Friday, April 24, 2009

Writing tests on a Saturday is the pits but I wanted to study part-time so I am dealing with it.

Ey, the voting went well.... except for minor issues like people getting there drunk and having out bursts of who everyone else should vote for, It was all good.

Yazi abantu mara.

I decided to have an early start to the day so I got to the office at 06H00. I never thought I could ever do that in my life. I've always seen myself as a "will not work for a boss" person but you know what things happen in life and you soon find yourself doing what you HAVE to do and not what you want to do!!!!

Took me being broke to figure that one out, if I had my way I would just do me for the rest of my life and tune people that I do not have to answer to them. Ha, ha, ha.........

Life is a sweet ass bitch sometimes and I love it anyways!

Enjoy your weekend my beautiful people!!!!

1 comment:

MoAfrika said...

the reward for doing what you have to is the means to do what you want. It is always worth it in the end but careful, the end may be a long ways away.