Thursday, March 5, 2009

Just nje.

I'm not crazy I'm just a lil' unwell..... La, la, la,la.....

That would be the song that is playing in my head at the moment!!!

I have just fallen in love with music all over again, went through my old cd's.... I am telling you music knows how to make one feel on top if isht.

And big-up to the crew that stole condoms & birth control pills.... hope it was for a good reason! I'm here thinking maybe, just maybe they want to be safe.

Condoms - for the obvious reasons +
Birth-control pills - for incase the condom breaks!!! results = no aids and def no unwanted pregnancies.

I hope I'm right. I wouldn't want to watch another episode of cutting edge with people mixing weed with birth-control pills like how they did with the ARV pills.

Phuza Thursday a.k.a Thirsty Thursday!!!

Office politiks are the pits, I am looking for a new job. LoL!!!!


MoAfrika said...

ok, it's official, I'm too old for this . . .

Just Khens. said...

You're an old man with interesting opinions... Somewhat wise!!!

It's that thing with age.

Welcome to the life of a 25year old female who refuses to grow old.