Tuesday, February 5, 2008

ReLationsHips take 1 (2008)

I am sitting here thinking to myself how the fcuk I dated this one guy who, by the way has sent me about 13 emails in the last 5 minutes, emails that I have read atleast 3 times to understand coz the spelling errors there are not normal @ all! I mean we have absolutely nothing in common whatsoever, I don't rememer having a proper conversation that lasted more than 3 minutes with him ( not counting the day I was dumping him), he's short and chunky ( I'm big enough 4 2 people therefore I stick to slim guys) ok looks don't matter much but then again it doesn't hurt to have a good looking man waking up next to you now and then, uhmmmm - back to my problem.

It's like I have dating weird people nje and I really don't understand why... The other one is married but can't seem to be faithful to wife! That story is just to depressing and I will end it right there.

One other one I just couldn't figure if it was love, like, lust or pity I felt for him.... and yup it never worked out as well.

I have since decided to think of it as a "very confusing part of my life" coz I can't justify it any other way, sadly.

HP has his own weird abnormalities, but for once I just do NOT care - to the extent that I actually think some of them a cute! Cute being nasty yet adorable.

See what I meant when I said love makes people do silly things!

Remind me to tell ya'll about valentine's day - sad, sad story!


Sweets said...

i love valentine's day stories, nothing worse than that!!!

men~ can't live with them, can't live without them... dangit

Just Khens. said...

Tell me about it...

Will tell all about the "day of love" on my next post which will be soon!


You, how can I forget? They asked me to get two lovebirds at the newspaper where I practise my hobby and I struggled for 20 hours to come up with two who don't mind the publicity because they don't have stuff to hide and I ended up with none while you and HP were just a keyboard away. Would you have done it though?

Just Khens. said...

I'd do it & hope my family doesn't read that paper... HP is a "shy" person so I doubt he would be up 4 it!!!