Thursday, February 26, 2009


There comes a time in every persons life when they have to make certain decisions.......... and now it is my turn to do that (yet again)!

Since BF now ex-BF left for pursue his mission of destroying his life (pardon me 4 not understanding), and he owes me about R6000 or so.... I have decided to pawn his tv set!

That is the most valuable thing (except moi) that he has, I want my money.... Yes, I too had fallen for the belief that if you love someone (a broke someone) don't be ashamed to spend money on him, lend him some if he needs it and yes, invest in him if you see some potential somewhere there in betweeen now and the future!!!!

I wasn't complaining or anything and I did most of it coz I just wanted to.

He had made his own decision as well - That he is quitting his job @ the bank without talkin to me first!!! Ok, so coz of that he didn't get paid and him not being pain means that I am not getting my money - especially now that I really need it. He left me there to pay the rent of that place alone, I have 2 traffic fines to pay coz of him (yes, he was in a way responsible for them), I have our cleaner to pay..... lawd knows she did his washing as well. He also has a fridge that doesn't look shabby @ all and he still cannot give me anything by the end of next month, I will pawn the damn thing..... hayi kabi!!!!!!!!

*******************now I will calm down & talk abt other things***********************

My toothless space is getting better or at least that is what I'd like to think. Had a beer last night, though the dentist told me not to, I just couldn't help it.



MoAfrika said...

Hey AfroSliQ Diva, thanks for visiting and for the comment. Sorry about the break up, but trust me, this is not a break up it is space to rebuild. As for the beer, what do dentist know anyways, besides pulling teeth or filling them? You sound like a good person and sometimes that is all that matters . . . stay sliq

MoAfrika said...

by the way, you may enjoy this too

Just Khens. said...


I'll be visiting that on and your on a regular.....