Tuesday, June 5, 2007

So DeY say.... L.O.L!

Ever had a person come up to you and tell you something about yourself .... that you don't obviously know, say some ish like a rumour?

I have, I get this almost all the time.... but here are the most recent ones.

Apparently I'm lesbian... and my latest flavour is a chick friend that I'll only call Nono, while still on that I'm getting married to the dude who made me swanger and happens to be live-in lover.

It gets better.... In Durbz, rumour has it that I died in a car crash, some say that I'm in rehab coz I was overdoing some sort of drug.... WOW!!! At the same time some are sticking to the story that the reason why I left Durbz is coz I was being hunted down by i'gintsa that I used to go out and I AM MARRIED again!!!! And not forgetting the part that I am PREGNANT.

There are still some other ones that I just do not want to entertain coz really, It is just bullsh*t. I just need to find out who is this person that keeps going around sayin ish about me.... I magine how many people think that I got married with children.... Nah, nah, nah!!! People I'm just 23, but I'm just surprised at the people that actually believe all this ish coz I thought they knew me better.... since when was I ever interested in having kids or getting hitched @ 23. But at least I aint the only one who has rumours about themselves flying around but eish san' my friend Zwayne, don't stress too much about it coz we know what you're doing in J-sec. They'll be very shocked when you drop by pushing your M3 the next time you go down to Durbz wrapped in some GucciPradaLouisVittoneDKNY ish.

So people if you really wanna know what I'm up to here in N-Town, just ask nicely and I'll fill you in. No need for you to make up stories about me..... Sh*t!!! I'm a Diva baby, Ya'll better be aware of the ish you'd be sayin about me, aight?!? Aight!

And F.Y.I - I've packed on a bit of weight and I'm not pregnant ok.

Much love, peace n ResPeK



Yeah Afro, I was just jolling making my one night house calls. And I can see those BEE pot-bellied sods haven't figured out how to hitch you. I wish I was yodemo and could solve the problems of single women at a click of a mouse but hey, pray that you don't meet this sod who's in uniform and carries a 38. I heard those dudes have this size 78 deathwish and he finds you chatting with the next dude, your brains and his will make for some nice popcorn.

But, hey, happy singlehood (is it a hood or a ship?), especially during this Winter. You are in my prayers my sista. VIVA AFRO!!!!!!!

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