Wednesday, February 6, 2008

Vanyentine'z daY

I think I have wrote about this before but heck.... I'll be repetitve for the sake of being understood!
This will be my first valentine's day with an actual boyfriend..... se-ri-ous-i. I have never received anything on the day before! Reasons would include being dumped a few days before valentine's day or gifts for imaginery boyfriends (cyber dating - yeah I know, creepy) getting lost by post.
Though this year will be different.... I am still NOT going to celebrate the darn day simply coz (as most people say) a money making plot and it is over rated, who the fcuk knows this St. Valentine dude? And why are retailers trying to cash in using the poor man's name? what is he getting out of it?
Sure I will gladly accept any gift that comes my way but I am certainly not buying any (or it could just be that I don't know how to go about getting a man (with good taste) a gift.
Good thing though is that I am NOT going to bitch about it....
Who said the 14th February should be the 1 day people declare their "undying" love for each other?


Sweets said...

i agree, valentine's day sucks!! maybe it's because i won't be getting a 100 long stemmed red roses... yeah i think that's why ;(

Just Khens. said...

Ey, roses are all that I thing... they have a funky smell! they do look nice though!

Am sure someone will send you some thing, if it you don't get it by the 14th, no worry.... There'll probably be a "delay" at the post office.

Patchwork said...

Mhh ... just be sure to not have the same bad luck this year of getting dumped before the big day. Snigger