Friday, June 3, 2011

Boozed up!

Yup, you read right!

This is officially my first drunken post!

I don't have much to say except that when I told people that I am leaving Nelspruit, all the wanted to do is get me drunk! What nonsense is that huh?

I am at work now, I had to stay up coz had I slept, I wouldn't have woken up! I came back to the house at 4a.m.

Interesting thing though is that people (around this devil'ish town) really do like talking about me - I am like a topic of interest nje! I think they will the ones to miss me first - really!

highlight of my night - Trying to have a meaningful conversation with a chick high on crack! She's got multiple personalities - it was funny and strange I can tell you that much! She's has some dodgy behaviour going on! She kept yapping for a good 20minutes non stop - pshhh , and peepz thought I'm a motor-mouth!

Need to start on my work now... Later

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