Thursday, May 30, 2013

Sometimes the best thing you can do is nod and smile.... and if the matter doesn't require a smile. Shake your head and say "Eish". Now somebody some pray for women to have the ability to eat whatever we want (not measure portion sizes) and not get fat! Really - that is all we really want! That and for men to understand that keeping quiet about something doesn't really mean we don't know! Contrary to what many men believe - we actually do not want the drama, the yelling and so called nagging. We just wanna chill with our boo thangs and push in with life. Overlooking things doesn't make us stupid or naive and all those other things they choose to call us when we're not around. We like peace! Oh my frigging tits, that's the last time I try talking seriously relationships! That's the one thing that confuses me - and when I say it confuses me, it is NOT because I don't know what I want. I just don't know where to get it!

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