for people who will constantly bug you even when you've broken up and even though that person looks so cute and innocent, there's always a tiny devil whispering nonsense in their ear and then the next thing they'll be telling you how YOU are nothing without them..... nigga please!!!
And then there are people who just need to be told the truth regardless of their reaction after you finish sayin whatever. I ducked for cover after I told this guy that I once thought that he was the shit, he looked good and all but there was just this thing that he did and I couldn't help thinking less of him each time he said "I know you want me", what da f%^#ck do you think you are you fuckin shit.... nigga you ARE shit, but more importantly try buying breath mints - in bulk!!!
Not forgetting the dude that was supposed to be on a date with ME but kept asking me about my other chick friend.... Boy, don't you know that its all about me? Angazongijwayela sani!!! Ufuna mina or impintshi yam'? That boy now knows for sure not to piss me off especially if we are at a restaurant and the bill is on him, jyslik!!!
And the one that kept telling me how he got played by the chick he wanted to make wifey, fine I get it... you loved her and she loved someone else (cousin, to be exact), your heart was broken, blah, blah, blah - get over it already dude!!! Shit happens, even the best couples in the world breakup sometimes. I'd be very upset if that guy was using that line to get sympathy from females, coz for a while there I felt sorry for him UNTIL the day I saw him at Tilt dancing a storm with chicks flanking him, but wait for it- it gets better, the cousin that "stole" his girlfriend was there too, when I asked him about the story he said " What are you talking about? I know nothing about that shit, my cousin is just crazy - he doesn't have a real girlfriend, well he gets chicks but they never stick around for more than a week." - I was like huh?!? Eerie but not for my attention!!!!
Statement of the day for me:
"I think I'm going crazy, hmmm, he's cute and has a great body under all those clothes but nah I don't wanna date an uneducated white boy with "THUG LIFE" tattooed on his left shoulder! I don't know...... let's kill them both, I think I should just be single. He's so sweet though.... I'll deny everything and say I was just fucking around with him"
Talk about being confused..... She managed to make me laugh though!!!
On a more serious tip - these petrol prices that keeping up are doing a great job in shattering my dreams of ever getting my OWN car!!! I'm gatvol as it is right now and I don't even own one - I get to use the cars at home and I have to put in my own gas unless they send me somewhere then it's on them. Maybe I should opt for a scooter or a bike..... as in bicycle!!!
With all the holidays we've had lately.... ya this week has officially been fucked, "they" should've just let us chill for the rest of the week coz really I'm in lazy mode and I'm just forcing myself to work right now. Some of those government employees are damn lucky- you know some of them are on leave already.... where I work we never get those, we just work year in year out without a break.... joys of working for BEE'z - the Be your own Boss company people, you cant take relaxed holidays when you are boss sometimes!!!
Wonder what this coming weekend has in store for me. I'm a bit broke but I refuse to be bored!!
Much later
"I think I'm going crazy, hmmm, he's cute and has a great body under all those clothes but nah I don't wanna date an uneducated white boy with "THUG LIFE" tattooed on his left shoulder! I don't know...... let's kill them both, I think I should just be single. He's so sweet though.... I'll deny everything and say I was just fucking around with him"
Talk about being confused..... She managed to make me laugh though!!!
On a more serious tip - these petrol prices that keeping up are doing a great job in shattering my dreams of ever getting my OWN car!!! I'm gatvol as it is right now and I don't even own one - I get to use the cars at home and I have to put in my own gas unless they send me somewhere then it's on them. Maybe I should opt for a scooter or a bike..... as in bicycle!!!
With all the holidays we've had lately.... ya this week has officially been fucked, "they" should've just let us chill for the rest of the week coz really I'm in lazy mode and I'm just forcing myself to work right now. Some of those government employees are damn lucky- you know some of them are on leave already.... where I work we never get those, we just work year in year out without a break.... joys of working for BEE'z - the Be your own Boss company people, you cant take relaxed holidays when you are boss sometimes!!!
Wonder what this coming weekend has in store for me. I'm a bit broke but I refuse to be bored!!
Much later
Tuesday, May 1, 2007
Me and my CrEw!!!

The fake flower was victim for the night!

It had to Jack Daniels that would f*ck us up!

Xavier - the quiet dude!

Sasco - He wants 2 be a celebrity in Mpumalanga!

Mr. Todd - he's actually black, white but black!

Manando - we would be doing i-footron without you!!!

Kwaki - Eyes wide shut? Maybe
Me and Khauki - all pretty in pink, and that smile! haai

Now you understand where Afro in AfrosliQ comes from and it IS real - I don't do fake!!!
So on a Monday night Sasco - Mr. ScwelebriTY was turning 22, kids.... and managed to get most people drunk except me of course.... Ya!!! And again I was dancing, with Kwaki this time! It was just a chillazz but I had fun!!!
I had no babalaaz when I woke up this morning, I haven't had one in a long time & I drink just about every weekend - Ah well!
So lazy to pack my shit and move into that mkhukhu of mine... funny when I was living at home full time I kept dreaming of the day I move out and how much fun I would have but after looking at the mini bank statement of mine I felt like nah... maybe I should stay a lil' longer but I have a feeling that my folks will force me out!!! that place is a regte bachelor's flat and its so tiny, ok not so much, but after living in big houses all my life, it feels like I'll be living in a space as big as the kitchen!!! I won't have a pool anymore so I'm dreading summer and I won't be able to walk around the yard nude coz of neighbors and no high walls.....aaaaaaahhhhhh! Why did I have grow up so fast...... I so jealous of my lil' bother and sister... all that luxury!
Ok well, I'll stop complaining now and get the packing started!
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