Wednesday, June 5, 2013

Oh my Alla.

I'll tell you a few things about God.... God gives, God takes, God sees, God listens and God blesses!

 Y'all know I am not the preachy type but here's what I believe - being present at church every Sunday does not in any way mean that you are an all round good doer.

 I personally know of people who preach a good word but have hearts of satan.

 They are jealous of other people, They practice witchcraft and use muthi, Hold grudges against people, Would walk past a hungry child and nit be bothered, They do things that you and I wouldn't even think about.

 I could go on with this list but it's not the direction I want to take this.

 If it weren't for my faith in God and my belief that every situation that I find myself in is a test of how strong I am, I would have hung myself eons ago. I have seen the worst of days and have been scarred deeply. Right now it is almost like it never ever happened and I'm receiving my blessings.

 People need to understand that God blesses you so that you can be a blessing to others.

Think about it and see how you can be a blessing to other people - remember that blessing do not necessarily mean Money, in most cases! Know who you are and the kind of skills that you have, be confident in yourself and the rest will find it's own place in your life. I am one of the most emotionally detached people i know - however, please seem to like coming to me wanting to talk about very personal matters.

Normally, when this happens - a dry joke comes to mind before we get seriously deep into the matter - That's my thing.... It may not work for everyone but most of the people have spoken to me have returned to simple say - Thanks for that, it helped. See that, that is a blessing of sort! I may not be instrumental in your life changing events but I was there and gave you my 2cents worth.

 Now I just feeling like I'm just writing stuff here and not actually getting to a point.... and I'm not bothered!I've said what I wanted to say anyway. I'm still finding my way and opening myself to learn and get as much out of my existance here alright.

 Lastly...... "religious" people or at least the ones that pretend to be like to judge us 'coz we drink, smoke, have pre-marital sex, kids out of wedlock, party etc! They call us sinners and shit - I think most of them actually do worse.

doesn't really phase me though - I believe the greatest sin is not knowing the Almighty.

 There..... I need to go back to work now. Later :)

1 comment:

true true 90 said...

i think if we could have 95% of people like you our communite will be better