Wednesday, February 25, 2009

My tooth!

I had that annoying tooth taken out this morning and I am suffering for it. I keep telling myself that it'll better coz Atleast I won't have to keep shoving grand-pa down the hole or spend money getting Dentoforte tablets to keep the pain down every time I eat or drink something cold.... and I can't have that, ya'll know that there's nothing better than a cold beer....not even sex itself! LoL.

Anyhoo.... ya, I am hungry and depressed but I can't do anything about that now can I?

I need to find out what it is that makes me so afraid of needles.... I almost punched that dentist when he came at me with that syringe. Last week we had HIV tests @ work and it took me 10minutes, running around and begging then not to kill me... then I got that small prick...

I thought I had stories to tell but not.... maybe if I feel a little better I'll think of one.

For now though the left pert of my face is just numb and I am hating it for making me look as if I am angry (angry people are ugly) when I am not. Urgh and that taste of blood in my mouth, isht, as if being on my period wasn't enough to make me gag!

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