Friday, January 4, 2008


Back at work already - I suck sometimes!!!

Low down on what we got up to these holidays................

Firstly I gotta say this - Uhuru is a CRAZY freak, finish & klaar! If I say more than this than I'll revealing too much so for fear of being asked too many questions I shall end it right there.

Some friends are in a very lost space.............

I said I was gonna fall in love this year and yup, I'm well on my way to being someones girlfriend..... HP is officially the man ( I never shut up so you'll get the low down on the relationship)

Kwaki is leaving for Venda - urh, Good Luck I guess ( make us proud and get that degree or whatever that you'll be doin'). He says he exercises now... by walking to town - wow!

Blaque is an even bigger FREAK..... talk about a person who'll confuse 5 people all at once! Be good in Jozi wena otherwise izoku gwinya!!! Buza abaziyo!

People have been threatening to quit drinking........... I, on the other hand do NOT make empty threats or promises so ke mina ngizobona what this year brings out of me!

Lebowakgomo rocks - for a place in the middle of a very dry and rural area.... Had much fun there! Try sitting in between a current boyfriend & an ex-fling in the same car - nice!

RIP to Keith aka Bhubesi ( don't know his surname) - a drinking buddy passed away 2 days before Xmas, apparently there was a prostitute in the car with them! We will miss you dearly - as we will be one short of a person who will entertain us by blackin out.

Will post on some more of what went down..................



Keith was a good man, forget that he would violently puke everytime after a hard binging session. You have every reason to be freaked out sister, the same way i hear his uncle who owns these big franchise grocery did when he heard his favourite nephew 'died in a Bantam' - "of all cars a Bantam", he's rumoured to have raved. May Big Bhubesi Rest in Peace for real

Unknown said...

to those who threaten to stop drinking they jus don't know what to do bcoz once a master of booze u will die a master even soft drinks won't help u uzothenga enye emva kwenye as if u buying FOUNDRY till u fed up and ubuyele kwamam'yandichaza (believe it or not)ngine experience