Monday, May 26, 2008
Monday ~ the footache & witchcraft.... hee, hee
My foot is killing me, swollen and all! This started around 4pm after the function we were busy with, I told some girl that standing next to me at the time and she suspects witchcraft!
Eish mara black people sometimes........ while on that she also adviced me which witchdoctor I must go to as he is highly recommended and heals you in one day! My word, I do not believe in that nonsense but newspapers like the Daily Sun are trying to convince me that it does infact exist.... I, however still believe that I am in pain coz I was doing something my legs are not used to...... running!
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Then I got busy..............................................................
And forgot all about it............................
Then I got busy..............................................................
And forgot all about it............................
Tuesday, May 20, 2008
ChooozeDay! Drama - less action
I've had six choc-chip muffins since the morning..... and had some for supper last night, mmmm - had those with hot custard, yummy!!!
I don't know what's happening to me, you'd swear I was eating for two.
I had a hectic one, on three calls all @ once... fax faulty, printer had some jam and cute pants I am wearing have a huge coffee stain on them - call me a cluts, I know!!!
Throat not so great today.... and I haven't had a smoke today, It's too early to clap hands but ya, and I am dying for one!
BF decided to "Propose" marriage to me...... about 2 minutes ago, ha, ha, ha - that nigga must be out of his mind, I only agreed that we can share a house (with a friend & his brother, remember) but I am so not ready for that isht...
The last time a dude was on that tip, he gave me a promise ring and went on telling male people not to speak to me as I was his "Wife" - Would ya believe that.... I need male people (who are friends to get drunk with). Anyhoo I had to leave that one soon as I suspected that he would start telling what to do to my hair and not to wear skirts with sneakers....... not possible, ever!
Can't believe uTumelo (BF aka HP) has gone all soft on me, falling in love and isht..... I still wanna be a girlfriend not a fiance/wife!!! Finish & Klaar!
Are ya'll having a good day!
Monday, May 19, 2008
See... this is why I wanna quit my job, here is another story about my boss person.
Still no justice for Mafikizolo’s road manager
Saturday May 17, 2008 22:05 - (SA)
Flamboyant Mpumalanga music promoter Bruce Kgapane stands accused of assaulting Mafikizolo’s road manager last year – and this week he strong-armed the magistrate into postponing the case for a second time. on Wednesday the Ziyaphenduka Promotions boss appeared at the Pilgrim’s Rest Magistrates’ Court near Lydenburg, Mpumalanga, on charges of assault and pointing a firearm.
Kgapane is accused of assaulting Mafikizolo’s road manager Piwe Shabangu after the Afro-pop group failed to appear on time for a performance at a department of labour function in September last year. Mafikizolo was booked by Kgapane’s company to perform in Pilgrim’s Rest, but could not arrive on time because they were travelling from Durban, where they were performing at the Loerie Awards.
This week Kgapane and Shabangu and some members of Mafikizolo avoided each other in the court corridors on several occasions, but Kgapane put on a brave face after the appearance and shook hands with the group’s manager, Julius Mekwa. Kgapane asked the court to postpone the case because his attorney was not available.
He told magistrate A Serfontein he had not been aware that his attorney was sick. “I only learnt that he is not coming through the prosecutor right now,” said Kgapane. The prosecutor, Tobie Steny, told the magistrate Kgapane’s lawyer had phoned a few minutes before the case was called to tell him that he wouldn’t be in court because he was down with flu. But Steyn insisted on proceeding with the case.
He said the case had been postponed six months before trial and it shouldn’t be postponed again at the last minute. “The attorney should have called yesterday for me to contact the witnesses,” says Steyn. He also argued that the witnesses stay far away in Gauteng. Kgapane said it would be challenging for him to continue with the case without his attorney. “I request we postpone the case until my attorney is well,” Kgapane insisted.
Magistrate Serfontein finally agreed with him, saying everybody had the right to a legal representative. The case was postponed to next month for trial and Steyn said he was going to call seven witnesses.
**** and here is the story from my side....
Yes my boss slapped the girl (which was not cool @ all), but she was very rude and the way they handled the situation was not professional @ all....
They lied about most things (including the gun thing, the boss man does not even own one) and they breached the contract!!!
Since then we have not used any of the artists that are managed by Julias's company - Exclusive Management Services.....
Anyhooo, am crossing my fingers that my next interview goes well so I can stick the middle finger to my boss.... he, he!!!
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Sat-Ur-Day.... @ Work - Not impressed at all!
This is so not on, basically my weekend has been ruined coz I'll be tired by the time I get home. I'm doing some physical labour here!!!
Maybe... Aloe for all (or something that reads similar)
Am now listening to my portable radio....
Hope everyone is having a fab one! Mine sucks....
See why I'm looking 4 another job???
Friday, May 16, 2008
Sex and office gossip...... Friday!
