Tuesday, March 3, 2009

LMBAO, I think I have a similar problem..... It hasn't gotten to the point of total regret!

Some people do look more attractive when I've been drinking than on any other normal day!!!

Shibby, Shibby!!!


MoAfrika said...

. . . how come people pick up other people at pubs and parties and other places where alcohol is flowing, I've always avoided that and now I know why . . .

Just Khens. said...

People force themselves to believe that it is easier to pick up a person when tipsy/drunk...

Almost like the people that often blame their stupid behaviours on being "drunk".


Truth (according to me): One is perfectly aware of what their actions are, they just choose to believe that everybody else around them is drunk as well therefore they will not give much notice to what their doin'.

Either that or baphuza imbamba e-strong!!!

Fav. lines I like hearing from friends when I bring up the events from the previous drunken night: " I can't f*ckin remember a thing!" "How did I get back home?" " I didn't mean to do that, I was drunk".