Wednesday, March 10, 2010

I need RELATIONSHIP advice - pronto!

It has taken me a whole year, yes a year get over him..... remember him, the one that rocked my boat 2007 - 2009! We had to good times and I believed he was my "soul mate" - bet you didn't think I believe in that huh????

So I have put myself out there - but damn I've had to be careful, with all those vulture and users out there.

I've "liked" 3 people since then and every time I thought of giving it a chance with them, I always found reasons not to. Some of the reasons wouldn't make much sense to you but yes, different strokes for different folks (whatever that was meant to justify). If the tables had to be turned on me, I'd probably flip like WTF but ke that is besides the point - what's important here is that I protect my heart and ego.

Apparently I am "cold hearted" too, hey I didn't know that till a few days ago when a friend and the supposed-to-be-new boyfriend went out to a club and I left him standing to go mingke with my peoples - we had just met the day before so naturally I didn't want to seem like I am the clingy type (That is my justification for my actions) and naye he knew a lot of people there so he wasn't totaly alone. Tumelo thought so as well, he said I didn't love him enough - or rather didn't show it enough. I don't know hey - I'm aquarian, go read my star sign and you'll understand why I am like that.

One thing for sure is that it does get lonely in singleville, especially when I call up my peoples and they all tell me that they are spending time with the partners!!!! *SMH*
I feel betrayed after I hang up the phone!

Yo, y'all tell mw now - HOW DO I GET HOOKED UP? and make it last, put aside all reservations and the thoughts of being heart broken????? Help a sitah will ya!


Patchwork said...

Dude! I feels your. I remember HP:) ?. Didn't work out huh? Anyway, you need to chill out! Take it easy. Don't go looking for a while. Nothing as attractive as an independent woman to some man.

Just Khens. said...

Ya, the HP era was a good time in my life... Didn't see the end comimg.

I hear what you are saying but darn it my peoples are making hard for me to not want to get hooked up! phewww

Thanx though

Tashi said...

you dnt hunny they overrated