In a relationship, sometimes things do NOT happen as you'd want them to!
I'm upset....... 'coz the BF (@00H47) wanted to shag when I wanted to sleep, I was tired, really tired!
There are times when he would want to do it and I wouldn't but he, on the other hand is always ready for some.... So I ended up giving in as the man wouldn't leave my poor ass alone and he kept poking my behind with his dingaling when I told him to go back to sleep, I had faced the other direction.
So I woke up in a very funked up mood coz I had to be up @ 05H45 and he has the day off, how fair is that??? Huh?
Seems like I (again) am some people's favourite topic, only this time it is the BF's colleagues. I was told that my name popped up about 7 times during an office gossip session during their hour lunch break......... Like WTF????
Yes people, it looks like I am that interesting!!!
The thought of being gossiped about by bank employees doesn't sit very well with me.... especially since they made it a point that I am invited to their next get together - for what reason? I don't know, guess I'll have to wait and see.
One of them had this to say: "She's so tall, more like a giant. You know that her weight is gon go crazy when she gets pregnant? you guys have almost similar hairstyles (she is so wrong about that).... wow.... how old is she? She looks nice though!"
And that I heard from the BF after they had a mini interrogation thing with him @ the HR office. Great!!!
Have yourselves a great one!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Plots for free booze..... on a Thurshday!
How will it be done, you ask............
The same way I did it when I was still a student @ Natal Tech.
I grab one hot chick friend that will buy me my first drink and wait for the lusty men to come do their macking shit on, I get to talking and the rest follows. One thing though, the BF must not be near me so I'll do the whole " Babe, I haven't chilled with friends in a long time & they feel neglected coz I'm always with you... so we gon' do the girls' nite out thing, see you later"
Or I just go hang out by the bar counter @ News and flirt with Santos and whatshisname..... Those boys sure know how to make a woman drunk, trying out and "tasting" different cocktails with out paying isht is nice! Gimme 9 of those and I'll have a permanent smile on my face!!! I don't mind being their guinea pig - as long as they keep them flowing!
The only condition is that the BF mustn't be around and I must never smile at the other guys offering to pay for whatever I'm drinking.
It's the 15th and my accounts is only happy month-end!!! I can't be wasting my own money on boozing and partying, not when there are so many "cash cows" out there......
I'm not one for that kind of lifestyle but isht times are tough and am saving for the big move to new place last weekend of May, I'll need to do a house warming phela!!!
He (BF) wants us to do a movie & drinks with his work buddies on Saturday..... oh hell no.....His friends are not interesting at all, besides they like to think that I'm weird and call me names like Jah-Lady.... I am so not that!!!! I'm me, the beer drinking, ciggie smoking biatch that likes turning peoples' lives upside down for the fuck of it and I do crazy talk.
Back to work now....
Ey - I saw a person getting mugged last night, it was like a movie.... like he rocked up a gun from nowhere and started shooting @ the muggers like crazy!!!
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
WednesDaY..... I R back!
Was horrible coz my phone rang endlessly and I had no choice but to answer it and speak even though the doctor said I mustn't.
My voice still sounds crazy but way better than how it was on Monday!
Nothing interesting happened to me so I have nothing to go on about!!!!
I have just seen my neighbour's miniature sausage dog running around with Megan's (the neighbour's daughter) pink panties in its mouth...... I know I'm not all that well yet but I laughed my ass off! The dog gets bored, really I just wish I knew how to speak woof language so I can hollar @ it.
Sometimes it tries to bite me or it starts barking for no reason!!!!
I am so sleepy, flu medicine is not a good plan when trying to work! I'll try mixing it with alcohol this coming weekend just see what it'll do to me, Errr... no wait,... let me not try it on me. I'll get an unknowing volunteer for that experiment.
Oh well that is it from Nelspruit side!
PS ~ thanx Sweets & AquiLoGy for the get well soon wishes.....
Monday, May 12, 2008
MonDaY - Would ya believe.....?
Oh My Fcukin Gawd!
I was given a sick note but guess what I am still at work as I have to do a few things before heading home!!! And coz I'm takin RSVP's for an upcoming event, my cell is a hotline by force!
To make isht worse is that the boss people think that I was out partying or something along those lines when in fact I was indoors the entire weekend!
Confession: I got stoned on Saturday and Sunday morning my voice was all crazy and shit.I'm not really sure but I think it might be responsible for the horror I'm goin through right now!
Am sure BF will be happy that I can't say a word for the whole day as we all know that I talk......... too damn much sometimes, I know I can be irritating but I can't help it!
So now am hoping to be done soon so I can go rest "my voice"!
Enjoy ya'lls week people, be back tomorrow!
Friday, May 9, 2008
FwidaY~ Have a gewd one!!!

