Thursday, January 10, 2008

Rainy days, auditions and HP

Am on a mission to find HP's brother a girlfriend.... the dude keeps popping up 4 a "visit" whenever HP is @ my place! I hear he hasn't been laid in 10months......... and right now he is attracted to a person who might be a hazard to his mental state.

Apparently I'm an internet whore........................ still don't understand why though!

Getting into MBTV might be harder than I thought, especially since I haven't been paying much attention to Splacka - HP be the reason for that! Was called in for some sort of audition @ short notice, script & all.... I tell you this for free - It wasn't the best, I am however hoping for a call back so I can nail it the second time around! I just rocked up there after work, dressed like me nje, a box of Chicken Licken Hot Wings @ hand and looking very lost when I saw all those females sitting with scripts there............. make-up, heels and hairstyles! Me thought - What Da Fcuk, just then they all turned to look @ this freak. Ok, I thought to myself! One thing though, the next time they decide to have a script done - they must puhlease get someone who can write proper English.... that makes sense!!!! It might just be less confusing for some of us!

Back on Hot wings story..... Ya'll should have seen the look at that woman's face when I was making drive-through or rather a Fly-thru as Chicken Licken said it, order! I specified that my order was "to go" with an accent.... like duh? I felt like annoying someone just nje coz I can!!!

Gawd I wish this rain could just stop..... I running out of clean clothes coz I haven't done my laundry in a long, long time!
Add to that, waking up in the morning is not that nice.... I feel like I can just sleep the whole day!

1 comment:

Patchwork said...

Bwaa haa haa! That audition story is plain hilarious! I know! I'm hating the rain as well! Shucks!