Thursday, May 8, 2008
ThurshDay ~
About the job interviews ~ Yesterday's one sucked. Talk about an interview that lasted less than 4 minutes! It was a joke what they were offering me!!! So after they told me what they needed me for, the lady & I agreed that we were wasting each other's time.
So I am now waiting for my next interview on the 21st..... I'm lucky to be getting so many calls huh????
Anyhoo, hope the next one will give me enough $ to make me smile from ear to ear!
The lady from the agency says.... "Just be yourself Khensy, you are an amazing person with an amazing personality, I'm sure they will like you!" Huh... words of encouragement!!!
Ok, female boss is quite mean today! Don't know what's up with that.
Oooh, I'm going to Sdunkero's Party tonight @ News Cafe.... can't wait, free booze & Delicious eats.... gawd I'll miss this events industry so much when I quit! I have plans of going at it on my own, doing the whole "be your own boss" thing, I just need to stop acting like a part-time hippie!!!!
BF has big exam tomorrow.... and he hasn't been studying, I wonder but then again maybe he knows his shit and all I can say is good luck!!!
I had no internet the whole day yesterday........ Eish! It was tough I tell ya!
I have made a decision.... one that I'm not too sure was the best one for my relationship with HP! It makes sense when I think that I'll be saving money coz my rent is killing but I don't know!!! It feels like I'm signing my freedom away, I can never cheat on him now (as if i had plans to), He has been at my place for the last 3 weeks.... I've threatened to kill him about 4 times already.......... huhhhh (sigh)! Soon I'll have to meet the parents...........
Ok, I'm movin in with BF & his older Brotha & our weird midget-lookin like friend! Yup the 4 of us living under the same roof!
What do ya'll think????
Tuesday, May 6, 2008
TuesDaY ~ Off to find a new job!!!
I have a job interview later this morning!!!!
I haven't done those in a while and the last time I did, some other girl got the job so ya, am nervous I'll fcuk it up or I'll blab too much, oh dear.........
Ok I need time to recollect myself!
Will update ya'll later!
(My current boss is not too happy but hey, they don't wanna increase my pay so I gots to bounce.....)
Oh and I have another interview tomorrow @ 14h00 as well.
Alraighty then, I can say that it went well.... accept that the person interviewing me thought that I was better suited for another job and not the one they had called me in for! Poor Afrikaans speaking middle-aged woman thought that I was so nice and "oulik" - I need translation soon!.... Ok then I guess I have to wait for them to call me.
Can't wait for the one I'm having tomorrow..... I hope I get hired on the spot (depending on how much they are offering me of coz)!!!!
When I walked in, my boss asked me how it went and I told him fine but the smile on his face was too fake!!!!
Am in a very good mood, mostly coz they can now see how fcukin serious I am!!!
Ooh, my favourite song is on the radio...ha, ha!!!
Kwaki....... We are bidding for the Freshers Ball tender, he, he!!! I'll come to Venda if our company gets it ne!!!
And BF got a pay hike today!!! We are celebrating tonight!!!
Monday, May 5, 2008
I R Back - yes, yes ~ Monday
New month and hopefully I don't reach my cap too soon this time!!!
I'm happy to say that I haven't been heavily smashed in a while, even I have more beer than food in my fridge at the moment.... I haven't had more than 3 at a time!
I did a bit of partying, yes, yes!!!
It was nice being out again, though people looked rather shocked to see me shaking "it" on the side of the dance floor.... "They" said that I have been "out" 0f the "scene" for so long that they didn't bother sending me invites to do's.... So with fake smiles from ear to ear I said hi back to the people who looked surprised when I told them that no I was not pregnant or sick, I was just chillin!
Fcukin people can be so pretentious........
Some idiot @ MPower fm (based in Nelspruit) fell asleep while on air..... (old news, I know but worth the mention either way), though I kept praying that Sdunkero doesn't speak Engling during interviews and the acceptance speech @ the SAMAs, the man did and all I can say is = Shwashwi will have a field day dissing another person from Nelspruit. I just don't understand why certain people do NOT want to understand that they do not speak the language quite as well as they probably would like to!!!!
Moving on.........
Holly NIgga = I believe you have my number, hollar then!!!
B = Ai shem sussie, I didn't know you had plans of coming to my side of the country. I lot has happened to you in this short space of time hey....
Kwaki = You shameless, lonely dog of satan!
Sweets = Thank for passing in the msg and greeting!!!
Ms. Daisy = Thank for inviting me to your B'day party!
Everybody else...................
Hi, hi
Ooh, BF bought me a gorgeous bag, I like, I like... for a broke man he sure has good taste!
And after a long time of saying that I must lose weight...... he comes to me with some story that he loves me just the way I am - man please, I know he's only saying that coz he can see I'm gin look like a bombshell summer bunny when I shed all those extra kilos!!!
Again - It is so good to be connected again!